Reproductive Quiz - March Flashcards
definition of reproduction
the action or process of copying something; the production of offspring by sexual or asexual process.
definition of parturition
the action of giving birth to young
definition of lordosis
a posture assumed by some female mammals during mating, in which the back is arched
definition of mating
refers to the union of a male or female of the species for reproduction
definition of copulation
animal sexual behaviour in which a male introduces sperm into a female’s reproductive tract
“definition of courtship
“Courtship can be defined as the behaviour used to obtain copulation with a partner, or to maintain reproductive interactions with an existing partner”
*Encyclopedia of Reproduction (Second Edition), 2018
definition of gestation
the time between conception and birth when the fetus is developing
definition of dystocia
refers to a difficult labour or birth
definition of postpartum estrus
estrus that occurs within 24 hours of parturition
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Rabbit female sexual maturity
Rabbit male sexual maturity
Guinea pig female sexual maturity
Guinea pig male sexual maturity
Rat sexual maturity
Rabbit Female cycle type
induced/stimulated ovulators
Guinea Pig Female cycle type
oestrus anytime of the year
(average heat cycle is 14-19days)
Rat Female cyle type
every 4-5days, all year round
including in early pregnancy
Rabbit gestation
31 days
Guinea Pig gestation
63-70 days
Rat gestation
21-23 days
32 days (lactation induced delay)
Rabbit litter
7 kits
4-5x a year
Guinea Pig litter
2-4 pups
5x a year
Rat litter
6-12 pups
All year round
rabbit kits are born:
blind, deaf,
hairless, helpless
Guinea Pig pups are born:
hair, eyes open,
rat pups are born:
born blind, deaf,
hairless, helpless
A mating rabbit:
accepts males most anytime of the year
(ovulation induced)
A mating guinea pig:
mounting, back arching, lifting hindquarters
A mating rat:
rabbit birthing
about 24 hours beforehand will line the nest with fur
rabbit feeding her kits
about 1-2x a day
3mins long
rabbit kits weaned
guinea pig birthing
10-30mins labour
(Will go straight back into season - keep away from males)
Rat birthing
provide suitable nesting environment and ensure environment is quiet
Rat pup feeding
every 3hours
rat pup weaned
21 days
courtship behaviors include:
Visual displays
courtship dances
chemical- (pheromones)
auditory stimuli
scent marking
physical displays
Guinea pig birthing complications could include:
▪ Sow straining for more than
10 minutes and not
▪ Sow bleeding
▪ Sow squealing loudly with
each contraction
▪ Sow getting exhausted and
just giving up from trying
▪ No placenta being produced
with the babie
definition of behaviour:
the way in which an animal or person behaves in response to a particular situation or stimulus
definition of estrus/oestrus
a period of time when a female mammal is receptive for mating and is fertile
definition of postpartum estrus:
estrus that occurs within 24 hours of partuition