Reproductive System 3- Female Flashcards
What is the female reproductive system made up of?
1) Gonads: Ovaries- Produces eggs + hormones
2) Reproductive tract: Fallopian tubes
Also have: Oviducts, uterus, vagina, vulva
What are some features of the menstrual cycle?
Characterised by complex cycling
Menstrual cycle begins at puberty and persists until menopause
Outward sign: Periodic vaginal bleeding
Internal cyclical changes in ovaries, uterus, cervix/ vagina, hormones and breasts/behaviour
What are the 2 female sex hormones? What effects do they have?
1) Oestrogen:
Ova maturation= helps ova to get ready to be ovulated
Female secondary sexual characteristics= Breast development
Effects on endometrium ; myometrium
Feedback on pituitary gondadotrophins
2) Progesterone
Effects on endometrium and myometrium
Feedback on pituitary gonadotrophins
Thermogenic= Makes temperature rise
Endometrium: Inner layer of uterus
Myometrium: Thick middle layer of smooth muscle in uterus
What is oogenesis?
Production of eggs
Undifferentiated primordial germ cells formed in fetal ovary
Happens during last part of fetal life: Begins first meiotic division= Primary oocytes
Remain in meiotic arrest until puberty
At the start of each menstrual cycle a few oocytes begin to develop but usually only 1 is ovulated per cycle
1) Germ cells in ovaries undergo mitotic division
2) Germ cells then undergo meiotic division= Primary oocyte
3) At birth, each ovary contains about half a million primary oocytes. Meiosis does not occur until puberty
4) Puberty= Divides into 2 cells, a large egg and tiny first polar body and egg (secondary oocyte) is selected for ovulation, releasing the mature egg until after the second meiotic division
1 oocyte: 1 ovum
What are the phases of the ovarian cycle?
The ovarian cycle refers to the series of changes in the ovary during which the follicle matures, the ovum is shed and the corpus luteum develops.
1) Follicular phase: (First half of cycle)
Period of follicular growth in the ovary
So basically egg grows
Day 6: One dominant remains and some ateretic follicles
Only a few follicles survive and reach final stages of growth= Dominant follicle develops to point where it releases its egg
2) Ovulation: Once one or more follicles have ripened, the ovary releases the oocyte(s) during ovulation
3) Luteal phase: After ovulation, transformation of a raptured follicle into corpus luteum= Secretes hormones (oestrogen and progesterone) that continue the preparations for pregnancy= Prepares endometrium
If pregnancy does not occur: Corpus luteum creases to function after about 2 weeks and ovarian cycle begins again
What is the uterine cycle and what are the different stages?
Describes the changes to the endometrial lining of the uterus
1)FSH released by pituitary= Causes follicles to begin to mature, compete for dominance in ovaries
Endometrium lining breaks down
Proliferative phase:
2) Follicle secretes oestrogen= High levels= Endometrium wall builds up in anticipation of pregnancy= More blood supply
3) Oestrogen initially inhibits the release of FSH= negative feedback
4) Oestrogen has positive feedback with oestrogen= More is released from follicle
5) Ovulation: Oestrogen switches so that it starts to stimulate release of FSH and LH by pituitary gland High levels (sudden surge) of LH= causes fully developed follicle to burst, release the ovum into the oviduct
Secretory Phase:
6) LH also stimulates the follicle to develop into corpus leuteum= Secretes progesterone
7) Progesterone stimulates the uterus to complete development of endometrium wall= Ready to receive embryo
8) Progesterone also inhibits the release of LH and FSH= stops release of oestrogen
9) Corpus lutem degenerates over the next 10 days, less progesterone is secreted
10) Levels of progesterone gets low enough so that menstruation is triggered= FSH starts to increase again= Cycle starts again
What is the mechanism of dominance for developing follicles?
Oestrogen secretion of dominant follicle= Increased to a level that directly lowers the levels of LH and FSH= Leads to deaths of most of the recruited follicles
Dominant follicle continues to mature
What are the specialised features of an egg?
1) Has stored nutrients and factors needed for early embryo development
2) Egg coat= Blocks polyspermy
3) Able to attract sperm by chemotaxis= Chemical given off