Reproductive Strategies and Technologies Flashcards
What is selective breeding ?
the process of breeding plant and animals for desirable traits
1st crop to be bred was
corn (maize)
Where did selective breeding originate from ?
central and south America
How is selective breeding natural ?
humans choose the traits but do not change the DNA
How did corn become the size it is now ?
- genetic mutations occurred which resulted in bigger corn
- the seeds of corn cross pollinated to grow even larger
- the kernels of big corn were planted
what is artificial insemination ?
the process by which sperm are collected and concentrated before being introduced into the female’s reproductive system
artificial insemination has been used in: animals or plants ?
both animals and plants
name an animal whose sperm is used for artificial insemination
- bulls and horses
- sperm is collected from blue ribbon winning animals (bull), the sperm is then frozen and sold, then the sperm is inserted into cows
- the same process is used for horses
- racing horses make millions of dollars
what is an embryo transfer
the process by which an egg that has been fertilized artificially is transferred into a recipient female’s reproductive system
what is the human equivalent to embryo transfer
In vitro fertilization (IVF)
what is in vitro fertilization
- the technique used to fertilize egg cells outside the female’s body
- “test-tube babies”
- embryos can be shipped easily
name some celebrities who have hired surrogate mothers
- Michael Jackson
- Sarah Jessica Parker (didn’t want to ruin her body)
- Sofia Vergara (had thyroid cancer and lots of radtiation)
- Ricky Martin (gay males usually used the surrogate’s eggs)
when and where was the first test-tube baby born ?
Britain, 1978 (Louise Joy Brown)
what does ART stand for ?
Assisted Reproductive Technologies
IVF is a type of
how many babies have been conceived through IVF since 1978 ?
over 1.5 million
what does PGD stand for ?
Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis
who is allowed to have PGD’s ?
- it is only allowed for people who have a history of genetic disorders in their family (i.e. huntingtons)
- or for “savior siblings”; parents of sick children have used PGD to “engineer” a genetic match in another sibling
what is the process of Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis
- the woman is pumped with female hormones (estrogen) which causes them to “superovulate”, so instead of releasing 1 egg, multiple are released
- sperm is dumped on the eggs to fertilize them
- once IVF is performed, the zygotes divide for 2 days, one cell from each is pulled out and analyzed for the presence of a genetic disorder
- the healthy embryos are implanted in the female’s uterus
why is PGD controversial
it is controversial because it can lead to “designer babies”
what is cloning ?
the process that produces identical copies of genes, cells or organisms
what are the three types of cloning ?
- gene cloning
- therapeutic cloning
- reproductive cloning
what is gene cloning ?
the use of DNA manipulation techniques to produce multiple copies of a single gene or segment of DNA
- the DNA is isolated and a vector is chosen for cloning
- the chromosomal DNA is inserted into the vector, which acts as a carrier of the DNA to be cloned
what is recombinant DNA ?
a molecule of DNA that includes genetic material from different sources
what is the type of gene cloning used to grow protein ?
recombinant dna
how has insulin been mass produced ?
bacteria (acts as a vector)
what animals have been used to make insulin and why aren’t they used anymore ?
- cows and sheep
- diabetics had reactions to it
what is therapeutic cloning ?
the process of replacing an egg cell’s nucleus with the nucleus from a somatic donor cell to produce a cell line of genetically identical cells
- cloning in movies