reproductive physiology Flashcards
what are the primary reproductive organs
males gonads= testes
female gonads= ovaries
successful reproduction needs
a union of male and female gametes ( reproductive cells)
external genitalia
externally visible portions of reproductive systems
what are the 2 roles of the male reproductive system
1) production of sperm ( gamete cells )which are made in testes
2) delivery of sperm to females
Most important female reproductive functions are?
6 total
1) production of ova
2) reception of sperm ( occurs in the vagina )
3) transport of ovum and sperm to common site of fertilization
4) maintenance of the developing fetus
5) birth of baby
6) milk production to nourish baby
embryonic development of both external genitalia and reproductive tract can be seen at what levels ?
genetic , gonadal and phenotypic
Genetic embryonic development is characterize by
combination of sex chromosomes at conception
how are gametes produced ?
through meiosis in which diploid parent cells will divide to make haploid gamete cells , half sperm carry x and half sperm carry y , while all ovum carry single x
when 2 haploids combine
sperm+ovum = fertilized ovum
gondola development is determined by :
the presence or absence of a Y chromosome
what takes placate week 7 of gestation ?
sex determining region of Y chromosome(SRY) stimulates the production of H-Y antigen
what happens when there is no H-Y antigen ?
ovaries will form because H-Y acts on gonads to form testes
phenotypic development is determined by ?
dependent on the gonadal sex, is known as the apparent anatomical sex
how will male reproductive system develop ?
androgens will be secreted by developing testes
what are the 2 primitive duct systems in the undifferentiated embryo ?
the wolffian ducts and the mullerian ducts
What happens in meiosis one ?
replicated chromosomes that contain identical pair of chromatids sort themselves into homogenous pairs before separating so each daughter cell receives single set of chromosome
each 2 daughter cell contains ?
each contain a sister set of chromatids with a single set of chromosomes
what happens in meiosis 2 ?
sister chromatids within the chromosomes of each of the daughter cells separate and distribute to 2 cells and creates 4 daughter cells each containing a single set of chromosomes and one chromatid each
What is the wolffian duct ?
Human chrorioic gonadotropin (hCG )
hCG will stimulate testes to produce testosterone, which will stimulate wollfian ducts to develop into male reproductive system.
testosterone is also converted to :
dihydrotestosterone which is responsible for male genitalia
testes will secrete ?
mullerian- inhibiting factor , which allows for degradation of mullerian ducts
In the absence of testosterone
wolffian ducts will degrade and mullerian will develop which will create female reproductive tract and external genitalia
males whose testes fail to develop or target tissues that lack testosterone receptors will result in :
a phenotypic female that is sterile due to lack of ovaries