Reproductive System Flashcards
What is the name of the female reproductive system?
What is the function of the testis?
Produces sperm and testosterone
What is the function of the foreskin?
Covers and protects the e d of the penis.
What is the function of the scrotum?
Bag of skin containing two testes.
Where is the scrotum?
Hanging out side the body.
How dose the scrotum hanging outside the body help the sperm
It allows the sperm to be stored at a lower temperature than body heat.
What is the function of the sperm duct (vas deferens)?
Sperm travel through this from the tests to the urethra.
What is the function of the prostate gland and seminal vesicles?
They add fluid to the sperm to form semen. This activates the sperm and provides energy for it.
What is the function of the urethra?
This tube transports the semen and urine out of the body.
What happens to the urethra during intercourse?
The exit from the bladder is close so the two fluids can’t mix.
What is the function of the penis?
It fills with blood becoming hard, when sexually stimulated (erection).it ejaculates semen into the vagina, and becoming limp.
What is the Latin word for sperm duct?
Vas deferens
What is the function of the uterus?
It increases from approximately 30g in weight to 1kg during pregnancy.very muscular walls.
What shape is the uterus?
Pear shaped
What is the function of the lining of the uterus? (Endometrium)
It comes away each month during menstruation (period) if a fertilised ovum(egg) hasn’t been implanted in it.