Reproductive cards Flashcards
bond of connective tissue that attaches the testes to the scrotum testes gradually get pulled caudally and ventrally.
Inguinal Rings
Inguinal rings are openings in the abdomen muscle through which the testes descend.
Pampiniform Plexus
Meshwork of veins that surrounds the testicular artery. Blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, Nerves and vas deferens.
Prostate Gland
A walnut-sized gland located beneath the bladder that produces prostatic fluid, which contributes to semen volume and sperm motility. Surrounds the urethra, multiple ducts that carry secretions into the urethra. found in dogs, cats, bulls, horses, etc.
Bulbourethral Gland
Bulbourethral gland, Ducts from the urethra near the caudal borders of the pelvis, secretes mucinous fluid, only found in cats.
Parts of the F-Reproductive System
-uterine tube, oviduct
most mammals are known as bicornuate which means they have 2 distinct horns in the uterus.
What do uterine hors do
produces female sex hormones, development of reproductive cells, provides environment for fertilization, carries the embryo/fetus for the entire gestation period, provides passage from the uterus to the outside world.
-Located dorsal abdomen near the kidneys.
-Species variation in appearance.
-To produce ova or eggs (oogenesis) ready for fertilization by the sperm of the male.
-Act as an endocrine gland, secreting the hormones estrogen and progesterone.
Whats an Endocrine Gland?
Endocrine glands are ductless glands of the endocrine system that secrete their products, hormones, directly into the blood. The major glands of the endocrine system include the pineal gland, pituitary gland, pancreas, ovaries, testicles, thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, hypothalamus and adrenal glands.
whats a pedicle
A pedicle is a stem or stalk of tissue that connects parts of the body to each other. The brain has many pedicles (such as the cerebral pedicle) that connect areas of the brain to each other.
Ligaments of the ovaries
-Suspensory ligament of the ovary:
-Attached to the body wall in the area of the last rib
-Small amount of muscle present to flex with the weight of the developing fetus.
-Suspend ovaries oviducts, and uterus.
-Contain blood vessels and nerves.
-dropped pedicle. (surgical emergency!)
Oviducts (uterine tube)
-To collect ova as they are released from the graafian follicles.
-To convey the ova from the ovaries to the uterine horns.
-To provide the correct environment for the survival of the ova and the sperm.
-Infundibulum: enlarged opening at the ovarian end of each oviduct.
-Ciliated cells in lining.
-Muscle contractions and cilia movements guide ovum towards the uterus.
-usual site of fertilization.
The organ in which fetal development occurs during pregnancy.
Y-Shaped in the dog and cat (bicornate)
-To provide a receptacle in which the embryos can develop into full-term fetuses.
-to provide the correct environment for the survival of the embryos.
-To provide means whereby the developing embryos can receive nutrients from the dam; this is made possible by the placenta.
tubular glands
Glands are also classified by the shape of their duct. Tubular glands have a tube shape to their secretory duct with an interior lumen to transport secretions. Tubular glands have an oblong tubular structure and gland shape. Examples of tubular glands are seen in the sweat glands as well as in the stomach and uterus.
whats parturition
the action of giving birth to young; childbirth.
uterine wall layers
⦿ Endometrium: lining composed of simple columnar epithelium and simple tubular glands.
-Secretes mucus and other substances.
-Thickens during pregnancy.
⦿ Myometrium: Thick layer of smooth muscle
-produces strong contraction during parturition (birth)
⦿ Mesometrium or broad ligament.
-it is a fold of the visceral peritoneum that suspends the uterus from the dorsal body wall.v
-Smooth muscle sphincter between the body of the uterus and the vagina.
-Controls access to the lumen of the uterus from the vagina.
-Normally tightly closed except during estrus and parturition.
vagina, vestibule, vulva
Vagina and vestibule:
-muscular tube that extends caudally from the cervix and connects it with the vulva.
-Composed of the vestibule, clitoris and labia.
-Urethra opens on the floor of the vestibule.
-vulva enlargement common when in heat.
mammary glands
-Modified cutaneous glands.
-The female dog has five pairs of mammary glands.
-The female cat has four pairs of mammary glands.
-Mastitis: inflammation of infection of the mammary glands.
whats an estrous cycle
Female dogs will have their first estrous (reproductive or heat) cycle when they reach puberty. Each cycle consists of several stages; the stage called estrus refers to when the female can become pregnant. Often, a dog that is in the estrus stage is said to be in heat or season.
animals that cycle continuously throughout the year if they are not pregnant.
Seasonally Polyestrous
animals with seasonal variations in estrous cycles (horse, sheep, cat)
animals with two cycles per year, usually spring and fall (dog)
animals with one cycle per year (fox and mink)