Reproductive System Flashcards
Female Reproductive System: Ovaries
Form and expel ova
Secrete estrogen and progesterone
Female Reproductive System: Fallopian Tubes
Muscular tubes (oviducts) lying near the ovaries and connected to the uterus Tubes that propel the ova from the ovaries to the uterus
Female Reproductive System: Uterus
Muscular, pear-shaped cavity in which the fetus develops
Cavity from which menstruation occurs
Female Reproductive System: Cervix
The internal os of the cervix opens into the body of the uterine cavity.
The cervical canal is located between the internal os and the external os.
The external cervical os opens into the vagina.
Female Reproductive System: Vagina
Muscular tube that extends from the cervix to the vaginal opening in the perineum.
Known as the birth canal.
Passageway for the menstrual blood flow, for penis intercourse, and for the fetus.
Menstrual Cycle: Ovarian Hormones
Released by the anterior pituitary gland, include follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH).
The hormones produce changes in the ovaries and in the endometrium.
The menstrual cycle, the regularly recurring physiological changes in the endometrium that culminate in its shedding, may vary in length, with the average being about 28 days.
Menstrual Cycle: Ovarian and Uterine phases
Fase MENSTRUAL > Hipotalamo libera gonadotrofina que estimula a glandula pituitaria a produzir FSH
FSH > estimula a producao de foliculos pelo ovario
Foliculos > produzem estrogenio
- estimula producao de LH (pela glandula pituitaria)
- suprime producao de FSH
- estimula proliferacao celular e reconstruicao do endometrio
* utero esta sendo preparada para ovulacao
LH > estimula ovulacao e formacao do corpo luteo
Liberacao do ovocito > formacao do corpo luteo
Corpo luteo > produz estrogenio e progesterona >
promove alargamento das arterias + crescimento de glandulas + desenvolvimento do endometrio (chega a espessura maxima).
* Se fecundacao, o embrio adere-se ao utero nessa fase.
Sem fecundacao + nidacao > fim do funcionamento do corpo luteo > desintregacao > reducao do nivel dos hormonios > constriccao das arterias > bloqueio do fluxo sanguineo > morte das arterias e areas do endometrio > camada funcional do endometrio se separa da mucosa > sangramento (fluido menstrual) > estimula liberacao de gonadotrofina pelo hipotalamo…
Female Pelvis and Measurements
True Pelvis
- lies bellow the pelvic brim
- consists of the pelvic inlet, midpelvis and pelvic outlet
False Pelvis
- shallow portion above the pelvic brim
- supports the abdominal viscera
Types of pelvis
- normal female pelvis
- transversely rounded or blunt ( + )
- most favorable for successful birth
- heart shaped or angulated
- resembles a male pelvis ( + )
- not favorable for labor and vaginal birth
- narrow pelvic planes can cause slow descent and midpelvic arrest.
- oval shape (+)
- adequate outlet with a narrow pubic arch
- flat with and oval inlet ( + )
- wide transverse diameter, but short antero-posterior diameter, making labor and vaginal birth difficult.
Pelvic Inlet Diameters
Anteroposterior ( I ) - diagonal, true, or obstetric conjugate
Transverse ( — )
Oblique (diagonal) ( X ) right or left
Posterior sagittal diameter: distance from the point where the anteroposterior and tranverse cross each other to the middle of the sacral promontory
- Pelvic inlet, midplane, and outlet.
Occurs in the ampulla of the falopian (uterine) tube when sperm and ovum unite.
When fertilized, the membrane of the ovum undergoes changes that prevent entry of other sperm.
Each reproductive cell carries 23 chromosomes.
Sperm carry an X or a Y chromosome - XY male and XX female.
The zygote is propelled toward the uterus and implants 6 to 8 days after ovulation.
The blastocyst secretes chorionic gonadotropin to ensure that the corpus luteum remains viable and secretes estrogen and progesterone for the first 2 to 3 months of gestation.
Fetal Environment: Amnion
Encloses the amniotic cavity.
Is the inner membrane that forms about the second week of embryonic development.
Forms a fluid-filled sac that surrounds the embryo and later the fetus.
Fetal Environment: Chorion
Is the outer membrane enclosing the amniotic cavity.
Becomes vascularized and forms the fetal part of the placenta.
Fetal Environment: Amniotic Fluid
- consists of 800 to 1200ml by the end of pregnancy
- surrounds, cushions, and protect the fetus and allow for fetus movement.
- maintains the body temperature of the fetus
- contains fetal urine and is a measure of fetal kidney function.
- the fetus modifies the amniotic fluid through the process of swallowing, urinating, and movement of fluid through the respiratory tract.
Fetal Environment: Placenta
- provides for exchange of nutrients and waste products between the fetus and mother.
- begins to form at implantation, with structure complete by week 12.
- produces hormones to maintain pregnancy and assumes full responsibility for the production of these hormones by week 12.
- in the third trimester, transfer of maternal imunoglobulin provides the fetus with passive immunity to certain diseases for the first few months after birth.
- by week 10 to 12, genetic testing can be done via chorionic villus sampling (CVS)
- large particles such as bacteria cannot pass through the placenta, but nutrients, medications, alcohol, antibodies, and viruses can pass.
Umbilical cord
- contains 2 arteries and 1 vein
- the arteries carry deoxygenated blood and waste products from the fetus
- the vein carries oxygenated blood and provides oxygen and nutrients to the fetus.
Fetal heart rate (FHR)
- depends on gestational age.
- first trimester: 160-170 bpm.
- slows with fetus growth to 110-160 bpm.
- FHR is about twice the maternal rate.
Fetal circulation bypass
- is present because of non functioning lungs.
- bypass must close after birth to allow blood to flow through the lungs and the liver.
- the ductus arteriosus connects the pulmonary artery to the aorta, bypassing the lungs.
- the ductus venosus connects the umbilical vein and the inferior vena cava, bypassing the liver.
- the foramen ovale is the opening between the right and left atria of the heart, bypassing the lungs.