Reproductive Lab Flashcards
- spermatogonial stem cells (2n = 46) → mitosis
- some spermatogonia remain near basement membrane and remain undifferentiated
- some spermatogonia lose contact with basement membrane → squeeze through tight junctions of blood-testis barrier → undergo developmental changes → differentiate into primary spermatocytes
- primary spermatocytes (2n = 46) replicate its DNA → meiosis I → secondary spermatocytes
- secondary spermatocytes (n = 23, each chromosome has two chromatids) → meiosis II → spermatids
- spermatids (n = 23, each chromosome has one chromatid)
unique process of spermatogenesis
- as spermatogenic cells proliferate, they fail to complete complete cytoplasmic separation (i.e. cytokinesis)
- remain in contact via cytoplasmic bridges
- likely accounts for synchronised production of sperm in any given area of seminiferous tubule
- provides survival value as half of sperm has X chromosome and other half has Y chromosome, larger X chromosome may carry genes needed for spermatogenesis that are lacking on the smaller Y chromosome
- development of spherical spermatids → elongated, slender sperm
- acrosome forms above the nucleus
- flagellum develops
- mitochondria multiply
- sustentacular cells (i.e. sertoli) dispose of excess cytoplasm
- finally sperm are released from the connections to sustentacular cells (i.e. spermiation)
- sperm enter lumen of seminiferous tubule
- fluid secreted by sustentacular cells push sperm towards the ducts of the testes
- begins before female is born
- primordial germ cells migrate from yolk sac → ovaries
- germ cells differentiate → oogonia
- oogonia (stem cells, 2n = 46) → mitosis → millions of germ cells
- most of these germ cells degenerate (i.e. atresia)
- germ cells → primary oocytes
- primary oocytes are surrounded by single layer of follicular cells (i.e. primordial follicle)
ovarian cortex
- surrounds primordial follicles
- consists of collagen fibres and stromal cells (fibroblast-like)
- at birth → 200,000~2,000,000 primary oocytes in each ovary
- at puberty → 40,000 primary oocytes in each ovary
- ~400 mature and ovulate during a woman’s reproductive lifetime
- remainder undergo atresia
follicular development
- each month after puberty, gonadotropins (i.e. FSH/LH) secreted by anterior pituitary stimulate development of primordial follicles
- primordial follicles -> primary follicles -> secondary follicles -> mature/Graafian follicles
primary follicles
- primary oocyte surrounded by several layers of granulosa cells
- outermost granulosa rests on basement membrane
- as it grows, forms a clear glycoprotein layer (i.e. zona pellucida) between primary oocyte and granulosa cells
- stromal cells surrounding basement membrane form layer (i.e. theca folliculi)
secondary follicles
- theca differentiated into two layers
- theca interna → highly vascular internal layer, has cuboidal secretory cells that secrete oestrogens
- theca externa → outer layer of stromal cells and collagen fibres
- granulosa cells secrete follicular fluid, build up in cavity (i.e. antrum) in centre of follicle
- innermost layer of granulosa cells become firmly attached to zona pellucida (i.e. corona radiata)
mature/graafian follicles
- diploid primary oocyte (2n = 46) → meiosis I → two unequal haploid cells (n = 23, two chromatids in a chromosome)
- smaller cell (i.e. first polar body) is a packet of discarded nuclear material
- larger cell (i.e. secondary oocyte) recieves most of cytoplasm
- meiosis II begins
- rupture of mature follicle releases secondary oocyte (i.e. ovulation)
- secondary oocyte, first polar body, and corona radiata released into pelvic cavity
- normally are swept into uterine tube
- if fertilisation does not occur → cells degenerate
- if sperm is present → meiosis II continues
- first polar body → splits into two polar bodies → degenerates
- secondary oocyte (n = 23, two chromatids in a chromosome) → two unequal haploid cells (n = 23, one chromatid in a chromosome)
- smaller cell → second polar body → degenerates
- larger cell → ovum
difference in gamete production between sexes
- male → one primary spermatocyte produces four gametes (i.e. sperm)
- female → one primary oocyte produces a single gamete (i.e. ovum)
- promote development and maintenance of female reproductive structures, secondary sex characteristics
- increase protein anabolism (i.e. building strong bones)
- lower blood cholesterol level
- moderate levels in the blood inhibit GnRH and LH/FSH
- secreted mainly by corpus luteum
- cooperates with oestrogens to prepare and maintain endometrium and mammary glands for pregnancy
- high levels in the blood inhibit GnRH and LH
- produced by corpus luteum
- relaxes uterus by inhibiting contractions of myometrium (implantation occurs more readily in relaxed state)
- placenta produces more relaxin in pregnancy → helps to dilate the uterine cervix
- secreted by granulosa cells of growing follicle and by corpus luteum after ovulation
- inhibits secretion of FSH and LH (to a lesser extent)
phases of female reproductive cycle
- menstrual cycle -> first 5 days
- preovulatory phase -> days 6-13
- ovulation -> day 14
- postovulatory phase -> days 15-28
events in uterus during menstrual phase
- declining levels of progesterone and oestrogens → stimulate release of prostaglandins → cause uterine spiral arterioles to constrict
- cells of stratum functionalis become oxygen deprived, die, and sloughs off
- only stratum basalis remains
events in ovaries during menstrual phase
- FSH initiates development of primordial follicles → primary follicles → secondary follicles
- may take several months to occur
- therefore follicle that develops at beginning of menstrual cycle may not ovulate until several menstrual cycles later
events in ovaries during preovulatory phase
- secondary follicles begin to secrete oestrogens and inhibin
- a single secondary follicle in one ovary has outgrown all of the others (i.e. dominant follicle)
- oestrogen and inhibin secreted by dominant follicle → decreases secretion of FSH → causes less dominant follicles to stop growing, undergo atresia
- dominant follicle → develops into mature follicle → increases its production of oestrogens
events in uterus during preovulatory phase
- oestrogens released by follicles in the blood → stimulate repair of endometrium
- cells of stratum basalis → mitosis → produce new stratum functionalis
- endometrial glands develop, arterioles coil and penetrate stratum functionalis
- thickness of endometrium doubles
events during ovulation
- high levels of oestrogens during last part of preovulatory phase → positive feedback on LH and GnRH → LH surge causes rupture of mature follicle
- mature follicle ruptures → secondary oocyte (surrounded by corona radiata and zona pellucida) is released into pelvic cavity → swept in to uterine tube
events in ovary during postovulatory phase
- mature follicle collapses → basement membrane between granulosa cells and theca interna breaks down → blood clot forms → corpus hameorrhagicum
- theca interna cells mix with granulosa cells under influence of LH → corpus luteum
- corpus luteum is stimulated by LH → secretes progesterone, oestrogens, relaxin, and inhibin, and absorb the blood clot
- if oocyte is not fertilised → corpus luteum has a life span of 2 weeks → secretory activity declines → degenerates into corpus albicans → decreased progesterone, oestrogen, inhibin → release of GnRH, FSH, LH rises → follicular growth resumes → new ovarian cycle begins
- if oocyte is fertilised → hCG released by chorion of embryo → stimulates secretory activity of corpus luteum → persists past its lifespan of 2 weeks
events in uterus during postovulatory phase
- corpus luteum secretes progesterone and oestrogen → promotes growth and coiling of endometrial glands, vascularisation of stratum functionalis
- prepatory activity peaks ~1 week after ovulation, around the time that a fertilised ovum might arrive in the uterus
- if fertilisation does not occur → levels of progesterone and estrogens decline due to degeneration of corpus luteum
ovarian cycle
- follicular phase -> - menstrual phase + preovulatory phase, ovarian follicles are growing and developing
- luteal phase -> postovulatory phase, corpus luteum is formed
uterine cycle
- proliferative phase -> preovulatory phase, endometrium is proliferating
- secretory phase -> postovulatory phase, secretory activity of endometrial glands
female athlete triad
- disordered eating, amenorrhea, premature osteoporosis
- athletes experience pressure to lose weight → develop disordered eating behaviours
- low levels of leptin produced by adipose cells → reduced secretion of GnRH → decreased release of LH/FSH → ovarian follicles fail to develop, ovulation does not occur, synthesis of oestrogen/progesterone wanes → absence of menstruation (i.e. amenorrhea)
- low levels of oestrogens → loss of bone mineral density → osteoporosis
what could be the cause of decreased concentrations of FSH, LH, oestrogen and progesterone?
- delayed puberty
- lower body fat due to female athlete triad
area of relevance and mechanism of action of male condom
- area of relevance -> penis/penile urethra
- mechanism of action -> barrier
area of relevance and mechanism of action of vasectomy/tubal ligation
- area of relevance -> ductus deferens/uterine tubes
- mechanism of action -> surgical
area of relevance and mechanism of action of diaphragm
- area of relevance -> cervix
- mechanism of action -> barrier
- more effective when used with spermicide
mechanism of action of oral contraception
- hormonal
- combined oral contraceptives → contain progestin and oestrogens → suppress FSH/LH → prevents development of dominant follicle
- progestin only pills → thicken cervical mucous → make it more difficult for sperm to enter uterus, does not consistently inhibit ovulation
area of relevance and mechanism of action of IUD
- area of relevance -> uterine tubes
- mechanism of action -> chemical (i.e. basic/copper material messes up sperm motility)
label diagram of male reproductive system
label diagram of female reproductive system
label image of rat testis
label diagram of female reproductive cycle
label diagrams of ovary histology