Ovarian torsion refers to the rotation of the ovary at its pedicle to such a degree as to occlude the ovarian artery and/or vein
- complete or partial rotation of ovary on its ligamentous supports
⦁ ovary typically rotates around both the infundibulopelvic ligament (connects ovary to fallopian tube) + utero-ovarian ligament (connects ovary to uterus)
Ovarian torsion (OT) is when an ovary twists on its attachment to other structures, such that blood flow is decreased
Patients with ovarian torsion often present with sudden onset of sharp and usually unilateral lower abdominal pain
70% of cases accompanied by nausea and vomiting
Complications may include infection, bleeding, or infertility
- this often results in loss of blood supply
- the fallopian tube often twists along with the ovary = adnexal torsion
Ovarian torsion = rare event
- reported with both normal + pathologic fallopian tubes
- MC cause = ovarian cyst
- Ovarian torsion usually occurs in ovarian masses measuring > 5 cm in diameter.
- RIGHT ovarian torsion = MORE COMMON than left (perhaps because right utero-ovarian ligament is longer than the left, or that presence of sigmoid colon on left side helps prevent it
⦁ abrupt onset of acute, severe, unilateral, lower abdominal + pelvic pain with guarding
⦁ pain is ** NON-RADIATING **
⦁ often associated with N/V
⦁ often the severe pain comes on suddenly with a change in position
⦁ a unilateral, extremely tender adnexal mass is found in > 90% of patients
⦁ many patients noted intermittent previous episodes of similar pain for several days to several weeks
PELVIC EXAM = adnexal tenderness - no cervical motion tenderness - no change in discharge - no urinary discomfort - no bleeding (ectopic)
** often confused with appendicitis **
- ** severe acute unilateral lower abdominal or pelvic pain with N/V
- brought on by changing positions
- tender adnexal mass
- Patients with ovarian torsion often present with sudden onset of sharp and usually unilateral lower abdominal pain
70% of cases accompanied by nausea and vomiting
do NOT cause shock (fever / hypotension / tachycardia)
⦁ color flow Doppler US - transvaginal - presence of spikes = IMAGING OF CHOICE
Transvaginal doppler ultrasound is the diagnostic test of choice and will show no flow in the ovary*****
- but doppler flow is not always absent with ovarian torsion
A negative pregnancy test in conjunction with the presence of spikes along the doppler flow graph is diagnostic for ovarian torsion.
⦁ CT with contrast ( to also rule out other causes)
⦁ early diagnosis can often be managed with conservative laparoscopic surgery to uncoil twisted ovary
⦁ may perform oophoropexy to fixate the ovary which is likely to twist again
⦁ if necrosis is developing = need unilateral salpingo-oophorectomy = TOC
salpingo-oophorectomy = surgery to remove the ovaries and fallopian tubes. Removal of one ovary and fallopian tube is called a unilateral salpingo-oophorectomy. When both are removed, it’s called a bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy
Trichomoniasis is a common cause of vaginitis.
most common non-viral STD worldwide
It is a common sexually transmitted infection, and is caused by the single-celled protozoan PARASITE** - Trichomonas vaginalis
⦁ Bacteria = Trichomonas vaginalis (T. vaginalis)
⦁ sexually transmitted
Men = typically asymptomatic
Produces mechanical stress on host cells and then ingesting cell fragments after cell death.
Trichomoniasis is primarily an infection of the UROGENITAL TRACT
MC site of infection = urethra and vagina in women
Trichomonas vaginalis is transmitted through sexual contact, as it cannot exist outside the body.
SYMPTOMS ⦁ vulvar pruritus ⦁ vulvovaginal erythema ⦁ itching ⦁ burning ⦁ dysuria ⦁ dyspareunia ⦁ post-coital bleeding
- copious, malodorous discharge
- discharge is worse with menses
⦁ STRAWBERRY CERVIX (cervical petechiae)
= erythematous cervix + pinpoint areas of exudation
: A relatively small proportion of women with trichomonas vaginalis will have ‘“strawberry cervix”. It is so named because of the erythematous appearance and pinpoint areas of exudation - strawberry-like.
Vaginal pH > 5
(normal vaginal pH = 3.8 - 4.5)
DIAGNOSIS ⦁ wet mount = motile protozoa (trichomonads) = "CORKSCREW" motility - FLAGELLA **** ⦁ elevated WBC count ⦁ vaginal pH 5-6 ⦁ UA = positive for WBCs
⦁ Nucleic acid amplification test = gold standard for the diagnosis of T. vaginalis, but is used only in women with non-diagnostic or negative wet mount.
For women with non-diagnostic (or negative) wet-mount slides on microscopy, nucleic acid amplification tests (NAAT) are performed
⦁ Metronidazole (Flagyl)
- either 2g oral x 1 dose (500mg x 4 pills at once) or 500mg bid oral x 7 days
- safe to use in pregnancy!
⦁ Tinidazole
- perinatal complications
- increased HIV transmission
Patient will present as → a 27-year-old female complaining of a malodorous vaginal discharge. Her past medical history is unremarkable, and she does not take any medications. She is sexually active with one male partner and uses condoms inconsistently. Pelvic examination is notable for a yellow-green, malodorous discharge. Vaginal pH is 5.6. Urinalysis is positive for white blood cells. Saline microscopy demonstrates motile trichomonads. She is started on metronidazole and she is told that her partner must be started on the same medication.
Bacterial vaginosis (BV), also known as vaginal bacteriosis or Gardnerella vaginitis, is a disease of the vagina caused by excessive growth of bacteria.
⦁ Gardnerella vaginalis = a pleomorphic, gram-variable rod (anaerobic) involved in bacterial vaginosis.
- Decreased Lactobacilli acidophilus (maintains normal vaginal pH) –> causes the overgrowth of NORMAL FLORA (GARDNERELLA VAGINALIS), and other anaerobes
- a result of disruption in the normal vaginal microflora
BV is not an STD that can be passed on, but it is associated with sexual activity
SYMPTOMS Common symptoms include ⦁ increased vaginal discharge - white or grey ⦁ fishy odor ⦁ vaginal odor worse after sex ⦁ may have dysuria (burning with urination) ⦁ may be asymptomatic ⦁ may have pruritus, not as common
FISHY, grey, scant, THIN, STICKY discharge
- BV increases the risk of infection by a number of other sexually transmitted infections including HIV/AIDS
- It also increases the risk of early delivery among pregnant women
- Bacterial vaginosis is associated with sexual activity however it is not considered to be sexually transmitted
⦁ KOH test - release of amine odor (+ whiff test)
⦁ Wet prep or wet mount (saline) = “ CLUE CELLS “
- squamous epithelial cells of vagina with a STIPPLED appearance from being covered with bacteria
⦁ vaginal pH > 4.5 (normal = 3.8-4.2)
⦁ Few WBCs (unlike trich / PID)
⦁ Few lactobacilli
The diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis is made when 3/4 Amsel criteria are met.
- The Amsel criteria are as follows:
⦁ 1) Thin, gray-white or yellow vaginal homogenous discharge
⦁ 2) Clue cells (vaginal epithelial cells with adherent bacteria) on microscopy
⦁ 3) Vaginal fluid pH > 4.5
⦁ 4) A fishy odor upon addition of alkali (ie. KOH)
⦁ 1st = Metronidazole (Flagyl) - 500mg bid x 7 days
- safe in pregnancy
- may also use gel (not as effective)
⦁ Clindamycin
- gel or PO
⦁ avoid douching - promotes loss of lactobacilli
- unclear if BV is sexually transmitted, but reduced recurrence if condoms are used
⦁ premature rupture of membranes (PROM)
⦁ preterm labor
⦁ chorioamnionitis
PID = infection of the upper part of the female reproductive system = the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries, and inside of the pelvis.
- next mc = gonorrhea
RISK FACTORS ⦁ hx of new or multiple sexual partners ⦁ unprotected sex ⦁ prior PID or STIs ⦁ age 15-19, or age < 25 ⦁ nulliparous ⦁ IUD
SYMPTOMS ⦁ lower abdominal pain / *guarding* ⦁ ** cervical motion tenderness ** = "chandelier sign" ⦁ mucopurulent vaginal discharge ⦁ fever ⦁ dysuria (burning with urination) ⦁ dyspareunia ⦁ irregular menstruation - may be asymptomatic
1) Pelvic pain
2) increased vaginal discharge
3) fever
COMPLICATIONS (if left untreated) ⦁ infertility ⦁ ectopic pregnancy ⦁ sepsis ⦁ chronic pelvic pain ⦁ tubo-ovarian abscess ⦁ hydrosalpinx (blocked fallopian tube filled with clear or serous fluid) ⦁ cancer
DIAGNOSIS ⦁ clinical ⦁ ultrasound ⦁ WBC count > 10,000 ⦁ positive GC or chlamydia
Tubal wall edema, visible hyperemia of the tubal surface, and the presence of exudate on the tubal surfaces and fimbriae are the minimum criteria for laparoscopic diagnosis of pelvic inflammatory disease.
Actinomycosis can be characterized by the formation of multiple abscesses and sinus tracts containing sulfur granules. It is an uncommon cause of pelvic infection, but is associated with an indwelling IUD
= Gram-positive filamentous rods
TREATMENT o Outpatient ⦁ Ceftriaxone + Doxycycline 100mg BID x 14 days (if PID = want doxycycline) - with or without metronidazole
Doxycycline = MC used oral antibiotic in the treatment of PID
⦁ Ceftriaxone + Azithromycin
o Inpatient
⦁ IV Doxycycline + Cefoxitin or Cefotetan (2nd gen)
- or Clindamycin + Gentamycin (used for endometritis)
Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome: perihepatitis + PID
Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome is a rare complication of PID involving inflammation of the liver capsule and formation of ‘violin string’ adhesions.
This leads to right upper quadrant pain and/or tenderness, occasionally with radiation to the right shoulder
- don’t have elevated liver enzymes, as liver is not inflamed, only liver capsule is
- Chlamydia = MC cause of fitz-hugh-curtis syndrome
- Hepatic fibrosis / scarring + peritoneal involvement
- RUQ pain due to perihepatitis (liver capsule)
- may radiate to right shoulder
- normal LFTs
- “violin string” adhesions on anterior liver surface
- complications = infertility, TOA, ectopic pregnancy, chronic pelvic pain
Patient will present as → a 27-year-old female who comes to the emergency department with a 2-day history of lower abdominal pain, fever, chills, and malaise. The patient also complains of nausea and multiple episodes of vomiting in the past 24 hours. On physical examination, there is bilateral adnexal tenderness, mucopurulent cervical discharge, and cervical motion tenderness.
Tubo-ovarian abscesses are inflammatory masses found in the ovary or fallopian tube and may extend to adjacent structures
TOA = an inflammatory mass involving the fallopian tube, ovary, and, occasionally, other adjacent pelvic organs (eg, bowel, bladder)
TOA typically occurs as a complication of PID.
These abscesses are found most commonly in reproductive-age women and typically result from upper genital tract infection
TOA may occur without preceding PID
Tubo-ovarian abscess (TOA) is an inflammatory mass found in the fallopian tube, ovary and adjacent pelvic organs. TOAs occur in about 15% of women with pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
TOA is a serious and potentially life-threatening condition. Aggressive medical and/or surgical therapy is required, and rupture of an abscess may result in sepsis
A tubo-ovarian abscess usually presents in young women with an upper genital tract infection as a severe complication of PID or from local spread of an inflammatory disease of the bowel or adnexal surgery.
They tend to be polymicrobial infections with both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria.
The most common organisms include ⦁ Escherichia coli ⦁ Streptococci ⦁ Bacteroides fragilis ⦁ Prevotella. ⦁ Intrauterine devices are associated with Actinomyces israelli
** Interestingly, both N. gonorrhea and C. trachomatis are rarely isolated from a TOA ** (even though they are the MC organisms in PID)
The major risk factors for TOA are:
1) Multiple sexual partners
2) Prior history of PID
3) Age 15-40 years old (reproductive age women)
4) abdominal/pelvic surgery (ex: hysterectomy)
SYMPTOMS They are characterized by ⦁ acute lower abdominal pain ⦁ fever ⦁ chills ⦁ dyspareunia ⦁ vaginal discharge ⦁ N / V ⦁ +/- abnormal vaginal bleeding
PID can present in a similar manner
Mucopurulent (green or yellow) discharge on speculum examination and acute cervical motion tenderness, uterine or adnexal tenderness are indicative for PID and TOA
- Pain that is severe, intermittent and unilateral with associated nausea and vomiting is more consistent with a TOA
- Women with a ruptured TOA can present with signs and symptoms of an acute abdomen and sepsis.
⦁ Ultrasound = best initial test
- would show complex multilocular masses that disrupt the normal architecture of the ovary/ fallopian tube, + internal echoes consistent with inflammatory debris
⦁ UA
⦁ blood work - elevated WBC count + left shift
⦁ vaginal + blood cultures
⦁ CT
- An abdominal/pelvic CT scan is preferred if a GI tract process is strongly considered in the differential.
When a patient presents with classic signs and symptoms of a TOA and is hemodynamically stable, then a TVUS or pelvic CT should be ordered.
However, if the study is non-diagnostic or if the patient is unstable (indicative of a potential ruptured TOA), then a diagnostic laparoscopy or laparotomy should be performed, and the Gynecology service consulted to evaluate the patient. Moreover, if a postmenopausal women presents with evidence for a TOA, then surgical evaluation is indicated because of the higher incidence of associated malignancy.
⦁ The large majority of small abscesses (<7 cm in diameter) resolves with antibiotic therapy alone
broad spectrum antibiotics if the patient is stable and the abscess is less than 9 cm
All patients with a high suspicion for a TOA need to be hospitalized and IV antibiotics immediately started.
- treatment modalities include: antibiotic therapy, minimally invasive drainage procedures, invasive surgery, or a combination of these interventions
⦁ Cefoxitin (2 grams IV q6h) or cefotetan (2 grams IV q12h) and doxycycline (100 mg orally or IV q12h)
⦁ Ampicillin (2 grams IV q6h) + gentamicin (2 mg/kg IV loading dose, then 1.5 mg/kg IV q8h) +clindamycin (900 mg IV q8h)
⦁ Ampicillin/sulbactam (3 grams IV q6h) and doxycyline 100 mg IV or oral q12h)
Antibiotic therapy alone is usually effective in about 70% of patients. However, if the patient does not meet these criteria or has any evidence of a ruptured TOA, then surgery is indicated – either a laparoscopy or laparotomy. Surgery involves the removal of the abscess cavity and irrigation of the peritoneal cavity with both aerobic and anaerobic cultures sent.
An ovarian cyst = any fluid-filled sac within the ovary
Ovarian cyst = sac filled with liquid or semi-liquid material in an ovary
- the vast majority of ovarian cysts are benign
Most women of reproductive age develop small cysts each month
Large cysts that cause problems occur in about 8% of women before menopause
Ovarian cysts are present in about 16% of women after menopause = are more likely to be cancer
⦁ most are ASYMPTOMATIC until they rupture, undergo torsion, or become hemorrhagic
- Occasionally they may produce
⦁ bloating
⦁ dull-aching lower abdominal pain or
⦁ lower back pain (may radiate from abdomen to back)
If the cyst either ruptures or gets torsed ==> severe sharp pain may occur
⦁ sharp unilateral RLQ or LLQ pain
⦁ vomiting
⦁ feeling faint
⦁ menstrual changes (abnormal uterine bleeding)
⦁ dyspareunia
⦁ unilateral pelvic pain / tenderness
⦁ may have mobile palpable cystic adnexal mass
Dyspareunia is associated with ovarian cysts due to endometriosis.
The majority of cysts are, however, harmless
⦁ hormonal imbalances
⦁ carcinomas
⦁ normal physiologic functions of the ovary
There are two types of cysts: Functional and Nonfunctional
o FUNCTIONAL CYSTS = form as a normal part of the menstrual cycle
⦁ Follicular cyst = MC type of ovarian cyst
- In menstruating women, a follicle containing the ovum (unfertilized egg) will rupture DURING OVULATION
- If not , a follicular cyst > 2.5cm may result
- most resolve within 6-8 weeks (2 menstrual cycles)
- If the pt makes a lot of follicular cysts you may consider placing them on OCPs
- If > 6 cm there is a risk of torsion and generally don’t self-resolve. Could consider surgical removal.
⦁ Corpus luteum cysts appear AFTER OVULATION when corpus luteum fails to degenerate.
- The corpus luteum is the remnant of the follicle after the ovum has moved to the fallopian tubes
- This normally degrades within 5–9 days. A corpus luteum that is more than 3 cm is defined as cystic.
- Average size 4cm
- Can have bleeding within the cyst and can rupture
- Pain immediately after sex is a common presentation
- Often occur on the right side due to increased luminal pressure from the Inferior Vena Cava
- Rupture usually occurs day 16-20 of the menstrual cycle
- Menses may be delayed days to weeks with subsequent menorrhagia (heavy menses)
Corpus luteum cysts tend to be larger and more symptomatic than follicular cysts and are more prone to hemorrhage and rupture. Follicular cysts are usually smaller, with internal hemorrhage being relatively uncommon.
⦁ Theca lutein cysts occur due to excessive B-hCG, which causes hyperplasia of theca interna cells- these cysts usually develop on BOTH OVARIES.
o NON-FUNCTIONAL CYSTS = not a normal part of menstrual cycle
- Lack of regular menses with chronic anovulation
- Obesity, hirsutism, acne, amenorrhea or oligomenorrhea, menarche occurs at an expected age. - Strongly associated with obesity, acanthosis nigricans, insulin resistance, and hyperinsulinemia
⦁ Chocolate Cysts (caused by endometriosis) ⦁ Hemorrhagic ovarian cyst ⦁ Dermoid cyst: Teratoma ⦁ Ovarian serous cystadenoma ⦁ Ovarian mucinous cystadenoma ⦁ Paraovarian cyst ⦁ Cystic adenofibroma ⦁ Borderline tumoral cysts
Dermoid Cyst = benign cystic tumors composed of mature cells. Benign teratomas such as dermoid tumors are among the most common ovarian neoplasms, but not most common type of ovarian cyst
Some common cyst types are corpus luteum cysts, theca-lutein cysts, dermoid cysts, endometroid cysts etc.
o Corpus luteum cyst = an ovarian cyst that forms due to hemorrhage into a persistent corpus luteum
o Theca-lutein cysts often occur as multiple ovarian cysts due to gonadotropin stimulation and are associated with choriocarcinoma and moles
o Dermoid cyst = an ovarian cyst that is described as a mature teratoma
o Endometrioid cyst (chocolate cyst) = an ovarian cyst that forms due to endometriosis
o Hemorrhagic cyst = an ovarian cyst that is due to blood vessel rupture in the cyst wall and one that grows with increased blood retention.
⦁ Ultrasound = best initial test
⦁ pregnancy test
Ultrasonography is the preferred imaging modality for assessing gynecologic structures, given its low cost, availability, and sensitivity in recognizing adnexal cysts and hemoperitoneum. Despite this, ultrasound findings are nonspecific in some instances, particularly after rupture and decompression of a cyst in the setting of apparent physiologic levels of fluid in the pelvis. If ultrasound yields ambiguous results in a patient with significant pain, CT of the pelvis with contrast should be performed.
1) Follow-up imaging in women of reproductive age for incidentally discovered simple cysts on ultrasound is not needed until 5 cm, as these are usually normal ovarian follicles
2) For simple cysts >/= 5 cm but < 7 cm in premenopausal females, cysts should be followed yearly
3) For simple cysts >/= 7 cm, further imaging with MRI or surgical assessment is mandated as these cysts cannot be reliably assessed by ultrasound alone
4) Elevated CA-125, a tumor marker, is often found in increased levels in ovarian cancer
o Mainstay of TX for majority of ovarian cysts = OBSERVATION
- About 95% of ovarian cysts are benign
⦁ Ovarian cysts < 5 cm don’t usually require long-term follow up. If ovarian cysts are 5cm + = require f/u imaging. if ovarian cysts are 7cm+ = require MRI f/u
- most cysts < 8cm are functional, and usually spontaneously resolve
⦁ rest
⦁ repeat US in 6 weeks***
⦁ OCPs = may prevent recurrence, but doesn’t treat existing cysts - If > 8cm or if persistent or if cysts are postmenopausal ==> LAPAROSCOPY / LAPAROTOMY
Functional cysts (follicular / corpus luteum / theca lutein) and hemorrhagic ovarian cysts usually resolve spontaneously. However the bigger an ovarian cyst is, the less likely it is to disappear on its own
Treatment may be required if cysts persist over several months, grow, or cause increasing pain
⦁ The management of SYMPTOMATIC ovarian cysts
> 5cm = laparoscopic surgical removal
Cysts that persist beyond 2-3 menstrual cycles, or occur in postmenopausal women, should be investigated through ultrasonography and laparoscopy, especially in cases where family members have had ovarian cancer. Such cysts may require surgical biopsy
Patient will present as → a 22-year-old nulligravida presents with pelvic pain and irregular menstrual bleeding. She denies sexual activity, and her β-hCG urine test is negative. She has never been on oral contraceptives. On pelvic examination, unilateral tenderness on the left side and a palpable cystic mass approximately 4 to 5 cm in size is present.
Ruptured ovarian cysts are common and can be either asymptomatic or associated with unilateral lower abdominal pain during physical activity (exercise, sexual intercourse).
Cyst rupture is characterized by
⦁ sudden, unilateral, sharp pelvic pain
⦁ can be associated with trauma, exercise, or coitus
- In addition, cyst rupture can lead to
⦁ peritoneal signs
⦁ abdominal distention
⦁ bleeding that is usually self-limited
do NOT cause shock (fever / hypotension / tachycardia)
⦁ Ultrasound
- would show an ovarian cyst and the presence of blood or serous fluid in the pelvis
- Fluid is anechoic on ultrasound
Ultrasonography = preferred imaging modality for assessing gynecologic structures, given its low cost, availability, and sensitivity in recognizing adnexal cysts and hemoperitoneum
- Despite this, ultrasound findings are nonspecific in some instances, particularly after rupture and decompression of a cyst in the setting of apparent physiologic levels of fluid in the pelvis
- If ultrasound yields ambiguous results in a patient with significant pain, pelvic CT with contrast should be performed.
cancer antigen 125 (CA-125) testing is often used to investigate for ovarian cancer.
contraindications to CA-125 testing ⦁ Pregnancy ⦁ ovarian cyst accidents ⦁ peritonitis ⦁ hemorrhage ⦁ cyst rupture ⦁ infection ⦁ menstruation ⦁ fibroids ⦁ endometriosis
CA-125 testing should not be done in pregnant patients with ovarian cysts because levels are significantly higher, especially during the first trimester. CA-125 testing should also not be done in the acute setting of ovarian cyst accidents, as this marker is raised in peritonitis, hemorrhage, cyst rupture, and infection, as well as in menstruation, fibroids, and endometriosis.
The reference range of CA 125 is 0-35 units/mL
if 35+ units / mL = requires further treatment
PCOS = presence of ovarian cysts, however, ovarian cysts are no longer a required characteristic of PCOS
PCOS = dysfunction in the hypothalamic-pituitary- ovarian axis
⦁ Follicular phase = before ovulation (first 14 days)
⦁ Luteal phase = after ovulation
- hypothalamus releases GnRH
- GnRH acts on anterior pituitary gland–> release gonadotropins (FSH / LH) - released in pulses
- FSH + LH travel to follicles in the ovaries
- each follicle has theca + granulosa cells that surround and protect oocyte
- Theca cells have LH receptors; when LH binds to theca cells ==> release Androstenedione
- Granulosa cells have FSH receptors; when FSH binds to granulosa cells ==> Aromatase (enzyme)
- Aromatase converts Androstenedione into estradiol
- estrogen causes follicular growth
- estrogen acts as negative feedback on hypothalamus + anterior pituitary to inhibit GnRH/ FSH / LH production
- this negative feedback prevents another follicle from being stimulated by FSH, so only 1 egg released
- the follicle with the most FSH receptors grows the quickest, and becomes the dominant follicle
- the dominant follicle rise in estrogen now becomes positive feedback on GnRH / FSH / LH - this switch occurs 1-2 days prior to ovulation
- the massive surge in LH causes rupture of ovarian follicle => release of oocyte (ovulation) –> luteal phase
- in PCOS = the anterior pituitary gland makes TOO MUCH LH, and NOT ENOUGH FSH
- excess LH causes theca cells to produce excess amounts of androstenedione
- not enough aromatase available from FSH/granulosa cells to convert androstenedione to estradiol
Aromatase is present in fat cells, therefore obese patients –> elevated estrogen
- estrogen inhibits FSH
- anovulation increases LH
- the excess androstenedione enters the blood, is converted to testosterone
- because LH levels are so high, there is no LH surge to trigger rupture of dominant follicle (ovulation)
- may remain there in ovary as a cyst, or may degenerate with other follicles
Not well understood what causes the anterior pituitary to make so much LH
- thought that this somehow disrupts menstrual cycle
- insulin resistance = cells in liver, muscles and adipose tissue become insensitive to insulin, and therefore cannot pull glucose in from the blood
==> can develop into DM
The pancreas continues to secrete more and more insulin, despite insulin resistance
==> may develop hyperinsulinemia
Theca cells (LH) have insulin receptors; so excess insulin can bind to theca cells, causing them to grow and divide --> too many LH receptors - so thought that this is what causes GnRH to release excess amounts of LH, and lack of surge therefore prevents regular ovulation
- High levels of Androstenedione (from Theca / LH) ==>
⦁ Hirsutism (excess hair growth)
⦁ thinning of hair (male pattern baldness)
⦁ acne
- lack of ovulation
⦁ amenorrhea (no periods) or oligomenorrhea (infrequent or irregular periods) - chronic anovulation ==> infertility
- but due to excess estrogen, when periods do occur = heavy + painful
- insulin resistance
⦁ overweight / obese
⦁ type II DM
⦁ acanthosis nigricans
1) amenorrhea (chronic anovulation) / oligomenorrhea
2) obesity
3) hirsutism (androgen excess)
- PCOS due to insulin resistance*
⦁ breast cancer
⦁ endometrial cancer
Along with an increased risk for breast carcinoma, hyper-estrogenism in PCOS can increase the risk of endometrial hyperplasia, which is a precursor to endometrial carcinoma.
- unopposed estrogen –> endometrial hyperplasia
⦁ high ratio of LH to FSH (>/= 3:1)
- high LH, low FSH
⦁ elevated androstenedione, elevated testosterone
⦁ elevated estrogen
⦁ hyperinsulinemia
⦁ Ultrasound - cysts on ovaries - “beading” or “string of pearls” (but not necessary to diagnose PCOS)
⦁ oligomenorrhea / anovulation
⦁ hyperandrogenism (clinical or biochemical)
⦁ polycystic ovaries on ultrasound
⦁ weight loss through diet + exercise = can help reduce insulin resistance
⦁ OCPs (help regulate menstrual cycle) = 1ST LINE
⦁ Spironolactone = anti-androgenic properties
⦁ Clomid (clomiphene) - induces ovulation
⦁ metformin (increases insulin sensitivity)
Patient will present as → a 13 year old girl who is overweight has her first menses at age 13 and then has no menses until she is 16 and then has another menstrual period 6 weeks later. Ultrasound shows enlarged cystic ovaries with a string of pearls on ultrasound. LH to FSH ratio is 3:1
ECTOPIC PREGNANCY (or tubal pregnancy)
“ectopic” = out of place
so Ectopic Pregnancy = pregnancy that is somewhere other than the uterine cavity
In order for an ectopic pregnancy to take place:
1) egg is fertilized and is implanted somewhere other than the endometrium of the uterine cavity
2) must implant on a surface with enough rich blood supply to support a developing embryo
ECTOPIC PREGNANCIES CAN OCCUR ⦁ Fallopian Tube (MC) - the ampulla of fallopian tube = MC location in tube ⦁ Ovaries ⦁ Intestine
After implantation, the embryo starts developing the way it normally would in the uterine cavity
1) tissue can no longer supply a sufficient blood supply for the embryo ==> eventually dies
2) if tissue can provide adequate blood supply, then hormones from the corpus luteum + placenta ==> missed menstrual period, nausea, breast enlargement (all symptoms seen in early pregnancy)
If implantation was in ampulla of fallopian tube, the embryo eventually runs out of space ==> stretches the nerve fibers within the wall of fallopian tube ==> LOWER ABDOMINAL PAIN
- can eventually rupture the fallopian tube
A ruptured ectopic pregnancy can lead to:
⦁ massive hemorrhaging into abdominal cavity
⦁ blood can irritate the peritoneum, which can cause ** REFERRED PAIN TO SHOULDER **
⦁ light vaginal bleeding
Internal bleeding + severe pain + damage to fallopian tube ==> MEDICAL EMERGENCY
⦁ unknown
RISK FACTORS ⦁ smoking ⦁ hx of PID ⦁ in-vitro fertilization ⦁ gynecologic surgery ⦁ current IUD ⦁ tubal ligation ⦁ previous hx of ectopic pregnancy ⦁ hx of infertility ⦁ gestational diabetes ⦁ DES exposure
Kartagener (primary ciliary dyskinesia) syndrome is a syndrome with immotile cilia due to a dynein arm defect that results in infertility and an increased risk of ectopic pregnancy.
SYMPTOMS ⦁ Amenorrhea ⦁ Abdominal / Pelvic pain ⦁ Vaginal bleeding ⦁ may have nausea / breast enlargement ⦁ may have fever
CLASSIC TRIAD of ectopic pregnancy =
1) abdominal pain
2) amenorrhea
3) vaginal bleeding
Other symptoms of ectopic pregnancy may be related to early pregnancy (nausea, breast fullness, constipation)
or symptoms of ectopic rupture (hemodynamic instability, dizziness or weakness, fever, vomiting, tachycardia, hypotension) which warrants urgent surgical treatment!!
The major risk of ectopic pregnancy is severe hemorrhage, which can lead to hypovolemic shock, and eventually death.
Typically develop pelvic pain around 6-8 weeks into pregnancy if implantation is in fallopian tube
If implantation occurs where there is much more space available ==> pain and bleeding may not occur until several weeks later
Ectopic pregnancy is often clinically mistaken for appendicitis as presenting symptoms of pain, nausea, and fever are shared between the two.
A PSEUDOSAC is a collection of fluid within the endometrial cavity created by bleeding from the decidualized endometrium = is often associated with an ectopic pregnancy.
⦁ may have palpable mass near uterus
⦁ abdominal tenderness
- but these symptoms mimic a normal pregnancy - which can contribute to a delay in diagnosis
⦁ first - patient needs to be hemodynamically stable = vital signs in normal range, no hypotension or tachycardia
If hemodynamically unstable = IMMEDIATE SURGERY for both diagnosis + treatment
If hemodynamically stable
⦁ first = urine pregnancy test
⦁ serial hcg testing = check to see that levels are doubling every 2 days = typical in an early pregnancy
- normally double every 24-48 hrs
- Compared to a normal pregnancy, hcg is DECREASED in ectopic pregnancy
⦁ Transvaginal ULTRASOUND- to check for intrauterine pregnancy = visible by week 5-6
** may see FREE FLUID in abdomen ** = blood = ruptured ectopic pregnancy
Transvaginal ultrasound is safe and commonly performed during all stages of pregnancy, including the first trimester
- The transabdominal ultrasound is not as sensitive for the detection of a gestation sac or fetal heartbeat compared with transvaginal ultrasound
* gestational sac should be visualized on transvaginal US when serum ßhCG levels reach 1,500-2,000 IU/L or when transabdominal US reaches 3600 mIU/ mL with abdominal ultrasonography.* (4.5-5weeks)
A TUBAL RING is an echogenic, ringlike structure found outside of the uterus on ultrasonography, that represents an early ectopic pregnancy.
“ring of fire” = doppler ultrasound
If transvaginal ultrasonography does not show an intrauterine pregnancy when the β-hcg levels are reached, the pregnancy can be considered ectopic.
Ectopic = Beta HCG is > 1,500, but no fetus in utero
o if patient is hemodynamically stable, diagnosed early, and hcg levels are already declining
⦁ may not need any additional treatments / procedures - can continue to monitor via serial hcg
- if diagnosed later (≤ 8 weeks) + hemodynamically stable
⦁ Methotrexate IM - can be used to terminate the pregnancy
MTX requires careful patient selection and is most successful in patients with a b-hCG is <5000 IU/L, and a gestational sac <3.5cm, and no pulmonary, renal or hepatic disease
- monitor on days 0, 4, 7 (b-hcg should drop by 15%+ by day 4-7)
Methotrexate is the standard medication used in the treatment of an unruptured ectopic pregnancy.
Methotrexate is a folic acid analog that competitively inhibits dihydrofolate reductase and is used to treat ectopic pregnancy and medical abortion
- if hemodynamically unstable = EMERGENT SURGERY!
⦁ salpingostomy = open fallopian tube, remove pregnancy, close
⦁ salpingectomy = removal of fallopian tube (laparoscopic or open)
Surgical management is indicated for any patient who is medically unstable, is hemorrhaging, has a gestational sac >3.5cm, or a higher b-hCG level (making medical management is more likely to fail)
- if MTX doesn’t work = surgery
Use contraception x at least 2 months
Patient will present as → a 22-year-old female complaining of severe left lower quadrant abdominal pain associated with some spotting. She is sexually active, does not use contraception, and has a history of PID. She denies being pregnant. Her last period was 9 weeks ago. On physical exam, the patient is hypotensive and tachycardic. A vaginal ultrasound is performed demonstrating free fluid and a mass in the right adnexa.
(also seen with threatened abortion, but will have open os)
⦁ 1-3 weeks LMP: 5 – 50 mIU/mL
⦁ 4 weeks LMP: 5 – 426 mIU/mL
⦁ 5 weeks LMP: 18 – 7,340 mIU/mL
⦁ 6 weeks LMP: 1,080 – 56,500 mIU/mL
⦁ 7 – 8 weeks LMP: 7, 650 – 229,000 mIU/mL
⦁ 9 – 12 weeks LMP: 25,700 – 288,000 mIU/mL
⦁ 13 – 16 weeks LMP: 13,300 – 254,000 mIU/mL
⦁ 17 – 24 weeks LMP: 4,060 – 165,400 mIU/mL
⦁ 25 – 40 weeks LMP: 3,640 – 117,000 mIU/mL
Non-pregnant females: 0 – 5 mIU/mL
Postmenopausal females: 0 – 8 mIU/mL
- These numbers are just a guideline – every woman’s level of hCG can rise differently. It is not necessarily the level that matters, but rather the change in the level.
A low hCG level can mean any number of things and should be rechecked within 48-72 hours to see how the level is changing.
A low hCG level can indicate:
⦁ Miscalculation of pregnancy dating
⦁ Possible miscarriage or blighted ovum
⦁ Ectopic pregnancy
A high level of hCG can also mean a number of things and should be rechecked within 48-72 hours to evaluate changes in the level.
A high hCG level can indicate:
⦁ Miscalculation of pregnancy dating
⦁ Molar pregnancy
⦁ Multiple pregnancy
Beta-hCG is secreted from the time of implantation and is detectable about 7–8 days after fertilization
- a condition that affects pregnant women
- occurs after 20 weeks gestation
- in some cases, can develop up to 6 weeks after delivery
MC occurs in final trimester
⦁ New onset Hypertension
⦁ Proteinuria (marker of kidney damage)
⦁ can cause damage to other organs as well (such as brain + liver)
⦁ asymptomatic or mild vs life-threatening
RISK FACTORS FOR PREECLAMPSIA ⦁ first pregnancy ⦁ multiple gestation (twins / triplets / etc) ⦁ mothers > 35 ⦁ hypertension ⦁ diabetes ⦁ obesity ⦁ family hx of preeclampsia
Cause = develop of an abnormal placenta
Normally in pregnancy, spiral arteries dilate to 5-10x their size and develop into large utero-placental arteries in order to deliver large quantities of blood to the developing fetus
- In Pre-eclampsia, these utero-placental arteries become fibrous –> narrow, so less blood gets to the placenta
- a poorly perfused placenta can lead to intrauterine growth restriction + even fetal death
- Placenta is hypo-perfused –> releases pro-inflammatory proteins
- these proteins enter maternal circulation –> cause the damage to endothelial cells that line blood vessels –> become dysfunctional
- causes vasoconstriction
- also causes kidneys to retain more sodium
- -> Hypertension!
- pro-inflammatory proteins can also cause local vasospasm, and therefore start to affect specific organs
⦁ reduced blood flow to kidneys –> glomerular damage –> oliguria (decreased urine output) + proteinuria (sign of glomerular damage)
⦁ reduced blood flow to retina –> blurred vision / flashing lights / scotomas (blurry spot in vision)
⦁ reduced blood flow to liver –> severe liver injury + swelling –> elevated LFTs + stretches the capsule around the liver –> RUQ pain
- Endothelial cell injury leads to formation of lots of tiny thrombi in micro-vasculature
- uses up lots of platelets –> thrombocytopenia ± DIC
- as RBCs try to navigate around clots in vessels, eventually run into clots and lyse –> hemolysis –> HELLP syndrome (Hemolysis, Elevated Liver enzymes, Low Platelets)
HELLP syndrome develops in 10-20% of patients with severe pre-eclampsia / eclampsia
- endothelial damage increases vascular permeability ==> water leaks out of vessels and into tissues
- due to lack of protein in blood from proteinuria, there is lower osmotic pressure in vessels, so even more fluid leaks out of vasculature into tissues
==> Generalized Edema (legs / face / hands)
==> Pulmonary Edema (cough / SOB)
==> Cerebral Edema (headaches / confusion / seizures)
1) Hypertension
2) Proteinuria
3) Edema
must have HTN + proteinuria to diagnose preeclampsia
Preeclampsia is caused by abnormal placental spiral arteries leading to endothelial dysfunction, vasoconstriction and ischemia.
POSSIBLE SYMPTOMS ⦁ HTN ⦁ proteinuria ⦁ edema ⦁ headache ⦁ visual symptoms ⦁ oliguria ⦁ confusion ⦁ cough ⦁ SOB ⦁ thrombocytopenia
⦁ Systolic BP > 140mmHg
⦁ Diastolic BP > 90mmHg
o Mild Preeclampsia = BP ≥ 140/90
⦁ Proteinuria: > 300mg/24 hours or +1 on dipstick
The diagnosis of mild preeclampsia requires 2 serial blood pressure readings of >140/90 mmHg over 6 hours or more, and > 0.3 g/24hrs of protein in the urine.
o Severe pre-eclampsia = BP ≥ 160/110
⦁ Proteinuria: > 500mg/24 hours or +3 on dipstick
- these extreme BPs can lead to hemorrhagic stroke or placental abruption (placenta prematurely detaches from uterine wall)
Preeclampsia is considered severe with blood pressure of >160/110 mmHg, urinary protein of >0.5g/day, or if there are signs of end-organ damage such as visual disturbance, hepatocellular injury, thrombocytopenia, oliguria (<500mL produced per day), fetal growth restriction, or pulmonary edema.
⦁ Oliguria = < 500mL/day
Abdominal pain, nausea, retrosternal chest pain, and headache are common symptoms of preeclampsia with severe features
COMPLICATIONS - Patients who have had preeclampsia have increased risk of developing ⦁ hypertension later in life ⦁ ischemic heart disease ⦁ stroke ⦁ venous thromboembolism.
o Mild Pre-eclampsia
- depends on gestational age + severity of disease
- Delivery at 37 weeks gestation
- May deliver at 34-36 weeks if necessary
- If < 34 weeks = Conservative treatment ⦁ daily weights ⦁ weekly BP ⦁ weekly dipstick ⦁ bedrest
- If < 34 weeks = STEROIDS to mature lungs (betamethasone)
o Severe Pre-eclampsia
- prompt delivery = only cure + Hospitalization
⦁ *** MAGNESIUM SULFATE * to prevent eclampsia (seizures) - can be given x 24-48 hours
(others = labetalol, nifedipine)
If symptoms develop after delivery, treatment = manage symptoms, which will slowly subside on their own
Sodium nitroprusside is a medication used in severe hypertensive emergency in pregnancy, where first-line medications have failed to lower the blood pressure.
ECLAMPSIA = Pre-eclampsia + SEIZURES or COMA
= life threatening for mother + fetus
SYMPTOMS ⦁ abrupt tonic-clonic seizures x 1-2 min followed by post-ictal state - may have ⦁ headache ⦁ visual changes ⦁ cardiorespiratory arrest
Patient meets all criteria for preeclampsia (HTN + Proteinuria + Seizures or Coma)
RISK FACTORS FOR PREECLAMPSIA / ECLAMPSIA ⦁ first pregnancy ⦁ multiple gestation (twins / triplets / etc) ⦁ mothers > 35 ⦁ hypertension ⦁ diabetes ⦁ obesity ⦁ family hx of preeclampsia
Cause = development of an abnormal placenta
Normally in pregnancy, spiral arteries dilate to 5-10x their size and develop into large utero-placental arteries in order to deliver large quantities of blood to the developing fetus
- In Pre-eclampsia, these utero-placental arteries become fibrous –> narrow, so less blood gets to the placenta
- a poorly perfused placenta can lead to intrauterine growth restriction + even fetal death
- Placenta is hypo-perfused –> releases pro-inflammatory proteins
- these proteins enter maternal circulation –> cause the damage to endothelial cells that line blood vessels –> become dysfunctional
- causes vasoconstriction
- also causes kidneys to retain more sodium
- -> Hypertension!
- pro-inflammatory proteins can also cause local vasospasm, and therefore start to affect specific organs
⦁ reduced blood flow to kidneys –> glomerular damage –> oliguria (decreased urine output) + proteinuria (sign of glomerular damage)
⦁ reduced blood flow to retina –> blurred vision / flashing lights / scotomas (blurry spot in vision)
⦁ reduced blood flow to liver –> severe liver injury + swelling –> elevated LFTs + stretches the capsule around the liver –> RUQ pain
- Endothelial cell injury leads to formation of lots of tiny thrombi in micro-vasculature
- uses up lots of platelets –> thrombocytopenia ± DIC
- as RBCs try to navigate around clots in vessels, eventually run into clots and lyse –> hemolysis –> HELLP syndrome (Hemolysis, Elevated Liver enzymes, Low Platelets)
HELLP syndrome develops in 10-20% of patients with severe pre-eclampsia / eclampsia
- endothelial damage increases vascular permeability ==> water leaks out of vessels and into tissues
- due to lack of protein in blood from proteinuria, there is lower osmotic pressure in vessels, so even more fluid leaks out of vasculature into tissues
==> Generalized Edema (legs / face / hands)
==> Pulmonary Edema (cough / SOB)
==> Cerebral Edema (headaches / confusion / seizures)
1) Hypertension
2) Proteinuria
3) Seizures
POSSIBLE SYMPTOMS ⦁ HTN* ⦁ proteinuria* ⦁ seizures* ⦁ edema ⦁ headache ⦁ visual symptoms ⦁ oliguria ⦁ confusion ⦁ cough ⦁ SOB ⦁ thrombocytopenia
o Mild Preeclampsia = BP ≥ 140/90
⦁ Proteinuria: > 300mg/24 hours or +1 on dipstick
The diagnosis of mild preeclampsia requires 2 serial blood pressure readings of >140/90 mmHg over 6 hours or more, and > 0.3 g/24hrs of protein in the urine.
o Severe pre-eclampsia = BP ≥ 160/110
⦁ Proteinuria: > 500mg/24 hours or +3 on dipstick
- these extreme BPs can lead to hemorrhagic stroke or placental abruption (placenta prematurely detaches from uterine wall)
Preeclampsia is considered severe with blood pressure of >160/110 mmHg, urinary protein of >0.5g/day, or if there are signs of end-organ damage such as visual disturbance, hepatocellular injury, thrombocytopenia, oliguria (<500mL produced per day), fetal growth restriction, or pulmonary edema.
⦁ Oliguria = < 500mL/day
Abdominal pain, nausea, retrosternal chest pain, and headache are common symptoms of preeclampsia with severe features
⦁ Seizures = is now diagnosed as eclampsia
COMPLICATIONS - Patients who have had preeclampsia have increased risk of developing ⦁ hypertension later in life ⦁ ischemic heart disease ⦁ stroke ⦁ venous thromboembolism.
2) MAGNESIUM SULFATE for seizures
- 2nd line = Lorazepam - only if refractory to mag sulf
3) Once patient stabilized ==> Delivery of Fetus
4) BP Meds: HYDRALAZINE, Labetalol
Magnesium sulfate is the first-line medication for the prevention of primary and recurrent eclamptic seizures.
HELLP syndrome is a manifestation of preeclampsia with hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelets.
HELLP syndrome = preeclampsia + thrombotic microangiopathy involving the liver
characterized by hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelet count.
Normally in pregnancy, spiral arteries dilate to 5-10x their size and develop into large utero-placental arteries in order to deliver large quantities of blood to the developing fetus
- In Pre-eclampsia, these utero-placental arteries become fibrous –> narrow, so less blood gets to the placenta
- a poorly perfused placenta can lead to intrauterine growth restriction + even fetal death
- Placenta is hypo-perfused –> releases pro-inflammatory proteins
- these proteins enter maternal circulation –> cause the damage to endothelial cells that line blood vessels –> become dysfunctional
- causes vasoconstriction
- also causes kidneys to retain more sodium
- -> Hypertension!
- pro-inflammatory proteins can also cause local vasospasm, and therefore start to affect specific organs
⦁ reduced blood flow to kidneys –> glomerular damage –> oliguria (decreased urine output) + proteinuria (sign of glomerular damage)
⦁ reduced blood flow to retina –> blurred vision / flashing lights / scotomas (blurry spot in vision)
⦁ reduced blood flow to liver –> severe liver injury + swelling –> elevated LFTs + stretches the capsule around the liver –> RUQ pain (HELLP)
- Endothelial cell injury leads to formation of lots of tiny thrombi in micro-vasculature
- uses up lots of platelets –> thrombocytopenia
- as RBCs try to navigate around clots in vessels, eventually run into clots and lyse –> hemolysis –> HELLP syndrome (Hemolysis, Elevated Liver enzymes, Low Platelets)
HELLP syndrome develops in 10-20% of patients with severe pre-eclampsia / eclampsia
- endothelial damage increases vascular permeability ==> water leaks out of vessels and into tissues
- due to lack of protein in blood from proteinuria, there is lower osmotic pressure in vessels, so even more fluid leaks out of vasculature into tissues
==> Generalized Edema (legs / face / hands)
==> Pulmonary Edema (cough / SOB)
==> Cerebral Edema (headaches / confusion / seizures)
DIAGNOSIS ⦁ HTN (> 140/90) ⦁ proteinuria (> 0.3g/day or +1) ⦁ hemolytic anemia (low hct and/or hemoglobin) - normal hematocrit (men) = 38-50 - normal hematocrit (women) = 34-45 - normal hemoglobin (men) = 14-18 - normal hemoglobin (women) = 12-16 ⦁ thrombocytopenia (platelets will be < 100,000) - normal = 150,00 - 450,000 ⦁ elevated LDH level (cell damage) - normal = 140-330 ⦁ elevated total bilirubin (> 1.2) - due to hemolysis ⦁ elevated AST / ALT (increase by > 70) - normal AST = 10-40 - normal ALT = 7-56 ⦁ presence of schistocytes on peripheral smear
⦁ Immediate induction of labor with plan for vaginal delivery
- no proteinuria
that develops AFTER 20 weeks gestation
- resolves by 12 weeks post-partum
- asymptomatic, just hypertensive
⦁ hypertension
⦁ no proteinuria
- Hypertension thought to be due to arteriolar vasoconstriction
⦁ may withhold meds
⦁ may give hydralazine or Labetalol
Hypertension BEFORE 20 weeks gestation, or BEFORE pregnancy
- persists > 6 weeks post-partum
⦁ headache and/or visual symptoms if severe
o Mild Chronic HTN in Pregnancy
⦁ BP ≥ 140/90
- on 2 separate occasions - at least 6 hours apart, but no > 1 week apart
⦁ NO proteinuria
o Moderate Chronic HTN in Pregnancy
⦁ BP ≥ 150/100
o Severe Chronic HTN in Pregnancy
⦁ BP ≥ 160/110
o Mild Chronic HTN in Pregnancy
⦁ monitor q2-4 weeks
⦁ at 34-36 weeks gestation = monitor weekly
⦁ delivery at ≥ 37 weeks
- weekly NST (non-stress test) during 3rd trimester, serial BP + urine protein
o Moderate / Severe Chronic HTN in Pregnancy
⦁ Medication if ≥ 150/100
- Tx of Choice = ** METHYLDOPA **
- can also use Labetalol, Hydralazine, Nifedipine
⦁ delivery at ≥ 37 weeks
MOA = CNS + respiratory depressant ==> vasodilation + respiratory paralysis
CHARACTERIZED BY ⦁ somnolence / weakness / confusion ⦁ ***absent deep tendon reflexes*** ⦁ headache ⦁ flushing ⦁ sweating ⦁ ***hypotension*** / dizziness / light-headedness ⦁ bradycardia ⦁ bradypnea ⦁ ECG changes: (increased PR, QRS, QT intervals: bradycardia), heart block, asystole ⦁ sluggishly reactive pupils
absent DTRs = late sign
causes vasodilation –> flushing / sweating / hypotension
blocks neuromuscular transmission –> prevents seizures
( can occur from magnesium sulfate if not present prior to administration, but can also occur from pre-eclampsia)
drowsiness / somnolence / respiratory depression
Effective anticonvulsant serum levels are 2.5 to 7.5 mEq/L.
Inject I.V. bolus slowly to avoid respiratory or cardiac arrest.
Respiratory rate must be 16 breaths per minute or more before each dose. Keep I.V. calcium gluconate 20% on hand.
Check urine output: magnesium sulfate (mag) is excreted in the kidneys, so if low urine output ==> can lead to magnesium sulfate toxicity
magnesium sulfate freely crosses the placenta and can affect the neonate
Effects of magnesium typically manifest as a
⦁ self limiting hypotonia
- poor muscle tone that improves on its own over a few hours
- ex: would have absent moro reflex (startle reflex)
but in severe cases can progress to
⦁ respiratory depression
Hydatidiform mole (HM) is a gestational trophoblastic disease that results from aberrant fertilization. It is characterized by an elevated human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) level beyond normal limits of pregnancy and can manifest as preeclampsia before 20 weeks’ gestation.
Hydatidiform mole (HM) is a subtype of gestational trophoblastic disease, a category of tumors that secrete high levels of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). HMs are formed as a result of aberrant fertilization and are further classified as partial or complete based on the mechanism of fertilization. Partial HMs result from fertilization of an ovum by two spermatozoa, while complete HMs result from fertilization of an empty ovum by two spermatozoa. HMs are generally discovered at 12-14 weeks’ gestation because no fetal heart sounds will be found by doppler. hCG is usually elevated beyond normal limits as well. The classic ultrasound finding in complete hydatidiform moles is a “snowstorm pattern,” showing the hydropic chorionic villi. Common clinical features associated with HM include vaginal bleeding, pelvic pressure and pain, a uterus that is large for dates, and hyperemesis gravidarum. Less common features include hyperthyroidism, ovarian cysts, and preeclampsia <20 weeks of gestation.
Placenta Previa = “Placenta First”
- because placenta is the first thing within the uterine cavity in this condition
In Placenta Previa: the placenta implants in the lower uterus, close to or even covering the uterine opening (internal cervical os)
Can therefore easily cause vaginal bleeding
⦁ usually occurs after 20 weeks gestation
MC occurs in 3rd trimester, may occur in late 2nd trimester
Placenta normally implants in the upper uterus
- unknown why placenta implants in the lower uterus in this condition
- thought that perhaps it occurs when the endometrium in the upper uterus is not well vascularized
ex: Endometrial damage from
⦁ previous C-section
⦁ abortion (induced or spontaneous)
⦁ uterine surgery
⦁ multiparity (multiple pregnancies)
- can all increase risk of placenta previa
⦁ multiple placentas (can happen with twins or triplets)
⦁ placenta with larger surface area (can happen with twins or triplets)
⦁ maternal age >/= 35
⦁ intrauterine fibroids
⦁ maternal smoking
Placenta Previa is classified based on how close it is to the cervical os
⦁ Complete Placenta Previa = completely covers cervical os
⦁ Partial Placenta Previa = partially covers cervical os
⦁ Marginal Placenta Previa = edge of placenta extends to within 2 cm of cervical os
⦁ Low Lying Placenta = in close proximity to cervical os
- Over time, the lower uterine segment grows. If placenta previa is present, growth can disrupt the placental vessels and cause bleeding
⦁ ** Sudden onset of PAINLESS BRIGHT RED BLOOD - typically occurs after 20 weeks gestation
⦁ amount of bleeding can vary - can be intermittent or continuous, can be light or heavy!
⦁ usually resolves within 1-2 hours
⦁ Bleeding can increase during labor = due to contractions + cervical dilation
⦁ Bleeding can be provoked by sex
⦁ Abdomen typically soft + non-tender
⦁ normal fetal heart rate - no fetal distress usually
The bleeding is thought to occur when physical changes to the lower portion of the uterus and cervix create shearing forces between uterus and placenta
Bleeding = can range from light to heavy. Bleeding occurs when the placenta gets disrupted as the lower uterine segment thins in preparation for labor
This detachment is not nearly as clinically significant as one associated with placental abruption. In fact, one may consider the bleeding to be beneficial in a way, as it is often an early alert that the fetus will need to be delivered via cesarean section rather than a normal vaginal birth.
Inability of uterus to contract at the vessel sites
⦁ blood loss - risk for hypovolemic shock
⦁ hypoxia
⦁ preterm delivery
** PLACENTA PREVIA = ASSOCIATED WITH PLACENTA ACCRETA = where the placenta becomes embedded into the myometrium = becomes inseparable from the uterine wall
⦁ ** Prenatal Ultrasound **
⦁ sometimes not recognized until labor, when cervical changes cause bleeding to occur
Transabdominal ultrasound followed by Transvaginal ultrasound in order to get clearer view
- NO PELVIC EXAM - speculum or manual exam could dislodge a placenta previa (essentially causing placenta abruptiae)
o Minor Bleeding + stable + preterm
⦁ Bed Rest / hospitalization
- walking / other movements can induce contractions
- side-lying position is ideal - reduces pressure of the uterus on the IVC and improves blood flow
- no sex
- close observation to monitor vitals / fetal HR / fetal activity / blood loss / uterine tenderness
o To stabilize the Fetus
⦁ Magnesium Sulfate (tocolytic) = can be given to slow down or inhibit labor if preterm
⦁ steroids to enhance fetal lung maturity (if < 34wks)
If the patient is not acutely bleeding, management can be done conservatively as an outpatient.
o Persistent Major Bleeding or unstable
- excessive bleeding decreases uteroplacental blood flow –> deterioration of fetal status
- prepare for delivery if 37+ weeks
⦁ blood products + IV fluids
o In severe cases with fetal hypoxia = can do immediate C-section
- labor with cervical dilation could result in placental hemorrhage
- vaginal delivery can be attempted if marginal or low-lying, maybe partial
Patient will present as → a 32-year-old woman, G2P1, at 35 weeks’ gestation with a complaint of painless vaginal bleeding that began two hours ago and has delivered a substantial amount of blood with clots. She has had no evident pain or cramping. Upon physical examination, the fetal heart rate is noted to be normal. Her last pregnancy was delivered by emergency cesarean at 37 weeks due to a breech presentation during labor.
Abruptio Placentae = premature separation of ALL or PART of the placenta from the uterine wall, that results in hemorrhage (bleeding)
- typically occurs after 20 weeks gestation
- typically occurs in 3rd trimester
- forms when the embryo implants in uterine wall
- forms from both the mom + fetus
- permits gas + nutrient exchange
Placenta = "flat cake" - has maternal layer + fetal layer o maternal layer = ** DECIDUA BASALIS ** ⦁ essentially just a bag of blood ⦁ uterine arteries delivering blood in ⦁ uterine veins pulling blood out
o fetal layer = ** CHORION **
⦁ chorionic villi (fingerlike projections of tissue) -
⦁ chorionic villi have tiny arterioles and venules
⦁ chorionic villi project like fingers into decidua basalis to retrieve oxygen-rich blood and deliver oxygen-poor blood
⦁ both gases and nutrients are exchanged between decidua basalis and chorionic villi
PLACENTAL ABRUPTION = separation between uterine wall + decidua basalis
⦁ degeneration of uterine arteries that supply blood to the placenta
- typically occurs due to chronic problems such as
o smoking
- the diseases vessels rupture, causing hemorrhage, and separation of the placenta
- if separation is near the margin of the placenta (edge) ==> can cause VAGINAL BLEEDING
- if separation is more central ==> pocket of blood may stay sealed off within uterine wall + decidua basalis => won’t have vaginal bleeding = RETROPLACENTAL HEMATOMA
- or if still having vaginal bleeding postpartum, but uterus is rigid / firm / contracted = may be RETROPERITONEAL HEMATOMA
⦁ partial vs complete
⦁ apparent vs concealed (margin vs pocket)
⦁ blunt trauma (MVA, fall, domestic violence)
- placenta is less elastic than the uterus, so strong forces can cause placenta to shear away from uterine wall
⦁ drugs (cocaine / methamphetamines)
- cause significant vasoconstriction of placental blood vessels –> abrupt increase in BP ==> increased risk of abruption
⦁ trauma ⦁ drugs (cocaine / meth) ⦁ alcohol ⦁ smoking ⦁ HTN = *** MC cause *** ⦁ multiparity (multiple pregnanacies) ⦁ preeclampsia ⦁ maternal age > 35 ⦁ **** hx of placental abruption **** ⦁ folate deficiency
⦁ ** PAIN ** (unlike placenta previa) - pelvic + back pain **
⦁ contractions - rigid uterus* (tenses + contracts to clamp on uterine vessels and reduce bleeding) = which worsens hypoxia for fetus
⦁ dark red blood usually (can be bright red)
⦁ cervix will be closed + no evidence of ruptured membranes
The patient in labor who develops abdominal pain between uterine contractions or a tender uterus must be presumed to have abruptio placentae
- fetal distress due to hypoxia
- unlike placenta previa (normal fetal heart rate)
** considered an emergency ** - due to loss of large amount of blood from large vessels
o Maternal Complications ⦁ Hypovolemic shock ⦁ Sheehan syndrome ⦁ Renal failure ⦁ DIC
o Fetal Complications
⦁ Hypoxia
⦁ Asphyxia
- fetus is no longer receiving adequate placental perfusion
⦁ increased risk for premature birth
⦁ increased risk for intrauterine growth restriction
⦁ increased risk for neurological injury
⦁ always clinical
⦁ *** Ultrasound - will show retroplacental collection of blood = still usually ordered
+ blood / blood-stained amniotic fluid may be coming out of vagina
- do not perform pelvic exam (may have previa)
Ultrasound is insensitive as the echogenicity of fresh blood is difficult to distinguish from the placenta. Therefore, a normal ultrasound does not rule out abruption
This excessive coagulation depletes platelets, fibrinogen and other clotting factors, leading to thrombocytopenia and hypofibrinogenemia
⦁ *** increased INR / PTT
⦁ IV fluids + blood products
⦁ if mother Rh- and fetus Rh+ = give rhogam
If ultrasound determines that the placental abruption is very minor and the child is stable, the mother may be closely monitored on bed rest. If the symptoms should worsen, however, treatment is to deliver the baby as quickly as possible, usually via emergency C-section. If the baby is at term developmentally, a vaginal delivery may be attempted if the child’s heart rate is stable.
DELIVERY OF THE FETUS AND PLACENTA is definitive treatment, blood type, cross-match and coag studies as well as placement of large bore IV line, Cesarean section most often is the prefered route for delivery
o if stable + premature
⦁ monitor closely while fetus develops
o If stable + at term
⦁ vaginal delivery preferred - can be attempted
o if unstable and/or severe hemorrhaging
⦁ emergency C-section may be needed
C-section is avoided in placental abruption if the fetus is dead.
Patient will present as → a 29-year-old at 36 weeks gestation who arrives at the emergency department with a sudden onset of back pain with uterine contractions that are very close together, one after another. She describes PAINFUL, bright red vaginal bleeding. There is pelvic tenderness on examination which reveals a closed cervix and no evidence of rupture of the membranes.
1) from labor to complete dilation of cervix
2) from complete dilation of cervix to birth of baby
3) from birth of baby to delivery of placenta
4) from delivery of placenta to patient stabilization
Candida Albicans overgrowth
Candida = dimorphic = Dimorphism is the ability of a fungus to change from yeast to a mold and back
The mnemonic “mold = cold, yeast = heat” is reversed with Candida albicans because the mold/hyphae form grows at 37°C (98.6°F) while the yeast/pseudohyphae form predominates at 20°C (68°F).
Candida = yeast that is part of normal flora, but overgrowth occurs due to change in normal vaginal environment (ex: use of antibiotics)
RISK FACTORS ⦁ DM*** ⦁ Steroids ⦁ Pregnancy (elevated estrogen levels) ⦁ OCPs (elevated estrogen levels) ⦁ Antibiotic use
SYMPTOMS ⦁ vulvar pruritus (like with trich) ⦁ vaginal / vulvar erythema ⦁ swelling ⦁ burning ⦁ **** burning when urine touches the skin **** ⦁ dysuria (like with trich) ⦁ dyspareunia (like with trich) ⦁ vaginal discharge -** WHITE, THICK, CURD-LIKE / COTTAGE CHEESE ** (thick + lumpy)
⦁ KOH prep = ** BUDDING HYPHAE / SPORES ** - yeast seen on koh prep
⦁ negative whiff test
⦁ normal pH (3.8 - 4.2)
⦁ ** Fluconazole (Diflucan) - 150mg x 1 dose **
- may repeat in 1 week
⦁ Miconazole, Clotrimazole, Nystatin topical
PREVENTION ⦁ keep vagina dry ⦁ 100% cotton underwear ⦁ avoid tight-fitting clothes ⦁ avoid use of feminine deodorants / bubble baths in vaginal area (not pH balanced for vagina)
Postpartum hemorrhage = a significant loss of blood that occurs after giving birth
= #1 reason for maternal morbidity + death around the world
common cause of maternal death within 24 hours of delivery
o Defined as
⦁ > 500 mL of blood loss after vaginal delivery or
> 1000 mL of blood loss after C-section
⦁ decrease in 10% or more of hct from baseline
⦁ changes in mother’s HR, BP, and O2 sats
- all suggest significant blood loss
- hard to know exact amt of blood lost, as deliveries are messy, not all fluid is blood
- within first 24 hours from delivery
o SECONDARY (LATE) POSTPARTUM HEMORRHAGE - > 24 hours after delivery, up to 8 weeks postpartum
CAUSES (4 T's) ⦁ Tone = MC**** ⦁ Trauma ⦁ Tissue ⦁ Thrombin
o 1) TONE
- lack of uterine tone (uterine atony)
- soft, spongy, boggy uterus
- ** MC CAUSE of postpartum hemorrhage ***
- generally results in a slow + steady loss of blood
Normally, the myometrium (smooth muscle layers of uterus) contract during labor to help dilate/efface the cervix and to help push the fetus / placenta out
After delivery, the myometrium continues to contract, which squeezes down on placental arteries that attached placenta to uterine wall - this clamps the arteries shut, and reduces uterine bleeding
- continues to occur for up to 2 weeks after delivery
With Uterine Atony (lack of tone) = uterus fails to contract after birth ==> doesn’t clamp down on those arteries ==> excessive bleeding
Causes of Uterine Atony = anything that stretches out the uterus and prevents efficient postpartum uterine contractions
⦁ multiple pregnancies
⦁ twins / triplets
⦁ uterine fatigue after long / arduous labor
⦁ obesity
⦁ unable to empty bladder (full bladder can compress on uterus and interfere with uterine contractions)
⦁ obstetric medications (anesthetics - halothane) (magnesium sulfate, nifedipine, terbutaline) = all can interfere with uterine contractions
⦁ ** fundal massage ** (upper section of uterus)
- causes myometrium to contract + harden to help stop the bleeding
- if due to full bladder = can urinate or place catheter if she cannot void on her own
⦁ ** IV Oxytocin = 1st line for postpartum hemorrhage**
- Oxytocin = uterotonic agent
- Cytotec = Prostaglandin E1 analog = induces labor
- Ergonovine (Ergometrine) = an ergotomine - stops bleeding by binding to 5HT2 + alpha adrenergic receptors
⦁ may need to stop bleeding surgically (hysterectomy)
Oxytocin is a pituitary hormone that stops postpartum hemorrhaging by augmenting uterine contractile force and frequency, thereby leading to compression of uterine blood vessels.
(post pit = oxyto
- damage to any of the genital structures (uterus, cervix, vagina, or perineum)
- C-section***
- trauma from baby coming from vaginal delivery
- trauma from medical instruments (forceps, vacuum delivery, episiotomy)
Sometimes a HEMATOMA can form (mass or collection of blood) in a concealed location
- may go unnoticed for hours after delivery
- symptoms of hematoma
⦁ severe pain
⦁ persistent bright red bleeding despite a firmly contracted uterus
- bleeding needs to be stopped right away
- apply pressure or stitch any lacerations that are bleeding
- Placental fragments retained in uterine cavity
- the entire placenta normally separates form uterine wall in 3rd stage of labor, but occasionally a part of the placenta can stay behind
⦁ ex: ** PLACENTA ACCRETA ** - the placenta invades the myometrium - doesn’t easily separate from uterus
⦁ or too much traction on umbilical cord, can cause placenta to be retained
- This prevents effective uterine contractions, and leads to uterine atony ==> bleeding
- need to ensure that entire placenta is delivered, and that any retained fragments of placenta are removed asap
o 4) THROMBIN - maternal blood clotting condition ⦁ von Willebrand's disease ⦁ eclampsia or placental abruption that may result in a clotting disorder ⦁ DIC
- this can prevent a tiny clot from forming, and can potentially turn a small bleed into a serious problem
TREATMENT = treat underlying cause
4 Ts: Tone (uterine atony; most common) Trauma (lacerations, incisions, uterine rupture) Thrombin (coagulopathy) Tissue (retained products of conception)
- continued vaginal bleeding postpartum
- may go into hypotension
- may lead to tachycardia
- pale / clammy skin
- decreased capillary refill
- can lead to hypovolemic shock
- can lead to DIC
⦁ clinical
⦁ CBC to check hematocrit / hemoglobin
⦁ may do ultrasound
- Fundal massage
- Oxytocin / Cytotec / Ergotomine (methylergonovine)
- suction + curettage may be needed for retained products
- surgery
- may need blood products (hypovolemic shock)
A single IV dose of Ancef (1st gen cephalosporin) should be given preoperatively to all women undergoing C-section to reduce the risk of postpartum infection, and subsequent postpartum hemorrhage
- should be started within 60 minutes of the start of the surgery or as soon as possible in the case of an emergent Caesarean section.
- ** SUMMARY ****
- Postpartum hemorrhage = emergency
- may need IV fluids / blood products to ensure that vital organs are well perfused
Patient will present as → a 19-year-old woman, gravida 1, now para 1, just underwent a spontaneous delivery of a 4200 g (9 lb 4 oz) male with Apgar scores of 8 and 9 at 1 and 5 minutes. Onset of regular contractions were at noon. The delivery took place 8 hours later. She received IV oxytocin for the last 5 hours of delivery. After the placenta was delivered, she experienced postpartum hemorrhage estimated at 1200 ml of blood.
Three categories of dystocia:
⦁ 1) Problems of Power: uterine contraction
⦁ 2) Problems of Passenger: presentation size or position of fetus (Shoulder Dystocia)
⦁ 3) Problems of Passage: uterus or soft tissue abnormalities
SHOULDER DYSTOCIA = failure of the shoulders to deliver spontaneously after delivery of the fetal head
- One or both shoulders lodged at pubic symphysis with delivery of the head
- This is an obstetric emergency!
Can lead to Erb’s Palsy = brachial plexus injury - especially in macrosomic children / multiparity / GDM
RISK FACTORS FOR SHOULDER DYSTOCIA ⦁ previous shoulder dystocia ⦁ fetal macrosomia ⦁ male fetal gender ⦁ nonwhite race ⦁ post-dates delivery ⦁ operative vaginal delivery ⦁ GDM (gestational DM) ⦁ multiparity ⦁ obesity
⦁ “Turtle Sign” - head coming out with pushing, then goes back in, out then back in
⦁ 1st line = non-manipulative maneuvers
- suprapubic pressure
- flexion of maternal hips (McRoberts maneuver)
⦁ Manipulative maneuvers
- Episiotomy - cut perineum for more room
- Wood’s Corkscrew = rotational pressure to the anterior side of the posterior shoulder
- Rubin maneuver = rotational pressure to the posterior side of the anterior shoulder
( rotate baby for head to be facing down; rubin = anterior shoulder, woods = posterior shoulder)
- delivery of posterior arm
- have mom be on all fours
⦁ Emergent C-section
- Zavanelli maneuver - push head back into vaginal canal and perform emergent C-section
- emergent C-section or fracturing clavicle / humerus = last resort
Patient will present as → a 20-year-old G2P1 female with gestational diabetes and a pre-pregnancy BMI of 43 presents to her obstetrician in labor. Although the labor originally progresses without complications, delivery becomes stalled as the patient attempts to push the child’s shoulders through the vagina. The head delivers, then suddenly retracts against the pelvis. It will not budge despite maternal pushing and firm downward pressure on the head.
Mastitis = Inflammation of breast tissue
Can occur with one or both breasts
- most frequently begins within 3 months after delivery
- most commonly occurs in primigravida (1st baby)
o Infection Mastitis = mostly seen in Lactating women due to nipple trauma - especially primigravida
- MC = Staph Aureus
o Congestive Mastitis = bilateral breast enlargement 2-3 days postpartum
Mastitis = Commonly seen during BREASTFEEDING
Mastitis occurs mainly in BREASTFEEDING WOMEN. Rarely, this condition occurs in women who are not breastfeeding.
Lactational Mastitis = bacterial infection occurs due to cracks in the nipple from breastfeeding (MC = staph)
Difficulties with breast feeding such as incomplete emptying of the breast and cracked nipples increase the risk for developing acute mastitis.
Mastitis is a condition in which bacteria enter the breast tissue through a milk duct or a fissure in the skin, caused by breastfeeding. Mastitis usually occurs within the first few weeks of breastfeeding but may occur later on.
Other causes
⦁ Staph epidermidis
⦁ Strep
SYMPTOMS ⦁ unilateral breast pain - typically 1 quadrant ⦁ often appears wedge-shaped ⦁ tenderness ⦁ warmth ⦁ swelling ⦁ nipple discharge ⦁ redness ⦁ flu- like symptoms of fever (101+) / myalgias / chills
Congestive Mastitis = bilateral breast pain + swelling, may have low-grade fever + axillary lymphadenopathy
Infectious vs. congestive mastitis = unilateral vs. bilateral
⦁ Infectious - Unilateral, fever, chills and color change
⦁ Congestive - Bilateral breast engorgement that usually occurs in prima-gravidas
***Inflammatory breast cancer presents with breast tenderness and color change, but fever and chills are not usually present
- patient needs to have close follow-up to ensure improvement with treatment, make sure patient doesn’t have inflammatory breast cancer
⦁ Breast Abscess - may form if mastitis not treated
- induration with fluctuance due to pus
DIAGNOSIS = clinical
- if abscess suspected = may do ultrasound to confirm
o 1st line = supportive measures + anti-staph abx
⦁ warm compresses
⦁ breast pump
⦁ NSAIDS for pain
⦁ ** Dicloxacillin** 250 mg QID x 10 days or Nafcillin
⦁ Keflex
- continue to nurse / pump from both breasts
Regular breastfeeding, or breast pumping, should be continued during treatment as cessation of feeding increases the risk of progression of the infection to a breast abscess. The milk of the infected breast will not harm the infant.
Mothers should continue to regularly drain the breast of milk, either by allowing their baby to continue to feed from that breast or by pumping.
TREATMENT FOR CONGESTIVE - if woman doesn't want to breastfeed = ⦁ ice packs ⦁ tight-fitting bras ⦁ analgesics ⦁ avoid breast stimulation
- if breast feeding desired = manually empty breast completely after baby done breastfeeding, then local heat + analgesics
⦁ I + D
⦁ discontinue breastfeeding from affected breast
⦁ Check the latch-on and make sure the baby’s nose is pointing toward the nipple and the mouth has most of the areola encircled
⦁ The mother should change positions so the infant’s mouth massages different ducts
⦁ Teaching a woman to watch for clogged milk ducts before the development of mastitis, to use massage with a motion toward the nipple, and to use warm, moist packs can often resolve the plugged duct before development of mastitis.
⦁ Advice to “go to bed with baby” is important so the mother can relax, allow time for feeding, and prevent milk duct stasis.
⦁ Frequent emptying of the breast— often difficult with some of the less expensive, less effective pumps— is especially important for the working mother. The electric double-pumping system is generally more effective than hand or battery-operated pumps.
⦁ An undiagnosed fungal infection of the nipple that may be due to infant thrush (or vice versa) should be treated to prevent fissuring and cracks.
- Fluconazole
⦁ If a nipple has a sore or crack, the infant should begin feeding on the least sore side. Pure lanolin may be used, but otherwise breast milk may be used to soothe the crack. Other ointments and nipple shields should not be used. Generally sore, cracked nipples are due to improper positioning or prolonged suckling that is non-nutritive
Patient will infectious mastitis present as → a breastfeeding woman 3 weeks postpartum complaining of a painful area of the breast that is reddened and warm. The patient feels very fatigued with a fever generally > 101 ° F and chills. She reports a burning pain present constantly or at times only while breastfeeding. On exam, the patient appears ill. Breast examination shows an erythematous right breast with a palpable mass, induration, erythema, and tenderness to palpation.
Patient with congestive mastitis presents as → a primigravida with bilateral, painful breast engorgement
Endometrium = innermost lining of uterus where endometrial cells are
Endometriosis = when endometrial cells grow outside of the uterus
- the presence of endometrial glands + stroma outside of the uterine cavity
- uterus sits behind the bladder and in front of rectum
- top of uterus = fundus
- fundus > body of uterus > isthmus > cervix > vagina
⦁ uterosacral ligaments = anchor uterus to sacrum
⦁ cardinal ligaments = anchors uterus laterally
⦁ round ligaments = anchors uterus to anterior body wall
⦁ broad ligament = flappy tissue that connects everything
UTERUS has 3 layers
⦁ perimetrium - connected to peritoneal cavity
⦁ myometrium - smooth muscle that contracts during childbirth to help push baby out
⦁ endometrium - mucosal inner layer that undergoes monthly cyclic changes
= the cells that make up the endometrium (endometrial cells) migrate and implant in other locations of the body
- once implanted, endometrial cells start growing to form a mass of endometrial tissue
⦁ Ovaries
⦁ anterior cul-de-sac (area behind vagina)
⦁ posterior cul-de-sac (area behind rectum)
⦁ posterior broad ligaments
⦁ Uterus (but outside endometrium) - myometrium or perimetrium
⦁ Fallopian tubes
⦁ Uterine Ligaments (Round ligament, uterosacral ligament, cardinal ligament, broad ligament, etc)
May also occur in
- perimetrium (outer layer of uterus) or myometrium (adenomyosis)
- rectovaginal septum
- recto-uterine pouch (pouch of douglas)
- may even implant in intestines or bladder
Ovaries, fallopian tubes and pouch of Douglas are the most commonly involved sites in endometriosis.
Thoracic endometriosis syndrome (TES) is the implantation of endometrial tissue on the parietal and visceral pleura and causes catamenial (peri-menstrual) chest pain, SOB, and hemoptysis. Approximately 90% of cases occur in the RIGHT hemithorax.
- exact cause unknown, but many theories
RISK FACTORS FOR ENDOMETRIOSIS ⦁ family hx of endometriosis ⦁ never having been pregnant ⦁ early menarche ⦁ late menopause
Endometrial implants are benign, so don’t grow out of control like cancer cells, but still function the same as endometrial lining in uterus
==> endometrial cells all have the same estrogen receptor, so go through same proliferation, secretion, and menstruation as endometrial cells in uterus
Hypothalamus –> GnRH –> Pituitary Gland –> FSH + LH –> Ovaries
- LH targets ovaries ==> induces ovulation - egg is released on day 14 of menstrual cycle
- if not fertilized, will then have a period 2 weeks later
- ovary still producing estrogen + progesterone
- by day 28 of menstrual cycle, estrogen + progesterone levels drop –> stimulates menstruation –> endometrial lining sheds
- shedding will therefore occur with all other endometrial implants outside uterine cavity as well
- estrogen / progesterone levels send negative feedback to hypothalamus / pituitary to stop production of GnRH / FSH / LH - stops another egg from being released
1) implanted cells have high levels of Aromatase enzyme - allows them to produce their own estrogen
2) implanted cells release proinflammatory factors - cause inflammation + scarring
- scarring can cause adhesions = binding of organs or structures to each other, affecting their normal placement + function
- proinflammatory factors + estrogen promote the growth of new blood vessels, which nourish the endometrial implant
==> will cause the endometrial implant to bleed, especially during menstruation, but aren’t always completely shed, so slowly continue to build up during menstrual cycles –> inflammation / scarring / adhesions
⦁ if implant is in ovary ==> can form ENDOMETRIOMA = “CHOCOLATE CYSTS” = contains old dark blood and sheds tissue
- if cyst gets too large = can rupture –> lot of pain + more inflammation
⦁ If endometriosis occurs in myometrium = Adenomyosis
Endometrioma = mass resulting from entrapment of cyclic slough of endometriotic implants, through cyst formation.
Endometriomas = linked with mutations in genes PTEN + ARID1A = which are also linked to ovarian carcinoma
Endometrioma presents with a “ground glass” appearance on ultrasound and symptoms of pelvic pain, dysmenorrhea, and dyspareunia.
Endometriosis can pass asymptomatic in third of cases, but when it does symptomize, it presents with pain related to the menses because these abnormal implants grow under the hormonal effect with the normal uterine mucosa. Unlike the normal uterine mucosa that is shed outside the body with menses, the abnormally implanted tissue that is shed at the time of menses cannot leave the body. Thus, it accumulates causing pain and adhesions.
- related to location of endometrial cells
o if located on reproductive organs ⦁ chronic pelvic pain or pelvic pain during menses ⦁ dysmenorrhea ⦁ dyspareunia ⦁ menorrhagia ⦁ irregular bleeding
o if located at pouch of douglas (part of peritoneum located between rear wall of uterus + rectum)
⦁ dyschezia = pain with defecation
o if involves the bladder
⦁ urgent / frequent / painful urination
o If involves the intestines
⦁ abdominal pain
Symptoms vary throughout the menstrual cycle, and are often worse during menstruation
4 D's of Endometriosis ⦁ Dysmenorrhea = painful, heavy bleeding ⦁ Dysuria = if bladder involved ⦁ Dyschezia = if bowels or rectum involved ⦁ Dyspareunia
Onset of pain usually precedes flow by a few days and begins to resolve 1-2 days into the menses
- *** SUBFERTILITY ** or Infertility
- 30-40% of women with endometriosis are subfertile
- thought that the inflammation / scarring from endometriosis can damage reproductive structures
- inhibit release of egg or its movement through fallopian tube
- damage to the uterus can make implantation of gamete difficult
- but is still possible to get pregnant!
Endometriosis increases risk of ovarian carcinoma
⦁ ** Laparoscopy with biopsy = Gold Standard **
The laparoscopic visualization of powder-burned appearing lesions is pathognomonic of endometriosis.
- see glandular tissue upon biopsy
- would get CBC - check for infection
- CMP - Creatinine / BUN - check kidney function
- Ultrasound - abdominal + transvaginal = initial imaging or CT
due to invasive diagnosis with laparoscopy, endometriosis is often treated for without definitive diagnosis
during pregnancy = no symptoms! (or minimal)
- manage pain
- limit progression of endometriosis implants
- manage subfertility
- relieve pain through ovarian suppression
- maintained estrogen / progesterone hormones ==> stops menstruation
⦁ Progesterone analogs (Medroxyprogesterone = depo and levonorgesterol)
- inhibit growth of endometrium - causes endometrial tissue atrophy, suppresses ovulation
- suppresses GnRH
⦁ Danazol (testosterone) - pseudomenopause = suppresses FSH + LH
⦁ GnRH agonists (Leuprolide) = bind better to GnRH receptors than GnRH ==> at first- elevated amount of receptors to bind to => elevated FSH + LH –> elevated estrogen / progesterone levels, but then eventually after about 10 days, prolonged activation of GnRH receptors causes desensitization and downregulation of GnRH receptors, as well as suppression of GnRH and therefore gonadotropins (FSH/LH) => suppresses FSH / LH and therefore estrogen - prevent menstruation
- basically causes menopause
- SE = hot flashes / night sweats / sleep disturbances / urogenital atrophy / + amenorrhea!
Drugs and conservative surgery are symptomatic treatments; in most patients, endometriosis recurs within 6 mo to 1 yr after treatment is stopped unless ovarian function is permanently and completely ablated.
⦁ if severe = surgery - hysterectomy / oophorectomy / any endometrial implants
⦁ if severe + still wants to have children
= surgical laparoscopy + ablation - of only endometrial implants, endometriomas, and adhesions
Once menopausal = symptoms generally go away, unless on estrogen RT
Patient will present as → a 24-year-old nulligravid woman comes to your office with an 18-month history of painful intercourse, difficulty defecating, and dysmenorrhea. These symptoms are cyclical and come and go with her menses. Her menses are regular and heavy, requiring 10 to 15 thick pads on the days of heaviest flow. She denies ever being diagnosed with a sexually transmitted infection (STI). She and her husband have been engaging in regular intercourse without contraception for 1 year in an attempt to conceive. On pelvic examination, you find a normal-sized, immobile, retroverted uterus with nodularity and tenderness on palpation of the uterosacral ligaments.
Gestational Trophoblastic Disease = either 1) molar pregnancy 2) invasive mole 3) choriocarcinoma
- hydatidiform mole (molar pregnancy) = MC in GTD
Molar pregnancy (benign) is an abnormal form of pregnancy in which a non-viable fertilized egg implants in the uterus and will fail to come to term
Gestational trophoblastic disease is a proliferation of trophoblastic tissue (cells forming the outer layer of a blastocyst, which provide nutrients to the embryo and develop into a large part of the placenta) in pregnant or recently pregnant women
HYDATIDIFORM MOLE = neoplasm due to abnormal placental development with trophoblastic tissue proliferation arising from gestational tissue (not maternal in origin)
These villi grow in clusters that resemble grapes. A molar pregnancy can develop when fertilized egg had not contained an original maternal nucleus. The products of conception may or may not contain fetal tissue. It is characterized by the presence of a hydatidiform mole.
Molar pregnancies are categorized as partial moles or complete moles, with the word mole, being used to denote simply a clump of growing tissue, or a growth.
o COMPLETE MOLAR PREGNANCY = egg with no DNA is fertilized by 1 sperm with duplication or 2 sperm
- no DNA egg + 1 sperm 23x or y, or 2 sperm 23x or y
- 46XX or 46 XY- all paternal chromosomes
- associated with higher risk of malignant development into choriocarcinoma
o PARTIAL MOLAR PREGNANCY = 1 egg fertilized by 2 sperm or 1 sperm that duplicates its chromosomes ==> 69 chromosomes (XXX, XXY, XYY)
- 23x + 2 sperms of 23x or 23y
- May be development of the fetus, but it is always malformed and never viable
⦁ prior molar pregnancy
⦁ extremes of maternal age (< 20 or > 35)
A hydatidiform mole can be classified as partial or complete depending on the presence of fetal tissue.
- abnormal pregnancy in which a nonviable fertilized egg implants in the uterus –> nonviable pregnancy which will fail to come to term
- abnormal placental development
A molar pregnancy is a gestational trophoblastic disease which grows into a mass in the uterus that has swollen chorionic villi.
⦁ missed periods
⦁ positive pregnancy test
⦁ PAINLESS vaginal bleeding / brownish discharge
- occurs at 6 weeks - 4/5th months
⦁ uterine size / date discrepancies
- uterine enlargement = larger than expected
⦁ abdominal swelling
⦁ Pre-eclampsia before 20 weeks
⦁ Hyperemesis gravidarum
- due to significant changes (occurs earlier than usual)
⦁ Hyperthyroidism ==> tremor (hcg similar to tsh)
⦁ Choriocarcinoma = Mets to lungs (MC), lower genital tract (purple black nodules), pelvic mass, brain
- SOB / dyspnea with elevated hcg + vaginal bleeding + missed periods = worried about choriocarcinoma
MC choriocarcinoma mets = Lung***
Hyperthyroidism: similarities between the beta-HCG and TSH which allows HCG to weakly bind to TSH receptors
MC symptom of GTN = vaginal bleeding
New-onset hypertension with either proteinuria or end-organ dysfunction at <20 weeks suggests molar pregnancy.
Manifestations may include excessive uterine enlargement, vomiting, vaginal bleeding, and preeclampsia, particularly during early pregnancy
Hydatidiform molar pregnancy presents with vaginal bleeding, uterine enlargement more than expected and pelvic pressure/pain.
⦁ B-Hcg = ** ELEVATED ** (> 100,000)
⦁ very low maternal alpha-fetoprotein (maternal)
⦁ Ultrasound: “snowstorm” or “cluster of grapes” appearance = absence of fetal parts / heart sounds
- cluster of grapes = enlarged cystic chorionic villi
- complete molar pregnancy = “snowstorm / grapes “
- no fetal tissue = complete molar
- fetal tissue present = partial molar
Do ultrasonography during early pregnancy if uterine size is much larger than expected for dates, if women have symptoms or signs of preeclampsia, or if β-hCG levels are unexpectedly high
o Partial
⦁ D + C - ** dilation + curettage **
o Complete
⦁ D + C and Chemo with Methotrexate
- to avoid risk of choriocarcinoma development
- patients b-hCG levels followed weekly until fall to undetectable level
Serum hcg level within 48 hours of surgery, every 1–2 weeks while this value is elevated, and then monthly for 6 months.
Tissue remaining in the uterus from an abnormal molar pregnancy can continue to grow, forming a tumor which invades the muscle layer of the uterus and, less commonly, metastasizing to other parts of the body
⦁ Rhogam given to Rh negative mothers
⦁ avoid pregnancy for 1 year after
Neisseria gonorrhoeae = GRAM NEGATIVE, facultative intracellular, sexually (incidence decreased by condom use) or vertically transmitted (mother to fetus), un-encapsulated DIPLOCOCCUS (round shaped bacteria)
STEM WITH GRAM NEGATIVE DIPLOCOCCI = how to differentiate gonorrhea from chlamydia
- grows best in THAYER-MARTIN AGAR (also known as VPN agar = vancomycin + polymyxin + nystatin) = facilitates growth of Neisseria while inhibiting growth of other bacteria
- also grows in chocolate agar
- 2nd MC cause of PID (after chlamydia)
Gonorrhea has a 2-8 day incubation period
Gonorrhea = oxidase positive
Gonorrhea ferments glucose
- ** differentiate gonorrhea from other gram negative bacteria because it ferments glucose
- ** differentiate Neisseria gonorrhea from Neisseria meningitides because gonorrhea can ferment glucose but not maltose. Meningitides can ferment maltose too.
Pili gene variation = a primary contributor to immune system evasion of N. gonorrhoeae.
- ** PILI ** are used to adhere to mucosal surfaces, allows it to spread
gonorrhea releases ** IgA PROTEASE ** = enzyme that destroys IgA
** Rapid ANTIGENIC VARIATION = Neisseria gonorrhea is able to alter its surface Opa proteins, making it difficult for the immune system to build a defense against it
SYMPTOMS ⦁ Urethritis --> dysuria / frequency ⦁ Cervicitis ⦁ Vaginal itching ⦁ purulent discharge - yellow/green ⦁ fever ⦁ sore throat (oral)
Can progress to PID
Causes urethritis / cervicitis
Can cause gonococcal septic arthritis, tenosynovitis, reactive arthritis, arthralgias, rash, etc.
Ocular Neisseria gonorrhoeae infection during childbirth can cause neonatal conjunctivitis in the baby.
*** day 2-5 = gonococcal (erythromycin ointment to prevent infection; could cause blindness)
day 5-14 = chlamydia
high rate of coinfection with chlamydia
⦁ may progress to PID / Fitz-hugh-Curtis syndrome
⦁ Infertility (d/t scarring of fallopian tubes)
⦁ ectopic pregnancy
⦁ chronic pelvic pain
⦁ ** septic arthritis ** - MC cause = gonorrhea
⦁ reactive arthritis / tenosynovitis
⦁ gram stain of vaginal discharge
⦁ cervical / urethral culture
⦁ ** NAAT (nucleic acid amplification test) = gold standard*
urine GC/Chlamydia = dirty urine
UTI = clean catch urine
⦁ Ceftriaxone 250mg IM
(+ add either Azithro or Doxy for chlamydia)
Chlamydia Trachomatis
= ** MC overall bacterial cause of STDs in the US **
Chlamydia = gram negative bacteria
- obligate intracellular pleomorphic bacterium visible by Giemsa stain
The ELEMENTARY body form of Chlamydia is the extracellular infectious form that is transmitted via aerosol droplets, and enters cells by endocytosis.
The RETICULATE body form of Chlamydia is the intracellular non-infectious forms that is involved in the replication and growth of the bacteria.
*** HOST-ATP DEPENDENCY = depends on host ATP for ability to replicate within inclusion bodies
Chlamydial is the most common sexually tramitted infection of the urethra, cervix, and rectum caused by the bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis.
Chlamydial infection is the leading cause of female infertility in the United States
- up to 40% = asymptomatic, especially men
o Urethritis ⦁ purulent discharge ⦁ pruritus ⦁ dysuria ⦁ dyspareunia ⦁ hematuria
o Cervicitis + PID
⦁ abdominal pain
⦁ ** cervical motion tenderness **
- chlamydia = MC cause of PID
o Reactive Arthritis (HLA - B27) ⦁ Urethritis ⦁ Uveitis ⦁ Arthritis - Chlamydia trachomatis is the most common etiology of Reiter syndrome.
o TRACHOMA = caused by chlamydia trachomatis serotypes A-C that can cause chronic infection and blindness
⦁ mild itching
⦁ irritation of eyes / eyelids
⦁ can lead to scarring around eyelids
⦁ trichiasis = eyelashes turning inwards
⦁ may develop corneal ulcers / blindness if not treated
- TX = oral erythromycin
Chlamydia trachomatis serotypes D-K is associated with urethritis, cervicitis, PID, orchitis, prostatitis, ectopic pregnancies, neonatal pneumonia, neonatal conjunctivitis
Lymphogranuloma venereum is an sexually transmitted disease caused by Chlamydia trachomatis ( serotypes L1-L3) that presents with PAINLESS ULCERS and swollen, painful inguinal lymph nodes that later ulcerate into “buboes”.
(presents similar to chancroid -haemophilus ducreyi, except chancroid = painful ulcer!)
Neonatal pneumonia can present with the symptom of staccato cough, and is often associated with Chlamydia trachomatis infection.
Chlamydia trachomatis and N. gonorrhoeae are the most common causes of Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome, a rare complication of pelvic inflammatory disease that also involves the liver
⦁ ** NAAT ** = Nucleic Acid Amplification = gold standard!!! (for both gonorrhea + chlamydia)
- through vaginal swab or first-catch urine
⦁ culture
The US Preventive Services Task Force recommends screening for chlamydia in sexually active women aged 24 years or younger and in older women who are at increased risk for infection.
⦁ Azithromycin (1 gram x 1 dose) or
⦁ Doxycycline 100mg bid x 7-10 days
- retest in 3 weeks to ensure clearance
⦁ Also treat for gonorrhea! = Ceftriaxone 250mg IM
If pregnant = may give azithro and ceftriaxone, but DON’T give doxy
The chlamydial cell wall lacks muramic acid and therefore cannot be treated with antibiotics that target cell walls, such as penicillins, or beta-lactams
Patient will present as → a 21-year-old male complaining of pain on urination and a watery discharge from his penis. Gram stain of the discharge is negative for bacteria but shows many neutrophils. When questioned about his social history, he says that he uses condoms most of the time but occasionally has unprotected sex. The patient responds to treatment with azithromycin.
Endoflagellum-mediated motility
Haemophilus ducreyi = fastidious GRAM NEGATIVE COCCOBACILLUS bacteria
Causes the sexually transmitted disease CHANCROID, a major cause of genital ulceration in developing countries characterized by painful sores on the genitalia
Chancroid starts as an erythematous papular lesion that breaks down into a painful bleeding ulcer with a necrotic base and ragged edge
endemic to developing countries and rare in the U.S
⦁ genital ULCERATION / painful sores on genitalia
⦁ ulcer has irregular borders + erythematous base
⦁ Base covered with a gray or yellowish material
⦁ ulcer bleeds easily, is friable
Typical symptoms are localized, with no systemic manifestations
Most infected persons will develop one or more painful, red, inflamed pus-filled lumps 3-7 days after being infected during coitus. The lump will often rupture, leaving a very painful ulcer. Buboes (large, hard painful lumps) are commonly seen uni or bi-laterally, arising from infected, inguinal lymph nodes.
⦁ usually clinical diagnosis - is difficult to culture
⦁ ** culture of ulcer specimen ** = definitive
⦁ PCR testing
⦁ gram stain
- will show gram-negative coccobacilli sometimes described as “schools of fish” or “railroad tracks.”
Diagnosis is primarily made after elimination of other typical causes of genital ulceration (especially syphilis and herpes simplex), with definitive diagnosis made via specialized media culture or PCR, which are not widely available
Chancroid is highly associated with concomitant HIV infection, so individuals with H. ducreyi must also be screed for HIV
The lesions should heal within 7 days after treatment. Sexual activity should not be engaged in until after the lesions are fully healed. Open sores predispose an individual to HIV infection.
Chancroid is a sexually transmitted infection highly associated with concomitant HIV infection. Individuals infected with H. ducreyi must also be screened for HIV.
⦁ single dose azithromycin 1000mg or ceftriaxone 250 mg IM or cipro
⦁ fluctuant buboes may require I + D
Always remember that the combination of a painful ulcer with tender adenopathy is suggestive of a chancroid.
Pap Smear = every 3 years starting at age 21
at age 30 = pap smear + HPV serology every 5 years
o Negative Pap Smear (cytology) = repeat in 3 years
o Negative Pap Smear (cytology) + Negative HPV = repeat contesting in 5 years
o Negative Pap Smear (cytology) + Positive HPV =
repeat cotesting in 1 year!
o Atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASCUS) on Cytology (pap):
⦁ < 30 years = repeat in 1 year
⦁ 30+ and HPV positive = Colposcopy
⦁ 30+ and HPV negative = repeat in 3 years
o Atypical squamous cells: cannot exclude high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (ASC-H) = colposcopy
o Low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (LSIL) = colposcopy
o High-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HSIL) = colposcopy or loop excision
o Atypical glandular cells of undetermined significance (AGC)
⦁ colposcopy
⦁ > 35 years of age need an endometrial biopsy
Thymidine kinase production
- pregnancy loss that occurs without outside intervention BEFORE or at 20 weeks
If pregnancy loss occurs after 20 weeks = fetal demise / intrauterine death / stillbirth
MC occurs during first 7 weeks
o Types of spontaneous abortions ⦁ threatened ⦁ inevitable ⦁ incomplete ⦁ complete ⦁ missed ⦁ septic
Threatened abortion = only type of spontaneous abortion with possible fetal viability
Inevitable + Incomplete = only type of spontaneous abortions where cervical os is open
CAUSES OF SPONTANEOUS ABORTION ⦁ ***MC = fetal chromosomal abnormalities *** - aneuploidy (missing or additional chromosomes) ⦁ maternal infection ⦁ uterine defects ⦁ endocrine abnormalities ⦁ malnutrition ⦁ immunologic ⦁ physical trauma ⦁ smoking ⦁ drug use, etc.
The most common chromosomal trisomy leading to spontaneous abortion is trisomy 16.
- depends on how far along in pregnancy
o the first few weeks of pregnancy abortion = can go unnoticed = may have small amount of bleeding, with or without passage of some contents
o if further along in pregnancy = more likely to produce more vaginal bleeding and more pelvic pain, with passage of placental and/or fetal tissue
⦁ Transvaginal ultrasound
⦁ pelvic examination
⦁ lab tests - b-hCG to make sure levels are rising appropriately
1) Expectant management = close monitoring and waiting for complete abortion to occur - without any medical management
2) Medication management = misoprostol (cytotec) to induce labor to expel uterine contents
3) Surgical management = D + C or D + E
Pregnancy may be viable, or abortion may follow
⦁ bloody vaginal discharge
⦁ ** CLOSED ** cervical os
⦁ no products of conception expelled from uterus
- initial spotting that may progress to profuse bleeding
- may have contractions of uterus
- uterus size compatible with dates
- ultrasound confirms a viable fetus
- occurs quite often during 1st trimester, and usually does not result in a miscarriage
⦁ supportive: rest, no sex, weekly OB visit, progestins
⦁ return to ER if symptoms persist or if passage of POC occurs
⦁ serial b-hCG to see if doubling
⦁ Rhogam if mother Rh-
Pregnancy not salvageable
⦁ moderate vaginal bleeding
⦁ moderate to severe uterus CRAMPING / PAIN
⦁ ** progressive cervix dilation** = > 3cm effaced
- may have rupture of membranes
⦁ no products of conception expelled from uterus, but often products are visible upon exam
- uterus size compatible with dates
⦁ wait for abortion to complete
⦁ Pitocin or cytotec (misoprostol) to induce expelling
⦁ D + C = dilation + curettage = if 1st trimester
⦁ D + E = dilation + evacuation = if 2nd trimester
⦁ Rhogam if mother Rh-
Pregnancy not salvageable
SYMPTOMS ⦁ * HEAVY * vaginal bleeding ⦁ moderate to severe uterus cramping ⦁ ** DILATED CERVIX ** ⦁ boggy uterus
⦁ some products of conception expelled from uterus, some products of conception still retained
⦁ wait for abortion to complete
⦁ Pitocin
⦁ D + C = dilation + curettage = if 1st trimester
⦁ D + E = dilation + evacuation = if 2nd trimester
⦁ Rhogam if mother Rh-
Complete passage of all products of conception
All POC expelled from uterus, uterine cavity is empty
** Cervical Os CLOSED **
⦁ pain, cramps, bleeding usually subsides
⦁ pre-pregnancy size of uterus
⦁ Rhogam if mother Rh-
Fetal demise, but still retained in uterus
⦁ may have had symptoms of loss of pregnancy (bleeding or pelvic pain)
⦁ may have brownish discharge
** only type of spontaneous abortion with NO VAGINAL BLEEDING **
⦁ no movement / heart tone on ultrasound
⦁ Misoprostol (cytotec)
⦁ D + C = dilation + curettage = if 1st trimester
⦁ D + E = dilation + evacuation = if 2nd trimester
The retained products of conception becomes infected –> Infection of uterus + organs
Some products of conception retained
** cervical os CLOSED **
** cervical motion tenderness **
SYMPTOMS ⦁ foul brownish discharge ⦁ fever ⦁ chills ⦁ uterine tenderness ⦁ spotting / heavy bleeding
⦁ D + E = dilation + evacuation to remove POC and..
⦁ Broad spectrum antibiotics
⦁ hysterectomy if refractory
⦁ Mifepristone –> Misoprostol 24-72 hrs later
- safe up to 9 weeks
⦁ Methotrexate –> Misoprostol 3-7 days later
- safe up to 7 weeks
Mifepristone = anti-progestin
Methotrexate = antimetabolite (folic antagonist)
Misoprostol (cytotec) = prostaglandin - causes uterine contractions
- can be performed up to 24 weeks from LMP
⦁ D + C = dilation + curettage (includes suction + curettage) = if 1st trimester (4-12 weeks)
⦁ D + E = dilation + evacuation = if 2nd trimester
(> 12 weeks)
inflammation of the endometrium
= a form of PID!
Endometritis is characterized by an infection of the lining of the uterus usually due to retained products of conception (after delivery or miscarriage) and is a form of pelvic inflammatory disease.
- associated with
⦁ retained products of conception following delivery, miscarriage, abortion
⦁ foreign body (IUD)
Retained material in the uterus promotes infection by bacterial flora from vagina or intestinal tract
The retained products are able to act as a nidus for infection
Postpartum endometritis is suspected when a patient exhibits fever and uterine tenderness after delivery.
Postpartum endometritis is a common cause of febrile morbidity after delivery and is due to a polymicrobial infection.
Postpartum endometritis = largely a polymicrobial infection
Other risk factors include: prolonged labor, prolonged rupture of membranes > 24 hrs, vaginal delivery, D+C, multiple cervical exams, internal fetal monitoring, and maternal diabetes mellitus
SYMPTOMS ⦁ fever (> 101.4 / 38) = most important indicator ⦁ pelvic pain / cramps ⦁ tender uterus ⦁ abnormal uterine bleeding / discharge ⦁ **** malodorous lochia **** ⦁ tachycardia
Patient will be a woman 2 - 3 days post c-section
Complaining of fever, abdominal pain, foul smelling lochia
Complications = can be linked to infertility
⦁ presence of PLASMA CELLS on endometrial biopsy
⦁ Chronic endometritis is characterized by PLASMA CELLS in the stroma, because lymphocytes are normally found in the endometrium.
⦁ leukocytosis
o Post-C-section
⦁ Gentamicin + Clindamycin, with or without ampicillin (to cover for GBS)
Most uncomplicated cases of acute endometritis can be treated successfully with 2 weeks of intravenous clindamycin and gentamicin.
postpartum endometritis is largely a polymicrobial infection, so the most appropriate treatment is IV broad-spectrum antibiotics – namely, clindamycin and gentamicin.
While Cesarean delivery is the most important risk factor for developing postpartum endometritis, it can certainly occur with vaginal deliveries as well.
o Post-Vaginal delivery
⦁ Gentamycin + Ampicillin
o Prophylaxis during C-section
⦁ Ancef (1st generation cephalosporin)
a condition of the uterus caused by a loss of the stratum basalis and the replacement of normal endometrium with scar tissue
It is often the result of an aggressive D + C performed following a birth or miscarriage to remove retained placenta or products of conception
- Adhesions that form across the normally open uterine cavity may form as well
⦁ secondary amenorrhea or very light periods
- the amount of endometrium to be sloughed is greatly reduced
- Other potential symptoms include
⦁ recurrent miscarriages
⦁ infertility
⦁ painful, uterine cramping
⦁ hysteroscopy
- When the condition is suspected, a hysteroscopy can be performed to directly visualize the uterus and assess the severity of the condition.
⦁ surgical removal of scar tissue / adhesions
- may consist of surgically removing scar tissue and lysing adhesions in order to restore the normal geography of the uterus.
Crown rump length (CRL) = most accurate estimation of gestational age in pregnancy
done during the first trimester
There is little biological variability during the first trimester, so dating is thought to be accurate within 5-7 days.
Dating methods during the 2nd trimester are accurate within 2 weeks, and during the 3rd they are accurate within 3 weeks.
Ultrasound measuring the length of the fetus from the top of its head to bottom of its torso – the largest dimension, excluding the yolk sac and extremities. The sac is the ring seen below the fetus.
Another method to date gestational age this early is mean sac diameter (MSD), which should be larger than CRL. An MSD less than 5 mm greater than crown-rump length is a sign of risk of first trimester miscarriage.
Leiomyoma = uterine fibroids
Benign smooth muscle tumors of the uterus
Uterine fibroids = MC type of tumor in females
- uterus = hollow organ that sits behind the bladder and in front of the rectum
- top of uterus = fundus
- cervix has 2 openings: superior + inferior openings, which has a mucus plug that seals off the uterus, except during menstruation and right before ovulation
- Utero-sacral ligaments = connects uterus to sacrum
- round ligaments = connects uterus to anterior body wall
- cardinal ligaments + mesometrium (part of the broad ligament) = lateral support
⦁ Perimetrium
⦁ Myometrium - smooth muscle that contracts during childbirth
⦁ Endometrium - mucosal layer that undergoes monthly cyclic changes
UTERINE FIBROIDS = benign smooth muscle tumors
⦁ monoclonal = arise from a single cell of the myometrium that starts developing uncontrollably
- genetic link
- steroid hormones
RISK FACTORS ⦁ black women ⦁ Pre-menopausal women ⦁ Pregnancy ⦁ nulliparity ⦁ breastfeeding ⦁ many menstrual cycles (many waves of hormones) ⦁ DES exposure
Fibroids upregulate receptors for estrogen + progesterone, and also have a lot of aromatase (made by FSH) = (enzyme that converts androgens into estrogen)
the more elevated Estrogen + Progesterone = the more likely a fibroid will grow
= why fibroids typically affect pre-menopausal females
= why fibroids grow rapidly during pregnancy
Elevated estrogen levels can cause rapid enlargement of a uterine fibroid.
- linked with
HEREDITARY LEIOMYOMATOSIS - RENAL CELL CARCINOMA SYNDROME (Reed’s Syndrome) = causes skin + uterine fibroid development + renal cell carcinoma
⦁ ** MC = Intramural fibroids ** (myometrium)
⦁ Subserosal fibroids (in myometrium, close to perimetrium)
⦁ Submucosal fibroids (in myometrium, just below endometrium)
⦁ Intracavitary = within uterus cavity
⦁ Pedunculated fibroids = can grow into the cavity of the uterus and change its shape
⦁ Cervical fibroids = grow in the wall of the cervix
Uterine fibroids = round, firm, grayish/white in color
- vary greatly in size from being barely visible to being large tumors that can be palpated externally
- can be solitary or present in groups
- benign - so don’t invade other tissues or spread to other parts of the body
SYMPTOMS ⦁ most = small + asymptomatic ⦁ menorrhagia / dysmenorrhea** ⦁ abdominal pain / pressure if certain size / location ⦁ bladder: frequency / urgency
- symptoms depend on location, number, and size
⦁ abnormal uterine bleeding / menorrhagia / dysmenorrhea
(may present as heavy or long menstrual bleeding)
- can lead to iron-deficiency anemia over time
The most common symptom with submucosal types of uterine leiomyomas = abnormal uterine bleeding.
⦁ abdominal pain - from putting pressure on surrounding abdominal organs
** Submucosal + Intramural fibroids = associated with infertility and higher risk of miscarriage
Subserosal leiomyomas are a type of uterine fibroid that can break away from the uterus and receive blood supply from another abdominal organ.
** In pregnancy, fibroids can cause
o fetal misrepresentation
o preterm labor
o postpartum hemorrhage
fibroids shrink after menopause due to the decrease of estrogen.
⦁ pelvic exam
⦁ ** ultrasound **
⦁ Biopsy = arranged in a whorled pattern
** firm and irregular ** uterus upon palpation
⦁ if asymptomatic = observation
o symptomatic =
⦁ GnRH agonist - Leuprolide - inhibits GnRH when given continuously - shrinks uterus temporarily until natural menopause
- usually used if near menopause or preoperatively (to shrink fibroid prior to hysterectomy
⦁ other pharm tx = NSAIDS, combined hormonal contraceptives, progesterone
⦁ Surgery
- either myomectomy (want to remain fertile) or hysterectomy (not done having kids)
Submucosal uterine leiomyomas can easily be removed via hysteroscopy.
⦁ uterine artery embolization = catheter to disrupt blood flow to fibroids, causing them to shrink
Patient will present as → a 39-year-old African American woman with abnormally heavy menstrual bleeding along with increased pelvic pressure. She denies pain and is not using any hormonal contraception. She uses multiple sanitary pads per day. On pelvic examination, there is an enlarged uterus with asymmetric contours. The uterus is non-tender to palpation.
Gestational diabetes = new onset glucose intolerance during pregnancy, caused by insulin resistance
- usually subsides postpartum
Gestational diabetes is a condition in which women without previously diagnosed diabetes exhibit high blood glucose levels during pregnancy (especially during their third trimester)
GDM is confirmed by a one hour oral glucose challenge and a three hour glucose tolerance test.
- Placental release of GH (growth hormone), CRH (corticotropin releasing hormone) + HPL (human placental lactogen)
- These hormones antagonize insulin, preventing insulin from properly binding to insulin receptors
Gestational diabetes is caused when insulin receptors do not function properly. This is likely due to pregnancy-related factors such as the presence of human placental lactogen that interferes with susceptible insulin receptors.
Gestational diabetes is caused by pregnancy hormones that interfere with insulin’s action on insulin receptors.
During pregnancy, all mothers exhibit some degree of insulin resistance that is primarily mediated by growth hormone, corticotropin-releasing hormone, placental lactogen and progesterone, which help ensure the developing fetus has adequate nutrition.
Gestational diabetes occurs when pancreatic function is insufficient to overcome the pregnancy-induced insulin resistance.
RISK FACTORS FOR GDM ⦁ *** hx of GDM *** ⦁ Obesity: weight > 110% of ideal body weight ⦁ maternal age > 25 ⦁ family hx of DM ⦁ prior delivery of baby > 9 lbs ⦁ PCOS ⦁ current steroid use ⦁ Hispanic-American, African American, or Native American ethnicity
- Common adverse outcomes associated with GDM: ⦁ preeclampsia ⦁ macrosomia ⦁ maternal and infant birth trauma ⦁ operative delivery ⦁ perinatal mortality ⦁ neonatal hypoglycemia
Cardiac anomalies are associated with poorly controlled gestational diabetes
- macrosomia
- polyhydramnios
- respiratory distress syndrome
- neonatal hypoglycemia
- cardiac anomalies (ex: ASD / VSD / TOF / TGA etc)
macrosomia = due to excessive maternal glucose crosses the placenta => fetal hyperglycemia. In response, fetus produces excess insulin => which increases stored fat / muscle mass
- Macrosomia is defined as a birth-weight > 90th % for gestational age or > 4500 grams, and is associated with gestational diabetes
Polyhydramnios = excessive volume of amniotic fluid
- defined as amniotic fluid index > 25cm
- Complications of polyhydramnios = preterm labor, umbilical cord prolapse, and fetal malpresentation
Gestational diabetes is a risk factor for neonatal respiratory distress syndrome due to high fetal insulin levels suppressing the synthesis of lung surfactant.
neonatal hypoglycemia = due to baby having really high insulin levels due to high sugar levels when with mom, so when born, insulin levels still high but glucose levels are low ==> hypoglycemia
Transposition of the great vessels is a cardiac abnormality where the aorta and the pulmonary artery are switched, and can be seen in gestational diabetes.
- ↑ Maternal risk of type 2 DM
- GDM can be pretty asymptomatic in mother, which is why screening is important
⦁ Screening at 24-28 weeks
The two-step screening method for gestational diabetes, consists of a 50g, 1-hour glucose challenge test, followed by a 100g, 3-hour oral glucose tolerance test for those with an abnormal screening result.
⦁ initial screening = give glucose 50g load - if glucose 140+ after 1 hour = need 3 hour 100g glucose test within 1 week
⦁ 3 hour test = give glucose 100g load o if fasting glucose > 95 o if 1 hour glucose > 180 o if 2 hour glucose > 155 o if 3 hour glucose > 140 - need 2/4 of the above to make diagnosis
⦁ Hemoglobin A1C for diagnosis of gestational diabetes = ** 6.5 **
⦁ Random glucose ≥ 200 mg/DL on 2 separate occasions or
⦁ Fasting glucose ≥126 mg/dL on 2 separate occasions or
⦁ A 100 g glucose challenge with >95 mg/dL fasting, >180 mg/dL at 1 hour, >155 mg/dL at 2 hours, or >140 mg/dL at 3 hours
⦁ Medical nutrition therapy
⦁ exercise
⦁ ** insulin **
Indications for Insulin =
o fasting blood glucose > 105
o postprandial blood glucose > 120
Insulin dosage
⦁ 1st trimester = 0.8 IU/kg
⦁ 2nd trimester = 1.0 IU/kg
⦁ 3rd trimester = 1.2 IU/kg
First line therapy for gestational diabetes should be dietary modification and exercise
Insulin is the standard medication for treatment of diabetes during pregnancy
Metformin = also safe during pregnancy
Glyburide is a second-generation sulfonylurea which is used in the management of gestational diabetes, and is not / is minimally transported across the placenta
- but higher risk of pre-eclampsia!
Patients recommended to tightly monitor glucose levels: check blood sugar 4x/day
⦁ want fasting glucose < 90
⦁ want 1-2 hour glucose postprandial to be < 140
The American Diabetes Association and the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology recommended the following glucose targets:
⦁ fasting blood glucose < 95 mg/dL
⦁ 1-hour postprandial blood glucose level < 180 mg/dL
⦁ 2-hour postprandial blood glucose level < 155 mg/dL.
- closely follow with ultrasounds + NST (non-stress test) - observe fetal monitoring x 20 minutes
- often induce labor at 38 weeks if uncontrolled / macrosomia
- induce at 40 weeks if controlled / no macrosomia
Induced to reduce rates of macrosomia / shoulder dystocia / C-section
- if > 4500 grams = C-section
Premature rupture of membranes (PROM), or pre-labor rupture of membranes = defined as rupture of membranes (breakage of the amniotic sac / breaking of the mother’s water, MORE THAN 1 HOUR BEFORE ONSET OF LABOR
Amniotic sac = consists of 2 membranes
⦁ chorion
⦁ amnion
amniotic sac - contains amniotic fluid, which surrounds and protects the fetus in the uterus
After rupture, the amniotic fluid leaks out of the uterus through the vagina.
** The most common cause of preterm birth is preterm premature rupture of membranes **
Premature rupture of membranes (PROM) refers to a patient who is ≥ 37 weeks gestation and has presented with rupture of membranes (ROM) > 1 hr before onset of labor
Preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROM) is rupture of membranes prior to 37 weeks’ gestation
RISK FACTORS FOR PREMATURE RUPTURE OF MEMBRANES (PROM) ⦁ STDs ⦁ smoking ⦁ prior preterm delivery ⦁ multiple gestations
⦁ Nitrazine Paper Test
- The alkaline nature of amniotic fluid will turn nitrazine paper blue when it is exposed to the fluid (a positive test result) - this indicates that the amniotic membranes have broken
- PH > 6.5 = positive
(amniotic fluid pH = 7.0 - 7.5) (vaginal pH = 3.8 - 4.2)
- false positive can occur if contaminated by blood, semen, mucus, bacterial infections
⦁ Fern Test
- a drop of the fluid is placed on a glass slide and allowed to dry, it will reveal a fern pattern when examined under the microscope (a positive fern test).
- “fern pattern” crystallization of the amniotic fluid (crystallization of estrogen and amniotic fluid
⦁ Speculum exam may reveal pooling of fluid in the vaginal vault.
⦁ If the diagnosis is still unclear following these tests, ultrasound assessment of the amniotic fluid may be performed
- Bed rest and imminent delivery of the baby. Vaginal delivery can be performed if the baby and mother are stable.
- Pitocin may be needed to start contractions if they have not started within 24 hours after rupture
⦁ > 34 weeks = induce
⦁ 24-34 weeks = stop contractions and start 2 doses of steroid injection then deliver the baby
– give antibiotics
- Azithromycin 1g x 1 + Ampicillin 2g q6h x 48 hours, then Amoxicillin 500 TID or 875 BID x 5 days
- Ampicillin + Erythromycin x 48 hrs, then Amoxicillin + Erythromycin x 5 days
- monitor for infection (chorioamnionitis / endometritis)
Patient will present as → a 31-year-old female G2P1 at 37 weeks gestation presents to the emergency department saying that her “water broke.” She reports that the fluid is a pale yellow color and denies the presence of mucus or blood. External fetal monitoring reveals a reactive fetal heart tracing and no uterine contractions. Speculum exam reveals a closed cervical os with a pool of fluid in the vaginal vault. The fluid is fern and nitrite positive. Bedside sonogram shows oligohydramnios and a fetus with cephalic presentation.
- labor that is occurring BEFORE 37 WEEKS
- REGULAR uterine contractions (> 4-6/hr) + PROGRESSIVE CERVICAL CHANGES (effacement + dilation)
PTL = MC cause of perinatal mortality
SYMPTOMS ⦁ cramps ⦁ uterine contractions ⦁ back pain ⦁ pelvic pressure ⦁ vaginal discharge
- The most accurate test to determine whether this patient will need hospitalization and tocolysis =
Fetal fibronectin has a high negative predictive value. If negative, it may be possible to avoid interventions such as hospitalization, tocolysis, and corticosteroid administration.
Fetal fibronectin is an extracellular glycoprotein that “glues cells together” and binds the placenta to the decidua of the uterine wall. It is not normally found in the vagina before 20 weeks gestation. Its presence after this gestation is suggestive of preterm labor.
A sample should not be obtained within 24 hours of vaginal exam as this may increase the false positive rate.
Fetal fibronectin has a high negative predictive value for the following 2 weeks, meaning that if the fetal fibronectin is negative there is a low risk of preterm birth in the next 2 weeks. The test may be repeated in two weeks if there are ongoing symptoms. If the fetal fibronectin is negative, it may be possible to avoid interventions such as hospitalization, tocolysis, and corticosteroid administration.
Positive values have low specificity and ongoing testing is not useful if a positive result is obtained.
⦁ Nitrazine pH paper test
- turns blue if pH > 6.5 (amniotic fluid)
- normal vaginal pH = 3.8 - 4.2
⦁ Fern Test
- microscope - see fern pattern
- estrogen + amniotic fluid
⦁ FFN test = presence of fetal fibronectin
- presence of FFN between 20-34 weeks = strongly suggests preterm labor
Rule out infections: UTI / GBS
- admit to hospital
- observe for signs of infection
o Antenatal steroids
⦁ 1st line = Betamethasone
⦁ 2nd line = Dexamethasone
- to enhance fetal lung maturity
- given if < 34 weeks or if L:S ratio is < 2:1
- L:S ratio = Lecithin–sphingomyelin ratio
o Tocolytics
- suppresses uterine contractions
- may be given x 48hrs to delay delivery in order to allow steroids to take full effect on fetus
- do not delay labor if infection is detected
-Tocolytics = only given if 24-34 weeks preterm
⦁ 24-32 1st line = Indomethacin (inhibits prostaglandin)
⦁ 24-32 2nd line = Nifedipine (CCB)
⦁ 32-34 1st line = Nifedipine (CCB)
⦁ 32-34 2nd line = Terbutaline (beta-2 agonist)
⦁ 3rd line = Magnesium Sulfate
It’s Not My Time = Indomethacin, Nifedipine, Magnesium Sulfate, Terbutaline
= benign breast tumors
= mixture of stromal + epithelial cells
Stromal cells = think endometriosis / endometritis / fibroadenoma
Fibroadenoma composed of both FIBROUS + GLANDULAR tissue
= STROMAL TUMOR composed of stromal tissue and epithelium.
** Whorled or swirl pattern ** (like with fibroids**)
Fibroadenoma is a benign breast disease most commonly seen in women under 35 years of age and is characterized by a small, well-defined, mobile mass.
MC in late teens to early 20’s
Fibroadenoma = MC breast tumor seen in premenopausal women
2nd MC benign breast condition (after fibrocystic)
⦁ * painless * breast lump that is easily mobile (unlike breast cancer tumors)
⦁ “rubbery”, painless, well circumscribed, completely round, and freely mobile
⦁ clearly defined edges
⦁ may gradually grow over time
⦁ doesn’t wax and wane with menstrual cycle (unlike fibrocystic changes)
⦁ No skin changes, axillary involvement, lymphadenopathy or nipple discharge.
Fibroadenoma usually presents as a PAINLESS + MOBILE breast mass.
** - may be more tender + increase in size during menstruation / with OCPs / pregnancy…but usually painless **
- STEM = patient will have had lump for months, slowly growing, may be more tender or painful during menstruation / OCPs / pregnancy, and may also grow more during these times
- palpable, mobile, firm mass that is well-defined
Fibroadenomas = sensitive to estrogen and therefore can enlarge in women on OCPs, during menstrual cycle and during pregnancy
Premenopausal women are more commonly affected by fibroadenoma of the breast.
Fibroadenoma is a benign breast neoplasm that is sensitive to estrogen and hence will grow during PREGNANCY and the menstrual cycle.
Fibroadenoma DOES NOT increase the risk of developing breast cancer.
⦁ ** Ultrasound ** - always
⦁ Mammogram
⦁ Biopsy
⦁ ** Mainstay of tx = OBSERVATION **
⦁ continue to monitor via ultrasound q3-6 months
⦁ Core Needle Biopsy or excision biopsy
follow-up with a repeat ultrasound and breast examination must be completed within 3-6 months
Most small tumors resorb with time (15-50%) – if warranted (depending on US/mammo), do a breast biopsy to rule out cancer
Cryoablation is a noninvasive modality for treatment of fibroadenoma that utilizes low temperature to decrease the size of the tumor.
In the majority of cases, fibroadenomas are not associated with an increased risk of breast cancer and can be followed with serial ultrasounds. For women with a strong family history of breast cancer or with a rapidly growing lesion, biopsy is recommended. If symptomatic, fibroadenomas can be managed by surgical excision or cryoablation.
Patient will present as → a 27-year-old female with a PAINLESS mass in the left breast. She discovered this mass three months ago while showering and reports it has been UNCHANGED since that time. Her last menstrual period was 10 days ago. There is no family history of breast cancer. On physical exam, you palpate a 3 cm, firm, non-tender mass in the upper lateral quadrant of the left breast. The mass is smooth, well-circumscribed, and MOBILE. There are no skin changes, nipple discharge or axillary lymphadenopathy
Fibrocystic breast change is a condition characterized by noncancerous breast lumps which can cause discomfort, often related to hormonal influences from the menstrual cycle
- fluid-filled breast cyst due to exaggerated response to hormones
Fibrocystic changes in the breast can include simple cysts, papillary apocrine change, and stromal fibrosis
- MC breast disorder
- especially age 30-50***
(vs fibroadenoma = MC in teens - 20s)
a common noncancerous condition that affects mostly premenopausal women in the 30s to 50s
Drinking alcohol can increase the risk of fibrocystic breast changes
SYMPTOMS ⦁ usually Multiple ⦁ mobile ⦁ well demarcated lumps ⦁ *** TENDER *** ⦁ bilateral* ⦁ usually no axillary involvement or nipple discharge ⦁ *** breast cysts may INCREASE OR DECREASE IN SIZE WITH MENSTRUAL HORMONE CHANGES ***
HALLMARK SYMPTOM of fibrocystic breast changes = breast pain
** cyst may not come and go, may stay there for several weeks/months without change **
In fibrocystic breast disease, the breast pain is associated with the phases of the menstrual cycle.
In fibrocystic breast disease, the breast masses are most commonly localized in the upper lateral quadrant of the breast.
Fibrocystic breast changes is not associated with increased risk of breast cancer.
⦁ Ultrasound
⦁ mammogram
⦁ FNA Biopsy = ** straw colored fluid ** (no blood)
if FNA biopsy = clear fluid, no blood, cyst goes away = fibrocystic breast changes
- if bloody fluid or if mass doesn’t go away = need cytology ==> biopsy
Biopsy = best way to confirm diagnosis
TREATMENT ⦁ analgesics / good bra - NSAIDS ⦁ OCPs ⦁ may do FNA removal of fluid if symptomatic ⦁ try limiting caffeine
In most cases, fibrocystic breast changes do not require any treatment intervention, but many respond to analgesics and a good supportive bra
Women should be encouraged to perform monthly self-breast exams one week after a period when cysts are at their smallest
Patient will present as → a 42-year-old woman with breast masses that changes in size, especially during her menstrual cycles. These masses are usually painful and pain radiates into the axillae. She reports that her breasts often feel full and heavy. Ultrasound exam shows cystic masses within the breasts.
Fibroadenoma vs Fibrocystic change
- both can change with menstrual cycle
o Fibroadenoma
- more single / unilateral
- can be tender / painful, but not always
- pregnancy! may enlarge with menstrual cycle
- typically age late teens - 20s
o Fibrocystic change
- multiple / bilateral
- painful / tender
- wax and wane with menstrual cycle, but still a cyst, so will remain present
- typical age 30s-50s
“Lumpy-bumpy” masses = fibrocystic change
“Mobile, discrete mass” = fibroadenoma
Masses are tender during menses = fibrocystic change
Woman slowly develops mass during pregnancy that disappears after delivery = fibroadenoma
Varied appearance pervasive throughout normal tissue = fibrocystic change
Sharply demarcated nodule of glands and stroma = fibroadenoma
Sheehan’s Syndrome = also known as Post-partum anterior pituitary gland necrosis
Disorder in which the pituitary gland cells in a new mother start to die
- MC CAUSE = due to excess blood loss during childbirth **
- pituitary gland cells denied adequate blood flow
= Rare type of “Pituitary Apoplexy”
- During pregnancy, a group of cells in the pituitary gland, called LACTOTROPHS, start to increase in size and number
- Lactotrophs secrete the hormone PROLACTIN
- Increased Prolactin prepares mammary glands to produce milk
- Lactotrophs are increasing in size and number, but pituitary gland blood flow remains the same
- so Lactotrophs are already hypoperfused, as there is same amount of blood supply but increased demand
- if blood supply is decreased even further –> can result in ischemia / death
- Because of increased size / # of Lactotrophs around, they take up a large amount of blood supply to Pituitary gland ==> results in ischemia / death of other pituitary gland cells
Sheehan syndrome causes necrosis of the ANTERIOR pituitary
- Postpartum hemorrhage may occur (excess blood loss during delivery)
= defined as > 500 mL of blood loss after vaginal delivery or > 1000 mL of blood loss after C-section
Increased blood loss ==> decreased blood supply to pituitary gland
- Pituitary gland already has increased demand of blood supply due to lactotrophs
- lack of blood and therefore oxygen –> ischemic necrosis
If blood flow is restored soon, more and more cells in the pituitary gland DIE, causing the gland to shrink and scar, which can disrupt production of one or more pituitary hormones
Increased cell death in pituitary gland means production of one or more hormones decreases ⦁ GH (growth hormone) ⦁ ACTH (acts on adrenal gland) ⦁ TSH (acts on thyroid + gonadotropins) ⦁ FSH / LH (acts on ovaries) ⦁ Prolactin
⦁ ** Agalactorrhea ** = classic early symptom
- not able to make enough / any breast milk due to lack of prolactin
⦁ amenorrhea = lack of period, even after cessation of lactation = due to lack of FSH / LH
⦁ Hypothyroidism = due to lack of TSH
- leads to low BP / cold intolerance / weight gain
⦁ Adrenal gland insufficiency (due to low ACTH)
- causes a decrease in sodium + blood glucose levels
⦁ Low growth hormone
- symptoms of fatigue and low muscle mass
A common side effect of Sheehan syndrome is loss of pubic hair due to the decrease in luteinizing hormone levels
In some women, the damage to the pituitary gland is relatively mild ==> will have relatively normal levels of prolactin, and won’t have trouble breastfeeding
- INSTEAD => may notice other symptoms months to years after delivery
DIAGNOSIS ⦁ measure pituitary hormone levels (TSH / FSH / LH / Prolactin) ⦁ CT or MRI - may show ring enhancement or halo around an empty sella turcica = "pituitary ring sign"
A diagnosis of Sheehan syndrome is strongly suspected if a woman fails to lactate and menstruate after pregnancy.
⦁ hormone replacement
- typically lifelong
Sheehan syndrome is characterized by pituitary necrosis secondary to hypovolemic shock following post-partum hemorrhage. It presents with agalactorrhea, amenorrhea, and hypothyroidism.
During pregnancy, the pituitary gland undergoes physiologic enlargement. However, this increase in pituitary size is not mirrored by an increase in pituitary blood supply. Hence, the pituitary gland is vulnerable to ischemic damage following pregnancy especially in situations where there is substantial blood loss post-partum resulting in hypovolemic shock.
Gynecomastia = benign enlargement of the breast in males - due to increased effective estrogen
- caused by either increased production or decreased degradation of estrogen, or due to decreased androgens
Gynecomastia = enlargement of the breast tissue itself, which consists of glands.
Pseudogynecomastia = the appearance of enlarged breasts in overweight men. However, this enlargement is because of an increase in fat tissue around the breasts, not enlargement of gland tissue in the breast
⦁ Infants - due to high maternal estrogen
⦁ Puberty - especially 10-14 y/o - may last 6 months - 2 years
⦁ Older Males - due to decreased androgen production
Gynecomastia sometimes occurs during infancy and puberty. The enlargement is usually normal and transient in puberty, lasting a few months to a few years. Breast enlargement also commonly takes place after age 50.
During infancy and puberty, bilateral, symmetric, smooth, firm, and tender enlargement of breast tissue under the areola is normal
In infants and boys, the MC cause is
⦁ Physiologic gynecomastia
In men, the most common causes are
⦁ Persistent pubertal gynecomastia
⦁ Idiopathic gynecomastia
⦁ Drugs (particularly spironolactone, anabolic steroids, and antiandrogens)
⦁ Idiopathic
⦁ Persistent pubertal gynecomastia
⦁ Medications:
- Spironolactone***
- Ketoconazole
- Cimetidine
- 5-alpha reductase inhibitors (finasteride / dutasteride)
- Digitalis / Digoxin
- GnRH agonists (Leuprolide)
- Omeprazole
- Haldol
⦁ Others:
- Klinefelter syndrome
- Alcoholism***
- Chronic kidney / liver failure
- Hypogonadism
- Testicular tumor (choriocarcinomas) or adrenal tumors
- Hyperthyroidism
- The hormone estrogen is responsible for the growth of glandular tissue, as well as the suppression of testosterone secretion. Estrogen suppresses LH, the hormone that is responsible for testicular secretion of testosterone. This process of hormonal imbalance leads to gynecomastia.
SYMPTOMS ⦁ palpable mass of tissue > 0.5 cm - centrally located (usually underlying the nipple) ⦁ symmetrical ⦁ classically bilateral ⦁ often tender to palpation
⦁ clinical
⦁ check testosterone levels
⦁ mammogram if breast cancer suspected
The workup of gynecomastia should include a chest radiograph, β-human chorionic gonadotropin determination, LH, FSH, estrogen and testosterone levels, LFTs, prolactin, and thyroid function tests.
Typically, the estrogen:testosterone ratio is high
If hcg is elevated, then a testicular ultrasound should be performed to look for testicular tumor.
Additionally, if the testes are small, a karyotype should be obtained to look for Klinefelter’s syndrome
Patients with hypogonadism, impotence, or galactorrhea may have abnormal prolactin levels associated with prolactinomas
Patients with physiologic or idiopathic gynecomastia are evaluated again in 6 mo
- depends on cause
- stop offending medication
- observation / reassurance if early in disease course ==> most regress spontaneously
Gynecomastia = a common finding in males during early pubertal changes (occurs in half of men at some point during adolescence, most commonly between ages 13-14 years).
Gynecomastia results from relative imbalance between estrogen and testosterone levels. Generally, males reach adult levels of testosterone production after estrogen levels rise, resulting in a relative imbalance between the two hormones
Estrogen is produced in extragonadal tissue (particularly adipose) by the aromatization (aromatase is the enzyme that converts androstenedione into estrogen). Gynecomastia in males and asymmetric breasts in females are a normal aspect of pubertal development and is a normal finding. Therefore, reassurance is all that is required.
Further evaluation of the breast tissue for causes of pathologic gynecomastia is indicated when gynecomastia has persisted beyond 2 years or over 17 years of age
- Ideal treatment should start within first 6 months, as after 12 months, tissue may undergo fibrosis
o Medication management
⦁ SERM (selective estrogen modulators) - Tamoxifen
⦁ Aromatase inhibitors - block estrogen synthesis
⦁ Androgens
o Surgery - if medications fail, if large breasts, if cosmetically unappealing, if fibrosis, etc.
Patient will present as → 54-year-old male on chronic a potassium-sparing diuretic with bilateral breast tissue swelling and tenderness (due to spiro!)
Patient will present as → a 14-year-old boy who notices a lump under the nipple of his left chest. He reports mild pain when touched. There is no breast discharge or changes in the skin. On physical examination, pubic hair is Tanner stage IV and has a testicular volume of 9 mL bilaterally. Palpation of the left chest shows a 3.5 cm mass beneath the nipple
Milky breast secretions in a non-lactating person
Most tumors in women are microadenomas (< 10 mm in diameter), but a small percentage are macroadenomas (> 10 mm) when diagnosed
OTHER CAUSES ⦁ Medications - antipsychotics - cimetidine - TCAs - OCPs - Depo Provera
⦁ Pituitary adenoma
⦁ Hypothyroidism
⦁ galactorrhea
⦁ Prolactin levels (levels > 200 = prolactin-secreting pituitary adenoma)
⦁ T4 / TSH - rule out hypothyroidism
⦁ CT or MRI = method of choice for adenomas
TREATMENT ⦁ **** dopamine agonist **** = Cabergoline or Bromocriptine - SE = orthostatic hypotension - Cabergoline associated with less SE
Patient will present as → a 26-year-old non-lactating woman with a 3-month history of bilateral milky breast secretions and amenorrhea. Her serum HCG is negative and her serum prolactin is elevated at 220
= elevated prolactin levels in the blood
Pituitary gland = made up of anterior + posterior pituitary, each have cells that release certain hormones
LACTOTROPH CELLS = in anterior pituitary - secrete prolactin hormone
o In men: prolactin decreases testosterone production
(elevated prolactin inhibits GnRH –> decreased FSH / LH –> decreased testosterone)
o In women:
- during pregnancy, increased estrogen stimulates increased production of prolactin –> stimulate alveolar cells in the breast to divide / enlarge in preparation for breast-feeding once baby is born
- stops ovulation / menstruation = Amenorrhea
Elevated Prolactin inhibits GnRH release from hypothalamus ==> decreased FSH / LH ==> decreased estrogen levels
= why women typically don’t have a period while breastfeeding
Prolactin levels are kept in check via 2 ways
1) Hypothalamus secretes Dopamine (Prolactin inhibiting factor)
- dopamine binds to specific receptors on lactotrophs to inhibit release of prolactin
2) Hypothalamus secretes Thyrotropin Releasing Hormone ==> stimulates Prolactin release
If prolactin levels rise for any reason ==> signals more dopamine to be released from hypothalamus (negative feedback)
⦁ Physiologic Hyperprolactinemia
- Pregnancy / Lactation
- levels of prolactin typically return back to normal after
⦁ Prolactinoma = ** MC Pathologic cause **
- pituitary adenoma = benign tumor of lactotroph cells -> grow out of control- release excess amts of prolactin
⦁ Hypothyroidism
- in effort to increase thyroid hormone levels, hypothalamus increases levels of thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH), which in turn also increases prolactin
⦁ Medications - Dopamine antagonists (block dopamine) ==> blocks inhibition of prolactin cells => hyperprolactinemia o metoclopramide o promethazine o prochlorperazine o antipsychotics
- Estrogens - directly stimulate lactotrophs
- SSRIs / TCAs / Cimetidine / Verapamil (CCB)
⦁ Damage to hypothalamic-pituitary stalk due to
- trauma
- nearby brain tumors
- brain surgery
o Women
⦁ Galactorrhea
⦁ Amenorrhea / Anovulation (inhibits FSH / LH)
o Men
⦁ Gynecomastia
⦁ Erectile dysfunction (inhibits FSH / LH -> inhibits testosterone)
o Others
⦁ Headaches / Impaired vision
- Pituitary Adenoma can compress optic chiasm –> Bitemporal Hemianopsia
- brain “mass effect”
In postmenopausal women, hyperprolactinemia most commonly causes manifestations of brain mass effect.
Before diagnosing hyperprolactinemia in a young woman, it’s important to rule out pregnancy.
Hyperprolactinemia is a pituitary disorder that can present with amenorrhea, galactorrhea, decreased libido, and infertility.
⦁ elevated prolactin levels = best initial test!
- normal prolactin levels = up to 20
- hyperprolactinemia levels = > 200!
⦁ pregnancy test (to test for physiologic causes)
⦁ brain MRI to check for pituitary adenomas
- depends on underlying cause
⦁ ** Dopamine Agonists **
- stimulate dopamine receptors ==> increased dopamine, which will then inhibit prolactin levels
o ** Cabergoline **
o ** Bromocriptine **
- SE = orthostatic hypotension
- Cabergoline = 1st line, less SE
⦁ Surgery if prolactinoma
- If there is a residual tumor tissue after the surgical excision of prolactinoma, it should be managed through irradiation.
⦁ If hypothyroidism = give replacement thyroid hormone
Fluctuant mass of the breast
- Induration with fluctuance - due to pus
MC due to a progression of mastitis from breastfeeding
If breast abscess is present in a non-lactating woman = must rule out breast cancer!
Symptoms same as mastitis but also include a fluctuant localized mass in addition to systemic symptoms (fever / chills /
Possible causes are a blocked milk duct or bacteria entering the breast.
If lactating it usually occurs within the first three months of breastfeeding
DIAGNOSIS = clinical
⦁ Ultrasound or Mammogram if non-lactating
TREATMENT ⦁ I + D ⦁ Antibiotics - Dicloxacillin - Nafcillin - Cephalosporin - Vancomycin if severe - Fluconazole if fungal
⦁ I + D
⦁ discontinue breastfeeding from affected breast!!
- continue to express milk: pump and dump
Patient will present as → a 32-year-old lactating female with breast pain, swelling, fever, chills and a fluctuant mass of her left breast. The area directly above the lesion is warm, erythematous and tender to touch
Inflammation of the uterine cervix
- usually caused by
⦁ Gonorrhea or
⦁ Chlamydia
Other causes = HSV, HPV, Trichomonas
SYMPTOMS ⦁ Mucopurulent cervical discharge ⦁ Friable cervix ⦁ afebrile ⦁ no cervical motion or pelvic tenderness (unlike PID)
⦁ The best initial test = endocervical bleeding induced by passage of a cotton swab through the cervical os
⦁ The most accurate test is a positive cervical culture for chlamydia or gonorrhea
⦁ Ceftriaxone + Azithromycin or
⦁ Ceftriaxone + Doxycycline
Patient will present as → a 21-year-old female who comes to the family planning clinic at her local health department for an annual examination. The patient is currently sexually active and has had three new partners over the past year. She uses oral contraceptives, however rarely uses condoms during her sexual encounters. Other than increased vaginal discharge, the patient is asymptomatic. Speculum examination shows a mildly friable, erythematous cervix with no active discharge. A pregnancy test is negative and no cervical motion tenderness or adnexal masses. Two weeks later, her vaginal nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) comes back positive
Uterine herniation into the vagina
RISK FACTORS - *** weakness of pelvic support structures *** ⦁ MC after childbirth (especially if traumatic) ⦁ multiple vaginal births ⦁ age ⦁ obesity ⦁ repeated heavy lifting ⦁ CT disorders
In some women, the decrease in estrogen that occurs after menopause may cause laxity of these connective tissues, leading to a cystocele
GRADES ⦁ 0 = no descent ⦁ I = descent into upper 2/3 of vagina ⦁ II = cervix approaches introitus ⦁ III = cervix outside the introitus ⦁ IV = entire cervix + uterus outside of vagina = complete prolapse
ex: the cervix is visible outside of the vaginal introitus. The uterus is not visible = 3rd degree!
⦁ pelvic or vaginal fullness***
⦁ Heaviness / “falling out” sensation
⦁ lower back pain (especially with prolonged standing)
⦁ prolapse occurs after coughing or prolonged standing
⦁ vaginal bleeding
⦁ purulent discharge
⦁ urinary frequency / urgency / stress incontinence
⦁ bulging mass, especially with increased intrabdominal pressure (VALSALVA MANEUVER)
o Prophylactic
⦁ Kegel exercises - to strengthen pelvic floor muscle
⦁ weight control
asymptomatic = may not require treatment
o Non-surgical
⦁ Pessaries = symptomatic relief
⦁ Estrogen treatment = improves atrophy
o Surgical
⦁ Hysterectomy
⦁ Uterosacral or sacrospinous ligament fixation
Patient will present as → a 63-year-old, G5P5, Hispanic woman with a three day history of increased pelvic pressure and a “bulge” that is felt in her vagina when she coughs. Additionally, she complains of incomplete emptying of her bladder, constipation and has noticed a recent worsening of lower back pain.
Prolapse of the bladder into the front wall of the vagina
A cystocele occurs when the supportive connective tissues separating the bladder and vagina weaken, leading to a prolapse of the bladder into the superior end of the vagina
This results in a bulge of the bladder into the vaginal wall (bladder hernia) + urinary symptoms
leads to a “reservoir effect” where the bladder is not completely emptied when the urine is passed
RISK FACTORS - *** weakness of pelvic support structures *** ⦁ MC after childbirth (especially if traumatic) ⦁ multiple vaginal births ⦁ age ⦁ obesity ⦁ repeated heavy lifting ⦁ CT disorders ⦁ chronic constipation or chronic cough
In some women, the decrease in estrogen that occurs after menopause may cause laxity of these connective tissues, leading to prolapse
SYMPTOMS ⦁ bulge in the vagina - "fullness" or increased pelvic pressure ⦁ urinary dysfunction - urgency - frequency - incomplete voiding - urinary retention - urinary incontinence
PHYSICAL EXAM = diagnosis
⦁ see bulging of bladder into anterior vagina
o Prophylactic
⦁ Kegel exercises - to strengthen pelvic floor muscle
⦁ weight control
asymptomatic = may not require treatment
o Non-surgical
⦁ Pessaries = symptomatic relief
⦁ Estrogen treatment = improves atrophy
o Surgical
⦁ surgical repair with mesh augmentation = anterior repair
Patient will present as → a 45-year-old female complaining of pressure in the pelvis and vagina along with discomfort when straining. She also feels that her bladder hasn’t fully emptied after urinating
Prolapse of the rectum into the back wall of the vagina
A rectocele occurs when the supportive connective tissue separating the rectum and vagina weaken, leading to a prolapse of the rectal wall into the vagina
RISK FACTORS - *** weakness of pelvic support structures *** ⦁ MC after childbirth (especially if traumatic) ⦁ multiple vaginal births ⦁ age ⦁ obesity ⦁ repeated heavy lifting ⦁ CT disorders ⦁ chronic constipation or chronic cough
- worse when being on feet all day
In some women, the decrease in estrogen that occurs after menopause may cause laxity of these connective tissues, leading to a rectocele
SYMPTOMS ⦁ bulging sensation in the vagina ⦁ bowel symptoms - fecal incontinence - constipation - straining - incomplete emptying ⦁ low back pain
complain of a sensation of bulging in the vagina when straining to have a bowel movement
TREATMENT o conservative therapy: - kegel exercises - pelvic floor retraining - behavioral changes - more fiber / water intake - bowel regimen
⦁ Pessary
inserted to support the vaginal wall and prevent the rectum from bulging into the vagina
⦁ Surgery
- Posterior Colporrhaphy
** Dyspareunia = potential complication of rectocele surgical repair
Patient will present as → a 50-year-old female with pelvic pressure reports and a sensation of a mass present in the vagina. She reports chronic constipation and a sensation that the rectum is not completely emptied following a bowel movement. Occasionally, she experience episodes of fecal incontinence.
Vaginal prolapse - protrusion of the vagina through the vaginal wall or vaginal orifice
Because the uterus provides support for the top of the vagina, this condition is common after a hysterectomy, with upwards of 10% of women developing some degree of vaginal vault prolapse after hysterectomy
In vaginal vault prolapse, the top of the vagina falls toward the vaginal opening. This may cause the walls of the vagina to weaken as well
This can progress and the top of the vagina may protrude out of the body through the vaginal opening, effectively turning the vagina inside out
⦁ Feeling of vaginal or pelvic pressure
⦁ heaviness / bulging
⦁ bowel or bladder symptoms.
Baden-Walker grades of female genital prolapse – uses the hymen as the crossing point ⦁ Grade 1 – descent above the hymen ⦁ Grade 2 – descent to the hymen ⦁ Grade 3 – descent beyond the hymen ⦁ Grade 4 – total prolapse
TREATMENT o Prophylactic ⦁ Kegel exercises - to strengthen pelvic floor muscle ⦁ weight control ⦁ increase fiber / water intake ⦁ treat chronic cough ⦁ avoid straining
asymptomatic = may not require treatment
o Non-surgical
⦁ Pessaries = symptomatic relief
⦁ Estrogen treatment = improves atrophy
The most commonly used pessaries are the ring pessary and Gellhorn
o Surgical
⦁ surgical repair procedures may be done to attach the vagina to pelvic ligaments
Patient will present as → a 46-year-old female following a hysterectomy who complains of something “brushing on her panties”
Breast Cancer, or Breast Carcinoma = an uncontrolled growth of epithelial cells in the breast
2nd Most Common cancer in women, after skin cancer
2nd Most Common cause of cancer death after lung cancer
Breast cancer doesn’t cause an symptoms; no pain or discomfort until it has already spread to nearby tissues
Breast cancer, while rare, can also occur in men
1) Glandular tissue
- makes milk; contains 15-20 lobules
- each lobule contains alveoli
- alveolar cells secrete breast milk into lumen
- myoepithelial cells surround alveoli, and help squeeze breast milk out of the lumen into ducts
- cells of glandular tissue respond to estrogen / progesterone (released by ovaries) and prolactin (released by anterior pituitary)
2) Stroma
- adipose / fat tissue
- makes up the majority of the breast
- ** Cooper’s Ligaments ** = keep stromal tissue in place
3) Lymphatic Vessels
- drain lymph = fluid containing cellular waste products and WBCs
- lymphatic vessels mainly drain into axillary lymph nodes
Estrogen + Progesterone + Prolactin hormones cause alveolar cells to grow and divide
After menopause, without estrogen, glandular cells undergo apoptosis; breast tissue replaced with fat
During menstrual cycle, estrogen / progesterone levels increase ==> alveolar cells undergo division, then apoptosis (enlarge, then decrease in size)
With each cycle of cell division = increased chance of mutation / tumor formation, so with more menstrual cycles = increased risk of breast cancer
⦁ early age of menarche (< 12)
⦁ late age of menopause
⦁ BRCA 1 / 2 = associated with breast + ovarian CA
⦁ 1st degree relative with breast CA
⦁ personal hx of breast or ovarian cancer
⦁ Age > 65*** (> 50% of breast CA cases occur in women > 65)
⦁ nulliparity (never been pregnant)
⦁ 1st full-term pregnancy > 35
⦁ prolonged unopposed estrogen
⦁ never breast-fed
⦁ increased estrogen levels = postmenopausal HRT, OCPs
⦁ obesity
⦁ alcohol
⦁ radiation (CXRs / CTs)
75% of breast CA patients have no risk factors
⦁ early pregnancy
⦁ longer time breastfeeding
⦁ celiac disease
BRCA-1 / BRCA-2 = tumor suppressor genes
- so mutations in these genes = linked to breast cancer
BRCA-1, BRCA-2, and TP53 = all slow cell division and make cells undergo apoptosis if they start dividing uncontrollably
BRCA-1 / BRCA-2 = autosomal dominant mutations - therefore can be inherited and cause familial breast CA
- Also cause an increased risk of Ovarian cancer
⦁ Mammogram
⦁ Core biopsy
⦁ lumpectomy followed by radiation therapy
⦁ mastectomy with or without radiation therapy
- Surgery should involve a sentinel lymph node biopsy
- Adjuvant therapy depending on tumor and patient characteristics
⦁ age 50-74 = every 2 years
⦁ age < 50 or 75+ = individual decision
- may start at age 40 depending on individual preference / risk factors
FIRST PRENATAL VISIT (10-12 weeks) ⦁ CBC ⦁ blood type ⦁ UA ⦁ Rubella screen ⦁ Syphilis screen ⦁ GC / Chlamydia screen ⦁ HBsAg ⦁ HIV Ab ⦁ Cervical cytology ⦁ PPD ⦁ Thyroid panel - maybe ⦁ Vitamin D ⦁ Early glucose challenge ⦁ Varicella Ab ⦁ genetic screening ⦁ chorionic villous sampling
Genetic Screening = Maternal Blood Screening Tests
1) Free B-hCG = abnormally high or low = may be indicative of abnormalities
2) PAPP-A (serum pregnancy-associated plasma protein A) = usually low with Down Syndrome
3) Nuchal cord translucency (US at 10-13 weeks)
- increased thickness = abnormal
- if any blood screening tests abnormal = can do CVS at 10-13 weeks, or Amniocentesis at 15-18 weeks
Chorionic villus sampling is a diagnostic test for Down syndrome and other aneuploidies. It can be performed between 10-14 weeks’ gestation.
CVS = offered to women with:
- prior child with chromosomal abnormality
- maternal age > 35
- abnormal 1st or 2nd trimester maternal screening tests
- abnormal ultrasound
- prior pregnancy losses
o Advantage = allows for option of early termination if abnormalities are found
o Disadvantage = increased risk of spontaneous abortion
TSH is not recommended in all pregnant patients. The American College of Gynecology and Obstetrics recommend testing patients for thyroid dysfunction if they have any of the following: symptoms of thyroid disease, personal or family history of thyroid disease, type 1 diabetes, goiter, history of neck or head radiation, and amiodarone or lithium use
10-12 weeks = FHT via doppler can usually be heard
5-6 weeks = heartbeat via ultrasound
o 11-13 WEEKS
⦁ Ultrasound to confirm due date
o 16-18 WEEKS
⦁ maternal alpha fetal protein
o 15-22 WEEKS
⦁ Quad screening
⦁ amniocentesis if needed (abnormal quad) = can be done at 15-18 weeks
QUAD SCREENING ⦁ alpha-fetoprotein levels (AFP) ⦁ unconjugated estriol levels (UE3) ⦁ beta-hCG levels ⦁ Inhibin A levels
o Down syndrome (21) = Elevated B-hCG and Elevated Inhibin A (a-FP + Estradiol decreased)
- Turner syndrome = also VERY high b-hcg + Inhibin A (low a-FP + low estriol)
o Neural tube defects (spina bifida) = Elevated a-FP
- high a-FP = can also just be with multiple gestation
o Trisomy 18 (often born stillborn or die within 1st year of life) = low a-FP, low B-hCG, low estriol, low inhibin A
Amniocentesis = offered to women with:
- prior child with chromosomal abnormality
- maternal age > 35
- abnormal 1st or 2nd trimester maternal screening tests
- abnormal ultrasound
- prior pregnancy losses
o 18 - 20 WEEKS
⦁ fetal anatomy ultrasound
o 28 WEEKS ⦁ CBC ⦁ ** Glucose challenge test ** ⦁ Syphilis screen ⦁ HIV Ab ⦁ *** Rhogam if needed ***
o 33 - 36 WEEKS
⦁ GC / Chlamydia screen
o 36 + WEEKS
⦁ determine fetal position
o 35-37 WEEKS
⦁ GBS screen
o 41 WEEKS
⦁ Offer induction of labor
- vaginal bleeding that occurs after menopause
CAUSES o MC = Benign* ⦁ *** Vaginal / Endometrial Atrophy *** ⦁ Cervical Polyps ⦁ Submucosal fibroids
o 10% of PMB = ** Endometrial Cancer! **
** MC CAUSE OF PMB = Atrophy of the vaginal mucosa or endometrium **
ANY PMB in a woman who is not on HRT or if on HRT but having abnormal bleeding = should raise suspicion for endometrial carcinoma, hyperplasia, or leiomyosarcoma
⦁ ** Transvaginal Ultrasound **
- If Endometrial stripe < 4mm => repeat US in 4 months
- If continued bleeding = may do biopsy
- If Endometrial stripe > 4mm = ENDOMETRIAL BIOPSY
- If focal thickening of endometrium => Hysteroscopy
Women presenting with postmenopausal bleeding should be assessed with either transvaginal ultrasound or endometrial biopsy to rule out endometrial cancer.
Most women with endometrial cancer present with abnormal bleeding.
Transvaginal ultrasound can exclude endometrial cancer as a cause of bleeding if the endometrium is thin and homogeneous, but requires follow up with endometrial biopsy if endometrial lining is thicker than 4 mm, is heterogeneous, is not adequately visualized, or if bleeding persists.
Endometrial biopsy has a high sensitivity, low complication rate, and low cost, but does not evaluate for structural abnormalities that may also cause bleeding.
- endometrial thickness < 5mm = greatest sensitivity to exclude endometrial carcinoma
- endometrial thickness < 3-4mm = greatest sensitivity to exclude endometrial carcinoma
Adenomyosis is a benign condition in which endometrial glands infiltrate the myometrial wall that causes menorrhagia and pain. It is confirmed only with pathologic examination after hysterectomy
typically presents as abnormal uterine bleeding and painful menses however the ENLARGED uterus felt on physical exam is typically BOGGY + SMOOTH rather than firm and irregular as with leiomyoma
Endometrial hyperplasia = *** MC CAUSE OF AUB (abnormal uterine bleeding) IN OLDER, OBESE WOMEN
Hyperplasia, or proliferation of the endometrium, is the result of unopposed estrogen over a period of time
RISK FACTORS FOR ENDOMETRIAL HYPERPLASIA ⦁ Age ⦁ Obesity ⦁ Unopposed estrogen therapy ⦁ PCOS ⦁ chronic anovulation
The most common cause of abnormal uterine bleeding in a premenopausal, obese female = Endometrial hyperplasia.
⦁ Ultrasound = determine endometrial thickness
⦁ Endometrial biopsy = gold standard
Ultrasound = not as useful in premenopausal patient
- more useful in a postmenopausal female as the endometrium is still dynamic in a premenopausal patient
An endometrial biopsy can help determine if the hyperplastic cells are with or without atypia
Without atypia = has a lower chance of progressing to carcinoma and can be treated with progestin-based therapies and endometrial biopsies every three to six months until the hyperplasia has resolved
Hyperplasia with atypia = higher likelihood of transitioning to carcinoma
If the patient does not wish to preserve fertility, she should undergo a hysterectomy
If the patient does wish to retain her fertility, she can be treated with megestrol acetate, the more potent progestin therapy, and repeat endometrial biopsy at three months, adjusting the dose upwards if atypia persists.
Endometrial Cancer = MC Gynecologic Malignancy in the US (2x more common than cervical cancer)
4th MC malignancy in women overall (after breast => lung => colorectal)
o MC = POSTMENOPAUSAL = 75% (50-60)
o Perimenopausal = 25%
o Pre-menstrual = 5-10%
Endometrial Cancer = ESTROGEN-DEPENDENT CA
- associated with antecedent endometrial hyperplasia
RISK FACTORS FOR ENDOMETRIAL CANCER ⦁ *** Increased estrogen exposure *** ⦁ nulliparity ⦁ chronic anovulation ⦁ PCOS ⦁ obesity ⦁ estrogen replacement therapy / unopposed estrogen therapy ⦁ late menopause ⦁ Tamoxifen (estrogen stimulates endometrial growth) ⦁ HTN ⦁ DM
⦁ OCPs = protective against ovarian + endometrial cancer
⦁ Postmenopausal Bleeding = Postmenopausal
⦁ Menorrhagia or Metrorrhagia = if Peri or premenopausal
⦁ Endometrial Biopsy = suction curette
another type of Endometrial CA = Sarcoma (5%)
⦁ Ultrasound
- Endometrial stripe > 4mm
- ultrasound may rule out other causes of bleeding
⦁ Stage I = Total Hysterectomy
- TAH-BSO = total abdominal hysterectomy + bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy
- may do post-op radiation
⦁ Stage II or III = TAH-BSO + Lymph node excision
- may do post-op radiation
⦁ Stage IV (advanced) = systemic chemotherapy
INFERTILITY = failure to conceive AFTER 1 YEAR of regular, unprotected sex
60% of couples achieve pregnancy in the first 3 years, in the absence of a cause for infertility
Infertility is the inability to reproduce by natural means. It may describe a woman who is unable to conceive as well as being unable to carry a pregnancy to full term.
Infertility prevalence increases with age, particularly in females > 40
The most common cause of female infertility is ovulatory problems, which generally manifest themselves by sparse or absent menstrual periods.
Male infertility is most commonly due to deficiencies in the semen. Semen quality is used as a surrogate measure of male fertility.
⦁ Male - abnormal spermatogenesis (20%)
⦁ Female - anovulatory cycles or ovarian dysfunction
- congenital or acquired disorders
⦁ semen analysis
- should always be done first because it is the most cost effective
= helps evaluate tubal patency or abnormalities
- xray - fluoroscopy - dye injected into cervix to ensure fallopian tube function
** - first test the semen before looking for etiologies in the female counterpart **
⦁ ** CLOMID ** = Clomiphene = induces ovulation
- MOA = increases gonadotropin release
- Menotropins = hMG = human menopausal gonadotropin = stimulates ovaries to produce eggs
- GnRH agonists = stimulate ovulation
⦁ Intrauterine Insemination
⦁ In vitro fertilization (especially if fallopian tube defect is present)
Cervical insufficiency = the inability of the uterine cervix to retain a pregnancy throughout the second trimester, in the absence of uterine contractions.
Cervical insufficiency = the inability to maintain pregnancy secondary to PREMATURE CERVICAL DILATION - especially in 2nd trimester
Cervical insufficiency can be congenital or, more commonly, acquired.
⦁ genetic collagen disorders, such as Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
⦁ uterine anomalies / defects
⦁ in utero diethylstilbestrol exposure (DES)
⦁ previous cervical trauma during labor or delivery
⦁ rapid mechanical cervical dilation
⦁ treatment of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia.
SYMPTOMS OF CERVICAL INSUFFICIENCY - may present with mild symptoms, such as ⦁ pelvic pressure or ⦁ bleeding or ⦁ vaginal discharge - especially in 2nd trimester
⦁ may be asymptomatic*
⦁ Uterine contractions are mild to absent
During late presentation, pelvic exam may reveal a soft, effaced and dilated cervix with grossly prolapsed or ruptured membranes.
DIAGNOSIS = based on
⦁ hx of recurrent midtrimester loss
⦁ risk factors
⦁ transvaginal ultrasound measurement of cervical length
⦁ Cerclage placement is recommended at 12-14 weeks with a history suggestive of cervical insufficiency
- suturing of cervical os
+ Makena injection (alpha-hydroxyprogesterone) if preterm delivery hx
Cervical cerclage, also known as a cervical stitch, is a treatment for cervical incompetence or insufficiency, when the cervix starts to shorten and open too early during a pregnancy causing either a late miscarriage or preterm birth
Usually the treatment is done in the first or second trimester of pregnancy, for a woman who has had one or more late miscarriages in the past. The word “cerclage” means “hoop” in French, as in the metal hoop encircling a barrel.
PMS = a Cluster of PHYSICAL, BEHAVIORAL, AND MOOD CHANGES with cyclical occurrence during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle
PMS symptoms = seen in 75-85% of patients
- significant disruption = only in 5-10%
PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder) = severe PMS with ** FUNCTIONAL IMPAIRMENT **
SYMPTOMS OF PMS o Physical ⦁ bloating ⦁ breast swelling / pain ⦁ headache ⦁ bowel habit changes ⦁ fatigue ⦁ muscle / joint pain
o Emotional ⦁ depression ⦁ hostility ⦁ irritability ⦁ libido changes ⦁ aggressiveness
o Behavioral ⦁ food cravings ⦁ poor concentration ⦁ noise sensitivity ⦁ loss of motor senses
⦁ symptoms start during luteal phase (1-2 weeks before menses) and resolve within 2-3 days of onset of menses
⦁ at least 7 symptom-free days during follicular phase (1-2 weeks after menses)
TREATMENT o Lifestyle modifications - stress reduction - exercise - caffeine / salt restriction - NSAIDS - vitamin B6 / E
o Medications
⦁ SSRIs = for emotional symptoms
(Prozac, Zoloft, paxil, celexa), or SNRIs
⦁ OCPs (induces anovulation)
PMDD is a more severe, debilitating form of premenstrual syndrome (PMS).
In the late luteal phase following ovulation, patients with PMDD display symptoms of depression (anxiety, anger, irritability, lack of interest in relationships and activities, decreased energy, sadness, hopelessness, difficulty with concentration and sleep).
Consequently, patients with PMDD are at an increased risk of substance abuse, eating disorders, and suicide.
Physical symptoms include headaches, muscle aches, abdominal bloating, and breast tenderness.
Diagnosis of premenstrual dysphoric disorder via the DSM-V requires documentation of AT LEAST 2 consecutive ovulation cycles. Symptoms must markedly interfere with daily activity and follow a pattern consistent with menstrual cycles.
A healthy lifestyle is the first step in managing premenstrual dysphoric disorder. The front line pharmacological treatment is an SSRI such as fluvoxamine. Adjunct cognitive behavioral therapy is shown to be an effective combination against mood symptoms associated with PMDD. Diuretics and NSAIDS are also sometimes given for symptomatic relief.
(PMDD) is a severe and disabling form of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) characterized by a “cluster of affective, behavioral and somatic symptoms” that recur monthly during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle and result in impairment in function or clinically significant distress.
PMDD is a depressive disorder that often follows ovulation and remits within a few days of menses.
Symptoms associated with premenstrual dysphoric disorder typically begin in the LUTEAL PHASE of the menstrual cycle = 1-2 weeks before menses, is relieved within 2-3 days of menses onset
Mood symptoms are most dominant in premenstrual dysphoric disorder.
It is hypothesized that those who suffer from PMDD are more sensitive to normal levels of hormone fluctuations.
To be diagnosed with PMDD, at least 5 / 11 qualifying symptoms must be present during MOST menstrual cycles throughout the year.
The physical symptoms of PMDD include abdominal bloating, breast tenderness, and headache.
The emotional symptoms of PMDD are anxiety, irritability, mood lability, and perceived loss of control.
**1st line TREATMENT = SSRIs***
SSRIs do not need to be taken everyday to be effective for women suffering from PMDD
- Drosperinone-containing OCPs (induce anovulation) for PMDD = progestin analog = in Yasmin + Angeliq
- can also use GnRH agonists
PMDD = severe PMS with functional impairment
- HPV is associated with 99.7% of cervical cancer
- HPV 16 + 18 = most associated with cervical CA (70%)
- other types = 31 / 33 / 45 / 52 / 58
3rd MC gynecologic cancer #1 = endometrial cancer #2 = ovarian cancer #3 = cervical cancer
Average age of diagnosis = 45
MC METS location = local
- vagina
- parametrium
- pelvic lymph nodes
RISK FACTORS ⦁ HPV*** ⦁ early onset of sexual activity ⦁ increased # of partners ⦁ smoking ⦁ CIN ⦁ DES exposure ⦁ immunosuppression ⦁ STIs
⦁ Adenocarcinoma = 10%
⦁ Clear cell carcinoma = linked to DES exposure
- Takes about 2-10 years for carcinoma to penetrate basement membrane
⦁ ** Post-coital bleeding / spotting = MC **
⦁ Metrorrhagia (bleeding between periods)
⦁ pelvic pain
⦁ may have watery vaginal discharge
⦁ Colposcopy with biopsy
- done after abnormal pap with cytology
⦁ Amenorrhea = absence of menstrual period
⦁ Cryptomenorrhea = light flow or spotting
⦁ Menorrhagia = HEAVY OR PROLONGED bleeding at normal menstrual intervals
(heavy or prolonged bleeding during period)
⦁ Metrorrhagia = light irregular bleeding BETWEEN EXPECTED MENSTRUAL CYCLES
(bleeding between periods)
⦁ Menometrorrhagia = irregular, excessive bleeding between expected menstrual cycles
(heavy or excessive bleeding between periods)
⦁ Oligomenorrhea = infrequent menstruation (cycle length > 35 days, but < 6 months)
⦁ Polymenorrhagia = frequent menstrual cycle (< 21 days)
Normal cycle = 24-35 days, with menstruation lasting 4.5-8 days
Usually performed at 37 WEEKS
Leopold maneuver is 4 specific steps in palpating the uterus through the abdomen in order to determine the lie and presentation of the fetus.
The four Leopold maneuvers systematically examine the fundus, sides of the uterus, presenting part at the symphysis pubis, and lower uterine segment to determine fetal presentation and the location of the back.
1) palpate superior surface of fundus to determine consistency, shape, and mobility
2) palpate both sides of the uterus to determine which side the back is facing
3) palpation of pubic symphysis to determine if head is at the inlet
4) palpation of lower uterine segment to determine degree of fetal extension into the pelvis
The sensitivity of abdominal palpation for detecting non-cephalic presentations such as breech, oblique, or transverse lie, at 35 to 37 weeks of gestation is about 70 percent.
Ultrasound examination is used to confirm the diagnosis and determine the precise position of the fetus.
NEED A gestational sac with a yolk sac in the uterus on transvaginal ultrasound
yolk sac = within gestational sac
can’t just have gestational sac
fetal pole = earliest sign of embryo
Ultrasound: Intrauterine Pregnancy (IUP)
Criteria for dx:
yolk sac (YS) within a gestational sac (GS), intrauterine fetal pole, or intrauterine fetal heart activity
⦁ IUP seen on transvaginal ultrasound > 38 days after LMP or beta-hCG > 1500
⦁ IUP seen on abdominal ultrasound > 45 days after LMP or beta-hCG > 4000
⦁ YS: Present at 5 to 6 weeks with b-hCG > 2000; first definitive sign of IUP
⦁ Double decidual sign helps distinguish between IUP and a pseudogestational sac
o Primary amenorrhea
⦁ Failure of menses to occur by age 15 despite normal growth of secondary sexual characteristics
⦁ Failure of menses to occur by age 13 in the absence of secondary sexual characteristics
Causes of Primary Amenorrhea
- MC cause of primary amenorrhea = gonadal dysgenesis due to a chromosome abnormality
- Other causes = hypothalamic disease, pituitary disease, abnormal hymen or vagina development or uterine agenesis. The patient may have a family history significant for sexual development abnormalities.
o Secondary amenorrhea
= Cessation of menses anytime after menarche has already occurred
⦁ 3 months for women who have regular menses
⦁ 6 months for those with irregular menses
* MC cause of secondary amenorrhea = pregnancy* - Other causes = abnormalities of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovary axis, thyroid disease, and ovarian or uterine disorders
Lab workup for Amenorrhea:
FSH, LH, prolactin, TFTs, testosterone, hCG
Pregnancy = MC cause of secondary amenorrhea
⦁ Week 12: Pubic symphysis
- Week 16 = between pubic symphysis + umbilicus
⦁ Week 20: Umbilicus
- Week 28 = between umbilicus + xiphoid process
⦁ Week 36: Xiphoid Process
⦁ After week 37: Regression
⦁ After delivery: Umbilicus
The uterine fundus grows outside the pelvis into the abdomen at 12 weeks gestation
o Progestin-only pill
- minipill = only pills that can be taken while lactating
- Progesterone only
o Nexplanon
- Progesterone only
o Depot = Medroxyprogesterone Injection
- shot every 3 months
- SE = weight gain + irregular periods
- increased risk of osteoporosis (use for max of 2 years)
o Nuvaring = etonogestrel/ethinyl estradiol vaginal
- combo of estrogen + progesterone
o Patch = Norelgestromin/ethinyl estradiol transdermal
- combo of estrogen + progesterone
Contraindications to estrogen = Migraines with aura, hx of DVT, breast cancer within the past 5 years, cigarette smoking in women > 35 who smoke more than 15 cigarettes per day, ischemic heart disease, stroke, active liver disease, major surgery with prolonged immobilization, and poorly controlled hypertension
Mullerian dysgenesis (normal complement of sex chromosomes: 46,XX) is a uterine abnormality in which there is a congenital absence of the uterus and vaginal upper two-thirds. Primary amenorrhea can be a result of several gynecologic anatomic abnormalities
- No uterus
- no upper 2/3 of vagina
failure of the Müllerian duct to develop results in a missing uterus and variable degrees of vaginal hypoplasia
Menopause is the end of female fertility and can be defined as AMENORRHEA FOR > 12 MONTHS
Age of onset is the early 50s, with an average age of 52-years-old
As the female body ages, the total number of follicles, which contain ova, decreases. As such, the ovaries become less sensitive to FSH and LH
This leads to the inability to produce estrogens (namely estradiol) and progesterone, which results in an inability to regenerate and maintain the uterine epithelium.
The overall effect is eventual amenorrhea, declining estradiol and progesterone levels and increased follicle-stimulating hormone levels (which is due to the loss of estradiol’s negative feedback on the pituitary gland).
The vasomotor instability symptoms of “hot flashes” are felt to be due to this abrupt decline in circulating estradiol. These symptoms are characterized by a chest, neck and facial flushing/warmth which occurs intermittently and mainly in the later hours of the day, which can lead to significant fatigue due to sleep interruption.
⦁ Estradiol decrease (estrogen decrease)
⦁ Progesterone decrease
SYMPTOMS ⦁ Vaginal atrophy/dryness ⦁ Amenorrhea ⦁ Hot flashes / flushing ⦁ sleep disturbances ⦁ depression ⦁ memory difficulties ⦁ migraines
decreased estrogens are the primary cause of hot flashes
⦁ Epithelial (90%) = women > 50
⦁ Germ Cell (< 5%) = women 15-19
⦁ Stromal (< 2%) = any age
The most common malignant epithelial cell ovarian tumor is a serous cystadenocarcinoma.
The most common malignant germ cell ovarian tumors are dysgerminoma and teratoma.
The most common malignant stromal cell ovarian tumor is an estrogen-secreting granulosa cell tumor which can lead to endometrial hyperplasia and carcinoma.
Metastases are possible, and most commonly originate from the stomach, breast and endometrium
RISK FACTORS FOR OVARIAN CANCER ⦁ age (postmenopausal) ⦁ family hx ⦁ early menarche ⦁ late menopause ⦁ nulliparity
⦁ hormonal contraception
⦁ tubal ligation
⦁ hysterectomy
DIAGNOSIS ⦁ ultrasound ⦁ CA-125 - elevated in malignancy - mostly used for tracking malignancy - used to screen only in high-risk families
⦁ surgery
⦁ chemo
Patient will be a postmenopausal woman
Complaining of dyspareunia, dryness, bleeding, itching
PE will show a pale, dry, shiny epithelium
Most commonly caused by a decrease in estrogen
Treatment is lubricants, moisturizers (1st line) topical estrogen (2nd line)
Beginning at 16 weeks, the membranes of the chorioamniotic sac adhere to the cervical os and are at risk for infection.
Chorioamnionitis is an intra-amniotic infection of the chorion and amniotic layers of the amniotic sac. The placenta and fetal membranes may also be involved.
It is caused by an ascending infection of normal vaginal flora.
RISK FACTORS ⦁ premature rupture of membranes ⦁ preterm labor ⦁ prolonged rupture of membranes ⦁ multiple vaginal examinations ⦁ genital tract infections
SYMPTOMS ⦁ fever ⦁ uterine tenderness ⦁ maternal and fetal tachycardia ⦁ Women may also have purulent vaginal discharge
DIAGNOSIS = clinical
⦁ IV ABX = ampicillin and gentamicin