Reports Flashcards
Capabilities of Reports
- A report type can be selected to make a report
- A report opens in edit mode and allows adding and removing fields as columns
- A report can also be grouped by rows and columns without choosing a report format.
- A report has 2 & 4 standard filters that are applied by default
- A chart can be added to report if at least one group has been added
Report Format Types
- Tabular
- Matrix
- Summary
- Joined
Tabular Report Capabilities
- Tabular Reports is just a list of records displaying their fields
- No groupings are added and charts cannot be created in tabular reports
- It can be used as a source report in a dashboard component if a limit is specified on the number of returned rows.
Use Cases: data cleaning, export and backup
Summary Report Capabilities
- Data in summary report contain grouped records and subtotals
- Up to 3 levels of grouping can be defined in a summary report
- Charts can be created in summary reports
- It can be used as the source for dashboard components
Capabilities of Matrix Reports
Data in a matrix report involve records that are grouped or summarized by rows and columns
1. Two (2) levels of summarization are available for rows and columns.
2. Matrix reports can be used as the source for a dashboard component.
3. Charts can be created using matrix reports.
Use Case: Matrix reports are useful for comparing related totals and analyzing a large amount of data.
Capabilities of Joined Reports
Features, Blocks, Convert, Returns, Filters, Modify, Data grouping, Summary, Principal, Prerequisite
Joined reports are used for analyzing Salesforce data across multiple report types or getting multiple simultaneous views of an object.
1. Features: add a chart, edit filters, add the report to a dashboard, and sort columns and groups.
2. Joined reports can consist of up to five (5) blocks, and each block shows data from one (1) standard or custom report type.
3. Existing unjoined reports can be converted into joined reports.
4. Each block of data returns up to 2,000 records. A joined report can return up to 10,000 records.
5. The filters panel displays filters by block. Each filter can be applied independently to each block.
6. Report blocks can be renamed and its orderrearranged.
7. Data can only be grouped across all blocks by common fields.
8. Fields from different blocks can be referenced by using cross-block summary formulas.
9. The principal report type (the report type of the first block) can be changed.
10. Report types can only be joined if they share common fields with each other.
Use Cases:
1. Sales representative performance scorecard
2. Support cases by status with different blocks for new and closed cases
3. Opportunity pipeline report with blocks for different opportunity statuses
Types of Report Filters
- Filter Logic
- Field-to-Field
- Cross Filter
- Row Limit Filter
- Subfilters
It can be added to combine filters with AND, OR, and NOTconditions as well as parentheses for condition priority.
Filter Logic
It can be used where only rows that match a criteria which compares values of two fields are returned.
Supported fields
Numeric, Date and DateTime
It can be used to display records based on whether or not they have child records of a particular type.
Cross Filter
This filter can be used to limit the number of records to display in a tabular report. A report with this filter can be used as the source for a dashboard table or chart component.
Row Limit Filter
This filter can be used with cross-filters to set filters on the child records.
Limits: There can be up to 3 cross filters and 5 sub-filters for each cross-filter.
Range, Limits, Supported Fields, Joined Reports
Bucket Field Capabilities
Bucket fields can be used for grouping, filtering, and categorizing report values based on defined criteria.
1. Ranges can be defined and named to ‘bucket’ field values.
2. There can be up to five (5) bucket fields and twenty (20) buckets for each field in a report.
3. Bucket fields can be defined on Number, Percent, Currency, Picklist, and Text fields.
4. Bucket fields cannot be created in joined reports.
5. Can also be defined in Filters and in Picklist types.
Grouping Level, Grand Total Level
Summary Fields Capabilities
- Summary values are displayed at all grouping levels.
- Summary fields also appear at the grand total level in summary and matrix reports.
Grouping Fields in Reports Capabilities
Add Group, Group Columns, Preview, Drop-down Menu, Grouping Limits, Date Granularity, Details and Totals
- Records can be grouped by choosing a field from the ‘Add group…’ picklist under GROUP ROWS.
- When at least one row is grouped, a column can also be grouped by choosing a field from the ‘Add group…’ picklist under GROUP COLUMNS.
- To group records, it is also possible to drag and drop a column from the Columns list or from the preview pane onto the GROUP ROWS or GROUP COLUMNS list.
- Rows or columns can also be grouped by a specific column directly using the drop-down menu in the preview pane.
- It is possible to group up to two (2) rows and two (2) columns.
- If records are grouped by a date field, it is possible to customize date granularity such as applying a calendar or fiscal period.
- After adding a group, it is possible to show or hide detail rows, subtotals, and a grand total by toggling switches at the bottom of the preview pane.
Custom Summary Formulas Capabilities
Summary Types, Character Limits, Formula Limit, Grouping, Benefit
Custom summary formulas allow a formula to be defined on number, percent, and currency summary fields.
1. Four (4) types of summary can be used for a custom summary formula: SUM, AVG, MAX and MIN.
2. There is a limit of 3,900 characters for each custom summary formula.
3. Up to five (5) formulas can be defined per report.
4. Custom summary formulas can be created for summary, matrix and joined reports. At least one grouping is required.
5. Saves effort of having to create a formula field if the value is only requiredin a report.
6. Can be made by clicking ‘Create Formula’ and clicking ‘Sum’ in the Formula Pop-out
Limit, Dashboards
Row-Level Formulas Capabilities
A row-level formula can be used to add a row-level formula column to a report that will make calculations on every report row.
1. Only one (1) row-level formula can be created per report.
2. Dashboard components support row-level formulas.
3. Can be accessed by clicking the down-arrow from the Columns and click ‘Add Row-Level Formula’
Use Case: A row-level formula can be created for a report which requires specific information that is not available in a standalone field.
Row-Level Formulas Supports the following
- Summary Fields
- Picklist Fields
- Conditional Formatting
- Report Charts
- Formatted Report Export
- Report Subscription
Custom Report Types, Date Fields, CB, SF Env, Apex
Row-Level Formula Limitions
- Row-level formulas can’t be added to custom report types that have a “with or without records”.
- Some date fields like Due Date and Birthdate are not supported.
- Row-level formulas can’t be used for Cross filters and Buckets.
- Row-level formulas is unavailable in Salesforce Classic.
- Row-level formulas is unavailable in the Apex API.
Conditional Highlighting Capabilities
Definition and Consideration
Conditional Highlighting can allow summarized values to be colored depending on how they meet the value thresholds.
Consideration: Not used to highlight fields on individual records in the detail rows or for tabular reports.
Use Case: Can be used on summary fields such as grand totals and custom summary formulas.
Customisation, Run Page
Report Charts Capabilities
A chart can be added if there is at least one (1) group added to the report.
1. A chart can be customized to change aspects such as chart type and color palette.
2. Report charts in the Run Page represent all the records and not just up to the report’s limit of 2,000 records.
Types of Report Charts
- Complex Charting
- Visualforce Charting
This charting Can be used when multiple data sets need to be charted in one place.
Complex Charting
This charting uses a Visualforce page to combine several chart components and their data.
Visualforce Charting
This specific type of chart shows multiple value sets on the same axis, plotting the data sets together.
Combination Charts
Combination Chars Support Types and Definition
- Add A Line - to an existing line, vertical column, grouped vertical column, or stacked vertical column chart.
- Cumulative Chart - Add a cumulative line to an existing line cumulative chart.
- Horizontal Bar Chart - Add three more bars to a horizontal bar chart.
- Vertical Column Chart - Add three more columns to a vertical column chart.