Representative Gov Key Features Flashcards
• Rule of law
- The institutions of government are bound by the constitution
- All people are equal before the law
- Individuals retain fundamental rights
• Universal franchise
All eligible adults must be allowed to vote, regardless of sex, race, cultural background or political beliefs)
• Regular elections
(it is vital people’s elected representatives are held accountable to voters at regular elections)
• One vote/one value and the secret ballot
Every ballot cast should have no more value than another) (should be secret to prevent corruption)
• Salaries for Members of Parliament
important to allow anyone in the community to participate, fairly and equitable in the democratic process.
Parliamentary privilege
Full and honest debates on all issues before parliament, without fear of reprisal)
(legal immunity for their statement in debates)
• Right to protest, freedoms of association and political communication
-The right to freedom of peaceful protest, association and expression must be protected by law
-without these political ideas and debates may be stifled restricting the democratic process
• Open parliamentary debates
People must have access to parliamentary sittings so they can make informed judgments about the workings of parliament and the standard of representation they are receiving)
.Define Representative Government.
• Representative Government is a system of government in which the members of the community are elected as decision makers and law makers.
• Independent judiciary 5 key features
• Appointment and dismissal
• Permanency of Tenure
• Fixed remuneration
• Judicial privilege
• Free from influence
• Appointment and dismissal
Federal Judges appointed by the government, but can be dismissed by parliament)
• Permanency of Tenure
permanent tenure until retirement at 70)
• Fixed remuneration
Salaries cant be reduced during tenure)
• Judicial privilege
Judges have freedom of speech on bench and in written statements)
• Free from influence
Judges must be free from interference and intimidation by external forces)