Reproduction Flashcards
menstrual cycle
- only in primates; estrous cycle in other animals
- refers to changes in the uterus as it prepares for pregnancy
- menstruate in each cycle that does not result in pregnancy (menstruation long after ovulation)
estrous cycle
- go into estrus (heat) in synchrony with ovulation
- use behaviors/signals (pheromones) to indicate they’re sexually receptive
- estrus lasts from a few hours to a few days
ovarian cycle
- development of primordial follicles into mature ova
- female mammals produce all the egg cells they will ever have prior to birth
- at birth about 5 million primordial follicles and only about 4-5 hundred develop into mature ova
- oogenesis in lower verts occurs throughout life
- meiotic events begin during embryogenesis and are then halted until puberty
- oogonium divide by mitosis to produce many oogonia
- become primary oocyte when they undergo first stage of meiosis (chromosomes replicate)
- remain primary oocytes until ovulated following puberty
- completes first meiotic division at ovulation (only completes second meotic division if fertilized)
signal for germinal vesicle breakdown
- occurs after vitellogenesis is complete
- signal for this is hormonal (hypothalamus and anterior pituitary, GnRH, FSH, and LLH for follicle development, estrogen production, and vitellogenesis, and progesterone production)
secretes GnRH (gonadotrophic releasing hormone)-> affects ant pit-> secretes gonadotrophins (FSH and LH)-> affects gonads-> secrete sex steroids (estrogen and progesterone)
- these have feedback at ant pit and hypothalamus (mostly neg)
- LH and FSH regulated by GnRH and estrogen and progesterone
oogenesis in humans
- post-puberty when ovarian cycle begins
- humans- occurring periodically- cyclic
periodic ovulators
season (spring/summer)
- have period of heat/estrus
reflex ovulators
- ex: cats, rabbits
- require copulation for ovulation (but also have a cycle of estrus)
spontaneous ovulators
LH surge produced endogenously in female (independent of copulation) by a series of events throughout menstrual/estrus cycle
cycle of oogenesis regulated by
- GnRH (from hypothalamus)
- LH(ant pit hormone)
- FSH(ant pit hormone)
- estrogen (steroid)
- progesterone(steroid)
LH and FSH
controlled by ovarian hormones and small set of neuroendocrine cells in hypothalamus of brain that secrete GnRH
ovulation of a mature ova is triggered by LH (GnRH causes release of LH)
causes growth phase of the follicle (GnRH causing release of FSH)
causes release of LH and FSH
- released in pulses
- pulses of GnRH are carried by blood flow into hypothalamo-hypophysial portal system to ant pit gland-> stimulates secretion of LH and FSH
granulosa cells
- surround oocyte
- early in follicular phase, somatic cells enclosing primordial follicle become more cuboidal-> granulosa cells-> becomes primary follicle