reproductive system Flashcards
what function does the reproductive system has in our bodies?
to produce egg and sperm cells. to transport and sustain these cells. to nurture the developing offspring.
what are testes?
testes are the main organs of the male reproductive system.
the testes produce testosterone, the male sex hormone.
the testes also make sperm.
what is sperm?
sperms are the male cells that are used for reproduction. each sperm cell carries 23 chromosomes.
matured sperm are stored in the epididymis.
what is a penis?
the penis is the organ that delivers semen into the female reproductive system.
what is the vas deference?
the sperm duct that connects the epididymis to the urethra.
what are the chromosomes (in sex cells)?
sperm can have either an X chromosome or a Y chromosome. if a sperm with an X chromosome fertilizes the egg, the new cell will have two X chromosomes. one came from the father’s sperm and one came from the mother’s egg.
what is the female reproductive system’s job?
the female reproductive system produces hormones and eggs, and provides a place to nourish a developing human.
what is an ovary?
an ovary is the female reproductive organ that produces eggs.
what is an egg?
an egg is the female sex cell. Egg cells have 23 chromosomes, just like the sperm.
what are the hormones produced by the female reproductive system?
estrogen and progesterone are sex hormones produced by the female reproductive system. these hormones control the development of female characteristics, regulate the development and release of eggs, and prepare the body for pregnancy.
how many eggs are released in an average women’s life?
in a female’s life time, about 400 eggs will mature and be released from the ovaries.
what are the chromosomes in eggs?
an egg will always have an X chromosome, since the woman’s sex chromosome pair only has Xs. if a sperm with an X chromosome fertilizes the egg, the new cell will have two X chromosomes. one came from the father’s sperm and one came from the mother’s egg.
what is the mensuration cycle?
the menstrual cycle which lasts about a month refers to the changes that occur in a woman’s reproductive system. these changes produce an egg, release the egg, and prepare the body for pregnancy.
what happens during the menstruation cycle?
about halfway through the cycle, an egg released from the ovary travels through the fallopian tube to the uterus.
the uterus is the organ in
which a fertilized egg develops into a baby.
a baby passes through the vagina at birth.
if an egg is not fertilized, it is shed with the lining of the uterus. this monthly discharge of blood and tissue from the uterus is known as menstruation.
what happens during fertilization?
during fertilization, a sperm enters an egg and the two combine to form one cell. the fertilized egg become an embryo. if more than one sperm enter the egg, multiple identical embryo can form.
what are the steps of fertilization?
the egg is released from the ovary
the egg is fertilized in the fallopian tube by a sperm
the embryo implants into the lining of the uterus.
what are the stages of pregnancy?
first Trimester –
soon after implantation, the placenta begins to grow. the embryo connects to the placenta by the umbilical cord. after 10 weeks, the embryo is called a fetus.
second Trimester –
during this stage, joints and bones start to form and the fetus’s muscles grow stronger.
the fetus starts to make movement the mother can feel, and can breath and swallow toward the end of this trimester.
third trimester -
the fetus can respond to light and sound outside the uterus. The organs become fully functional.
by week 32, the fetus’s eyes can open and close. the fetus is almost ready to be born after 36 weeks. a full-term pregnancy usually lasts about 40 weeks.
what are the stages of human development?
infancy is the stage from birth to age 2 when babies grow quickly and baby teeth appear. the nervous system develops and babies start to walk. many babies begin to say words by age 1.
childhood lasts from age 2 to puberty. baby teeth are replaced by permanent teeth. children learn to speak fluently and their muscles become more coordinated.
adolescence is the stage from puberty to adulthood. In most boys, puberty occurs between the ages of 9 and 16. in most girls, puberty is between the ages of 9 and 15.
adulthood – a person reaches physical and emotional maturity during this period.
a young adult is about age 20 to age 40.
middle age is between 40 and 65 years old.
an older adult is a person more than 65 years old.
how do you calculate growth?
to calculate growth rate, divide the difference in height by the difference in age.
(102 cm – 72 cm) / (5 years – 1 year) = 8 cm per year.