Reproduction Flashcards
What happens to boy and girls at puberty?
Boys tend to get taller and wider while girls have periods and develop wider hips.
How long does the menstral system last for?
28 days
How is an egg specialised?
It has a tough over layer and a food store?
How is a sperm cell specialised?
It has a tail and a streamlined head
How long is a period?
1-5 days
Which sex develops breasts?
Which sexes muscles get larger?
What age does puberty start? And how long does it last for?
Age 10-14 and last for about 3 years.
What is the difference between menstruation and ovulation?
Ovulation is when the egg is ready to be released from the ovary. While menstruation is when the egg wasn’t fertilised and the uterus lining breaks up and lost through the the vagina
Why do girls need more iron in their diets than boys?
They do to replace the blood cells they lost during their period
What activates the egg during the menstrual cycle?
A hormone from the brain
What is the uterus made up of?
It is made up of a muscle with a lining
What does the process of ovulation involve?
It is when the egg is ready to be released from the ovary
If an egg isn’t fertilised how long does it last for?
It lasts for 12-24 hours
What makes the egg move along the oviduct?
Cilia moves the egg along
What does a fertilised egg do when it reaches the uterus?
It attaches or implants in the crevice in the lining
What happens if the egg isn’t fertilised?
The egg will die
What does a peril also mark?
The egg hasn’t been fertilised and a new egg starts growing
What nutrients should a woman take when their periods begin? Why is this?
They should take iron to replace the blood cells they lost in their period
What happens on day 7 of the menstrual cycle?
The wall of the uterus begins to thicken
How do genes pass from the mother to the foetus?
They pass from the mother by her blood
What is a foetus?
A ball of cells implanted in the lining of the uterus
What is the name cord that is attached to the foetus?
The name of the cord is the umbilical cord
What does diffusion describe?
It describes how small particles move
How long does it take for a baby if be fully grown and ready to be born?
It takes about 38 to 40 week the same as 9 months
What is the mammal with the longest gestation period?
The Asian elephant is the mammal with the longest gestation period averaging 650 days
What is an amnion?
It is a membrane bag
What is amnion fluid?
It is a fluid inside the amnion
Describe how identical twins and non identical twins come out?
Identical twins come out with the same genetic information in their cells while non identical twins are two eggs fertilised