Reproductive System Flashcards
Male Dog Organs
Fact: Os penis runs through the centre of the penis
Testis Epididymis Deferent duct (vas deferens) Urethra Penis Prostate gland (accessory)
Tomcat Organs
Fact: The glans penis is covered in papillae (spikes)
Testis Epididymis Deferent duct (vas deferens) Urethra Penis Prostate gland (accessory) Bulbourethral gland (accessory)
Testis Function, Location and Structure
Dog: Hind-limbs
Tomcat: Ventral to anus, attaches to perineum
Function: Produce spermatozoa (spermatogenesis), fertilise ova, fluid for transport, secrete testosterone (hormone responsible for male secondary sexual characteristics and behaviour patterns)
Location: Scrotum (relatively hairless, pigmented-skinned sac) = cooler
Structure: Oval, double layer peritoneum (tunica vaginalis), seminiferous tubules (2 cell types = Spermatogenic which divide by meiosis into spermatids, immature haploid chromosome and Sertoli which secrete oestrogen and nutrients)
More on Testis
Sperm Fact: Winter> dartos muscle CONTRACTS, scrotum THICKENS (opposite in Summer)
Cells of Leydig are located between the seminiferous tubules, secrete testosterone controlled by the interstitial cell stimulating hormone (ICSH) ~ anterior pituitary
Spermatic cord: deferent duct containing blood vessels and nerves
Pampiniform plexus: blood and lymph vessels, nerves
Seminiferous tubules form most of the testicular tissue ~ efferent ducts drain to epididymis> dorsolateral border of the testis>cauda = tail>extremity = dec. temperature
Testicular Descent and Blood Supply
Leave abdominal cavity by inguinal canal>wrapped in tunica vaginalis {Dog: 12wks= Palpable, Tomcat: 10-12wks}
Blood: testicular A>leaves aorta (caudal to renal A)>scrotum (blood alongside epididymis by TA)> divides = convoluted pampiniform plexus
Deferent Duct
Tube= epididymis>urethra (into abdominal cavity through inguinal canal>leaves through prostate) ~ inside spermatic cord
Root and Body (sponge tissue, surround os penis)
Glans (swell @ sexual stimulation, sperm>female, urine our urethra)
Differences between Dog and Tomcat
Penis: Dog>ischial arch (pelvis)>cranioventral perineum (hind limbs)>corpus spongiosum penis (erectile tissue)>bulb (glans penis)>crura (surrounding & attaching tissue = ischial arch = corpus cavernosum)>distal in prepuce (suspended ventral abdominal wall)
Tomcat>similar but shorter>points backwards>external opening central to anus>glans=barns to elicit pain reflex when withdrawing>stimulates nerve pathway (ovulate within 36hrs:induced)
Accessory Glands: Dog>spermatic fluid>prostate (single)=preprostatic cranial>urethra>bladder neck>BOTH
Tomcat>Bulbourethral (paired)=dorsal aspect (cranial to ischial arch) of the urethra, near pelvic exit>vestigial
Bitch and Queen Organs
Fact: Bicornuate (2 horns) and Multiparous (Litters of young)
Ovary Uterine Tube/Oviduct/Fallopian Tube Uterus (horns&body) Cervix Vagina Vestibule Vulva
Ovary Function, Location and Structure
Function: Change in oestrus (follicles=FSH)>follicles release egg (LH)>infundibulum catch eggs>uterine tube
Location: Pair on each side of dorsal abdominal cavity, caudal to kidney
Mesovarium (folded into ovarian bursa, suspended from ovary abdominal wall)
Structure: Small, round oval ~ tissue made up of connective tissue, smooth muscle, blood capillaries (germ cell to develop follicles)
Uterine Tube Function, Location and Structure
Function: Catch ova, move along, secrete nutrients to aid ova and sperm
Location: Close to ovary, suspend by visceral peritoneum (mesosalpinx), continuous with mesovarium and mesometrium
Structure: Narrow, convoluted tube>open end (funnel = infundibulum)>fringe with processes (fimbriae)>lined with ciliated columnar epithelium, aid moving
Midline dorsal abdomen
During pregnancy>conceptus weight pulls ventrally
Blood: Ovarian A and V>uterine A closed to cervix and ligated during spay
2 parts: Horns and Body
3 layers: Endometrium (columnar MMs, glandular tissue and vessels), Myometrium (smooth muscle) and Mesometrium (fold visceral peritoneum)
Short, thick wall Muscular sphincter (connects uterine body and vagina)>opens for oestrus/parturition>central=cervical canal>pregnancy blocked by mucous plug (no infection)>pelvic cavity (ventral and cranial = pregnancy)
Blood Supply
Ovarian A>aorta, caudal to renal A>supplies ovary, uterine tube and horn
Uterine A>anastomoses (cross-connect) with Ovarian A>supplies caudal part of tract
Vagina, Vestibule and Vulva
Vagina and Vestibule = channel leads to external opening (vulva), vagina>cervix to external urethral orifice, vestibule>external urethral orifice to vulva
Vagina lined with stratified squamous epithelium, change (hormone response: oestrus), vestibule>foetus out (no longitudinal folds ridging)
“Tie” (dogs) = smooth muscle layer tightens
1st lot: colostrum (rich in maternal antibodies)
1st 24hrs of life: absorb via small intestine with ease
Queen Oestrus
Dioestrus: 14 days Behaviour back to normal, ovary inactive Oestrus: 4-10 days Variable behaviour (rolling, rubbing, lordosis= rump in air) ~ call tomcats No conception: 36 days Pseudo-pregnancy Conception: 63 days Pregnancy Anoestrus: 4 months September to January, normal behaviour, may not occur in domestic housecats
Are: long day breeders, seasonal polyoestrus, sexually mature in spring after birth, induced ovulators
Bitch Oestrus
Pro-Oestrus: Day 1 (9 days) ~ Oestrogen
Enlarged vulva, blood discharge, polyuria, growl @ males
Oestrus: Day 10 (9 days)
Straw-colour discharge, allows mating
Metoestrus: 20 days ~ Progesterone
Vaginal discharge dries up, vulva shrinks to normal
Metoestrus 2: 70 days
No external signs, corpus luteum (progesterone), pregnancy-like state, overt symptoms = false pregnancy (pseudocyesis)
Anoestrus: Time varies (3-9 months) ~ No activity
Behaviour and appearance is normal, primary follicles secrete oestrogen and cycle begins again
Are: monoestrus, spontaneous ovulators and sexually mature @ 6 months.
External Factors of Oestrus
Day length, temperature, pheromones
Hypothalamus>Anterior pituitary (FSH/LH)>FSH=follicles (oestrogen)>LH=corpus luteum (progesterone)
Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (H>AP) = negative feedback unless to LH (positive)