What is the purpose of a Jackson Pratt drainage system?
a closed wound drainage system device that is used to prevent fluid buildup in a closed space. any excessive bleeding and fluid collection into the closed space should be notified to the HCP after the first 24 hours post surgery.
What is clomiphene? When is it best to engage in sexual intercourse?
first line treatment medication for infertility which works by stimulating the ovaries to release an egg. ovulatin will typically occur 5-9 days after completing the medication. so it is CRUCIAL for the client to engage in frequent sexual intercourse 5 DAYS AFTER completing the medication for the best chance of successful conception.
What are noncyclic changes?
noncyclic breast changes are not related to the client’s menstrual cycle but may indicate CANCER which should be immediately reported to the HCP
What are important interventions to treat the client post open radical prostatectomy?
any rectal interventions such as suppositories or enemas must be avoided to prevent stress on the suture lines. interventions to prevent constipation are an important part of postop care and discharge.
What is the most common syptom of endometrial cancer?
postmenopausal bleeding or abnormal premenopausal bleeding is the most common symptom of endometrial cancer and it requires folw up with an HCP
What is the genetic inheritance of cystic fibrosis?
offspring must receive two abnormal recessive genes (one from each parent) to be affected with cystic fibrosis as well as other conditions like pKU and sickle cell disease.
What are x-linked recessive disorders?
Hemophilia is an example of an x linked recessive disorder that most often affect male offspring from the female carrier
What are symptoms of ovarian cancer?
- abdominal bloating
- pelvic pressure or pain
- abdominal girth increase
What is a common side effect of IUD?
heavy menstrual bleeding is a common disadvantage of having an IUD
When can the client engage in sexual intercourse after vasectomy?
following a vasectomy, sperm continue to be produced but are absorbed by the body. it can take several months for the remaining sperm to be ejaculated or absorbed. alternative forms of BC should be used until the HCP clears the client.
What requires immediate action after a client has a vaginal hysterectomy?
immediate action needs to be taken when a client recovering from a vaginal hysterectomy saturates more than one perineal pad in an hour
Why is it important to take progestin only pills on time?
because cervical mucus changes last only approximately 24 hours so the client has to take it at the same time every day. if the pill is taken 3 hours or later, a barrier method has to be used for 2 days until the pill is taken correctly again
When is it best to examine for testicular cancer?
perform testicular exam while taking a warm shower as warm temperatures will relax the scrotal tissue and make the testis hang lower in the scrotum
What does inflammatory breast cancer look like?
in this aggressive form of cancer, breast lymph channels are blocked by cancer cells, creating breast tissue that becomes red, warm and has an orange peel appearance on the skin.
What is the only treatment for syphillus during pregnancy?
the only treatment during pregnancy is IM penicillin injection.