reproduction Flashcards
what is a primordial follicle?
it is a primary oocyte surrounded by granulosa cells
what is the single most important hormone for reproduction?
what is special about GnRH secretion?
released in a pulsatile manner to act on GnRH-1 receptors in the anterior pituitary. continuous release of GnRH - causes down regulation of those receptors
what causes the LH surge?
positive feedback from oestrogen
what is the most reliable indicator of ovulation?
a serum progesterone level of 30mmol/L at 21 days
what happens in the follicular phase of the menstruation cycle?
FSH stimulates the granulosa cell of the primordial follicle to develop into a secondary follicle which is able to produce oestrogen, oestrogen increases the number of FSH receptors on the granulosa cells. but also inhibits FSH, so that only follicles that express enough FSH-R survive and the rest atrophy. once cell is selected to around which theca cells develop under the influence of lH
what happens during the luteal phase?
progesterone is being secreted by the corpus luteum, and so is oestrogen - this inhibits FSH and LH release. inhibin is also released which acts specially to inhibit FSH release and thereby increasing the inhibitory effects of those two molecules
what are the hormone levels during the menopause?
because menopause marks a depletion in germ cells, there is a decline in oestrogen production by the ovaries, meaning there is no negative feedback on LH and FSH.
low oestrogen
high FSH and LH
what is the LH surge dependant on?
this is dependant on intrinsic properties of the anterior pituitary rather than the hypothalamus.
increasing levels of oestrogen, seem to sensitise the anterior pituitary to GnRH and increases the number of GnRH receptors it expresses, and this causes the surge
how can we prove that the lH surge is not dependant on the hypothalamus?
hypogondal women, or women with Kallman’s syndrome can be given analogues of GnRH and they can achieve the LH surge
how are oestrogens synthesised?
androgens are made in the theca cells under the influence of LH (which activates lyase 17,20) - androgens then diffuse into the granulosa cell where they’re converted to oestrogen’s under the influence of FSH- which activates P150-aromtase
how are oestrogens synthesised?
androgens are made in the theca cells under the influence of LH (which activates lyase 17,20) - androgens then diffuse into the granulosa cell where they’re converted to oestrogen’s under the influence of FSH- which activates P450-aromtase
why is masculinisation seen in women with PCOS?
those women have a high LH: FSH ratio and have no ovulation.
the LH makes androgens, but the lack of FSH means they cannot be converted to oestrogen
what are the effects of the LH surge?
the LH surge causes ovulation it also causes lutenisation and the formation of the corpus leuteum. progesterone is produced from the corpus letuem under the influence of LH acting on the LH-receptors. but progesterone inhibits lH so eventually there will be so little LH that it cannot sustain the corpus leutum, this degenerates and causes mutation. unless fertilisation has occurred, and the blastocyte secretes hCG and this maintained CL by acting on the LH-R
what does hCG do?
it acts on the corpus luetum (and mimics LH) so that it maintains it and keeps it secreting progesterone
what is the most important function of the SRY gene?
testis formation (it allows the differentiation of the gonads and the reproductive tract)
what is gonadal function in males?
spermatogenesis begins at puberty and continues until death. meaning PGC invade the embryonic gonad and enter mitotic arrest as spermatogonia until puberty
what is gondal function in females?
oogenesis is discontinuous and begins in foetal life
what phase is the egg at during ovulation?
metaphase II
what phase is the egg frozen at during growth?
prophase I
what is egg growth dependant on?
absolutely dependant on granulosa cells, without those cells the egg would atrophy. there is bidirectional and homeostatic communication between both
what is the relevance of connexion mutations?
connexion are a family of gap junctions, involved in the communication between granulosa cells and the oocyte, if they’re mutated and the communication is disturbed, this causes atrophy of the egg
what is menopause an example of?
it is an example of primary gonadotropic failure
what is capacitation?
it is the final stage of sperm maturation. it can only occur in the female reproductive tract. and it is required for the sperm to be able to undergo the acrosome reaction (this reaction is required for the sperm to be able to penetrate the zona pellucida)
what are the effects of sertoli cells in males?
sertoli cells, under the influence of testosterone allows spermatogenesis to occur under the influence of FSH they also form oestrogens
what are the effects of the Laydig cells in males?
those produce testosterone which diffuses into the sertoli cells. this production of testosterone is under the influence of LH
what are the effects of the Laydig cells in males?
those produce testosterone which diffuses into the sertoli cells. this production of testosterone is under the influence of LH
how is polyspermy prevented?
this is prevented by the modification of ZP2 and ZP3 by calcium currents that are due to sperm and egg fusion
what is the acrosomal reaction
this occurs when the acrosome binds to the ZP3 receptor and ZP2 on the zona pellucida. this induces it to release its enzymes so that it can penetrate and degrade the ZP
What are necessary and sufficient for egg activation?
calcium currents
where do the calcium currents required for egg activation come from?
they seem to be an intrinsic property of the sperm rather than the egg. because sperm lack PLC zeta 1 fail to initiate the first step of embryonic development
what is pregnancy hormonally characterised by?
characterised by high oestrogen and high progesterone, with low FSH and Low LH
On average what is the size of the egg when it is ready to rupture?
about 10mm?
what is the best indication of ovulation?
a progesterone level of greater than 30nmol/L on day 21
what is the best indicator of pregnancy?
hCG levels in urine