Reproductive medicine Flashcards
28/F with history of 3 surgical TOP and one episode of Chlamydia infection complains of infertility after 1 year of unprotected sex. She is otherwise normal and her husband is ok.
What is the most probable cause of their infertility?
It is a secondary infertility.
- Causes: PID causing tubo-peritoneal defect?
What investigations to do suspected PID patients?
- Pregnancy test first
- Blood tests: CBC: elevated WCC, CRP, ESR +/- LFT and clotting
- Blood culture and sensitivity
- High vaginal swab x1 for Candida, Bacterial vaginosis, Trichomonas vaginalis
Endocervical swabs x2 for Neisseria Gonorrhoeae + Chlamydia trachomatis
- Screen for other STDs
- VDRL for syphilis
- HIV serology
- HPV (genital warts)
- Pubic lice - Possible urinary tract infection (urinalysis, MSU for culture and sensitivity testing)
for a patient with suspected PID for infertility?
- Laparoscopic chromotubation (Lap Dye)
- If chlamydia history: chlamydia antibody for tubo-peritoneal factor
- Hysteroscopy for uterine factors
- Ovulation assessment (mid-luteal phase progesterone, urinary LH surge) & early follicular phase LH/FSH/E2 for anovulation
- Semen analysis of husband x2
- Rubella antibody and MCV to rule out contraindications for pregnancy
Advantages and disadvantages of hysterosalpingogram to laparoscopic chromotubation? (4)
:) :
- less invasive than LC,
- no GA risk and surgical risk
:( :
1. False positive due to contrast-induced tubal spasm
- False negative as peritoneal disease and peritubal adhesions cannot be revealed
If patient has severe tubal disease and extensive pelvic adhesion, management for infertility?
In vitro fertilization because of severe tubo-peritoneal factor
How to calculate EDC?
e.g. LMP is 3/3
LMP +7 days + 9 months
LMP 3/3 > EDC = 10/12
How to manage PID? What to do if failed first line Tx? (3)
- Remove any IUCD if present
- Give broad spectrum antibiotics
- Metronidazole for anaerobics
- Ceftriaxone for gonorrhea
- Doxycycline for chlamydia - Laparoscopy if no response to antibiotics in presence of tubo-ovarian abscess
What are the complications of PID?
- Chronic pelvic pain
- Infertility
- Ectopic pregnancy
What is the pearl index?
Total number of accidental pregnancies x100 / Total months of exposure to the contraceptive method
- reports the effectiveness of birth control method in terms of failure per 100 women years of exposure
- Less than 1/100 women per year
- 0.8 for copper IUCD; 0.2 for Mirena
Give 4 reasons for the +ve PT results in spite of the use of IUCD.
- Ectopic pregnancy
- False positive
- Molar pregnancy
- Pregnancy
For a lady with +ve PT but empty uterus, no adnexal mass, no free fluid, speculum: IUCD thread protruded from cervical os. What is the most important gyn condition has to be ruled out?
What is your management?
Ectopic pregnancy
- Admit the patient
- Monitor vitals, resuscitate if necessary
- Ix: serial betaHCG monitoring, CBC and L/RFT, clotting profile, cross match;
Depending on the hemodynamic status and L/RFT, give methotrexate if ectopic pregnancy is confirmed
If patient has trichomonas vaginitis confirmed after vaginal swab, what is the treatment?
How to counsel the patient?
Tx: antibiotics: oral metronidazole 2g single dose
- It is a STD, advice STD screening
- Treat sexual partner as well
- Educate on prevention of STD
- TVS for tubo-ovarian abscess, admit if positive