Representation of Services and Credentials Flashcards
9.1 identification as a registrant
A registrant must identify themself to the general public as a registrant of the College of Psychologists of British Columbia at the beginning of a professional relationship, and in any advertisements appearing in any media or form, including in letterhead, on business cards, in a curriculum vitae, etc.
9.2 Accurate representation of credentials
A registrant must accurately represent, and must not exaggerate, their area(s) of competence, education, training, experience, and professional affiliations, to the College, the general public, and their colleagues.
9.3 No specialty designation
Unless specifically authorized to do so by the College, a registrant must not hold themself out:
as having any specialty designation granted by the College; or
as having any specialty qualification based upon any areas of practice declared by the registrant for the purpose of registration, renewal of registration, or otherwise with the College.
9.4 Misrepresentation of affiliation
A registrant must not misrepresent their affiliations with institutions or organizations or the consequences of such affiliations. As examples, a registrant must not offer registration, membership, or fellowship in the Canadian Psychological Association, the British Columbia Psychological Association, or other associations as evidence of professional qualification, and reference to these affiliations may not be placed adjacent to one’s credentials or status as a registrant.
9.5 Misrepresentation of non-registrant as a registrant
A registrant must not represent or imply that an individual is a registrant if that individual is not registered with the College.
9.6 Correction of misrepresnetation
A registrant must correct any misrepresentations made by others regarding the registrant’s credentials, qualifications, or affiliations, or regarding the status of a non-registrant when the registrant knows the individual is not a registrant.
9.7 Requirements for credential presentation
Registrants are not restricted from appropriately communicating their training and credentials to clients or prospective clients, but must do so in a fashion that avoids any possibility of the public misperceiving they have been granted specialty designation or qualification by the College. A registrant must comply with the following requirements when (1) representing themselves as a registrant, (2) describing their practice (including when the registrant engages in any of the activities contemplated under Standard 10.7), or (3) being named in a group or multi-disciplinary practice:
a) The registrant’s name and title must be clearly indicated and, where directed by the College at its sole discretion, must designate where applicable that the registrant has restrictions, limitations, or conditions on their registration.
b) The registrant must place immediately before the professional title only the highest academic degree upon which the registrant’s registration with the College is based. Where the registrant has been registered as a Psychologist on the basis of a doctoral degree, the prefix Doctor or its abbreviation Dr. may be used, but not both the degree and prefix.
Acceptable: W. Jones, Ph.D., R. Psych. or Dr. W. Jones, R. Psych. Unacceptable: Dr. W. Jones, Ph.D., R. Psych.
c) A registrant may specify other degrees or professional titles, such as MBA, only if the area of Study is relevant to the registrant’s psychological practice. The area of study must also be specified unless readily apparent from the degree or title.
Acceptable: K. Lee, L.L.B., Ph.D., R. Psych.
d) A registrant may describe themself as “Registrant of the College of
Psychologists of BC.”
e) Unless specifically authorized or required by the College, a registrantmust list their title without any modifier that suggests a specialty. “Practice in”, “Practice restricted to” or other introductions to the modification of the area of psychological service are acceptable. Only modifiers assigned to a registrant by the College are permitted adjacent to the title Psychologist or adjacent to the designation R. Psych., and any modifiers so assigned by the College must be used by the registrant.
Acceptable: Dr. P. Smith, R. Psych., Practice in Child Psychology Unacceptable: Dr. P. Smith, R. Psych., Child Psychologist
Applicants for registration or registrants awaiting the awarding of a degree must not describe themselves as” candidate for registration” or “candidate for degree”, respectively.
A determination of equivalence by an external credentialing agency must not be represented, listed or otherwise used in a manner to suggest that one has actually obtained that credential.