Representations Flashcards
What is GL(V)
What is a representation?
What is the defining representation?
What is the adjoint representation?
What does it mean for a representation to be faithful?
What does it mean for a subspace to be invariant?
What does it mean for a representation to be irreducible?
When is a representation unitary
Give properties of the fundamental representation of SU(n)
When can you decompose a representation
When is there an invariant inner form on a compact lie group
State Schur’s Lemma
Describe the complex unitary representations of U(1)
Define a Lie Algebra Homomorhpism
Define a Lie Algebra representation
Give the relationship between a lie group representation and a lie algebra representation
Can we pick a hermitian basis of lie algebra representations
What are the eigenvalues of p(sigma)
What are the irreducible complex reps of SU(2)
What are the reps of SO(3)