Renal System Flashcards
What does the word Renal mean
Function of Kidneys (broad)
handle the stuff found in plasma
maintain plasma volume*
What is plasma composed of
Water Ions Organic molecules Trace elements and vitamins Waste material
Functions of the kidneys (5)
- regulate blood volume and pressure
- water conc and fluid volume
- inorganic ion concentration - acid/base balance
- excretion
- synthesis of glucose
- secretion of hormones
synthesis of glucose via the kidneys (when fasting)
Hormones the kidney secretes
Erythropoietin (EPO)
1,25-dihydroxy Vitamin D
Causes of fluid volume changes
health disorders (dehydration) rapid movement of water (osmosis)
Intracellular fluid - fluid inside the cell
Ions predominant in ECF
Na+, HCO3-, Cl-
Ions predominate in ICF
Mg2+, Pi, Protein
extracellular fluid - fluid found outside the cell; plasma, interstitial fluid, CSF
non-cellular part of blood, fluid inside blood vessels
Body Fluid Components
What does the kidney excrete
Urea Uric acid Creatinine (muscle metabolism) Bilirubin (Hb breakdown) Foreign chemicals (drugs, food additives, pesticides)
How does water diffuse across membrane?
Aquaporins - water channels
Water concentration
Osmoles - 1 osm is equal to 1 mole of solute particles
number of solutes per unit volume of solution expressed in mol/L
T/F: Pure water has low osmolarity
movement of molecules from one location to another as a result of random thermal motion
Diffusional Equilibrium
movement of water and solutes has equalized; water and solute concentration are equal on both sides of the petition
diffusion of water across a selectively permeable membrane from region of high water concentration to one with lower water concentration
Semi-permeable membrane
permeable to water, not solutes
Osmotic pressure
increases when water moves to create osmotic EQb
Pressure applied to stop movement of water
Required to stop cells from bursting
determined by the concentration of non-penetrating solutes of an extracellular solution relative to the intracellular environment of the cell.
The solute concentrations may influence changes in cell volume
Three conditions of tonicity
- Isotonic (isosmotic) - same osmolarity outside and inside the cell - shape stays constant shape
- Hypertonic (hyperosmotic) - outside envrionment has higher osmolarity than inside the cell - cell would shrink
- Hypotonic (hypoosmotic) - lower osmolarity than inside the cell - cell would swell/bulge
Changes in cell volume
fate of the RBC:
Hypotonic solution
Isotonic solution
Hypertonic solution
Hypo - cell bulge/swell
Iso - no change
Hyper - cell shrinkage
Penetrating solute
can cross cell membranes
What is given in an emergency
Isotonic saline
movement of solute/water INTO blood (plasma)
Movement of solute/water OUT of blood (plasma)
Net filtration pressure
Startling Forces
Capillary hydrostatic pressure (Pc)
pushes fluid OUT OF capillary into interstitial fluid
Interstitial fluid hydrostatic pressure (Pif)
fluid push INTO capillary from interstitial fluid
Osmotic force INTO capillary
due to plasma protein concentration
Osmotic force OUT OF capillary
due to interstitial fluid protein concentration
Arterial end of capillary
Favours FILTRATION - fluid pushed out of capillary
Venous end of capillary
Favours ABSORPTION - fluid flows INTO capillary
Total body balance of any substance
Fixed volume of water in body
Gain- ingestion, metabolism product
Loss- excretion, metabolized
Kidneys - retroperitoneal
Ureter - drain urine from kidneys
release of urine outside body (urination)
Anatomy of the Kidney
Outer cortex Inner cortex Nephron --> renal corpuscle --> renal tubule
Structure of a Nephron
Bulb like renal corpuscle
Components of Renal Corpuscle
Bowman’s Capsule
Components of Renal Tubule
convoluted - twisted Proximal convoluted tubule (PCT) Loop of Henle Distal convoluted tubule (DCT) Collecting duct
Loop of Henle segments
descending limb - downward
Ascending limb - upwards
Renal Corpuscles
Initial blood filtering component
First making of urine
Interconnected capillaries in the renal corpuscle
First filtration of blood
Development of Renal Corpuscle
Parietal and Visceral layers important**
Glomerular capillary
- fenestrated endothelial layers
- basement membrane
- podocyte (foot) with filtration slits
Two types of nephrons:
Cortical (85%) - closer to cortex
Juxtamedullary (15%) - closer to medulla, corpuscle is in cortex
T/F: blood flow to kidney is LOW
FALSE: very high blood flow to kidney via renal artery
Three types of capillaries (around nephron)
- glomerular
- peritubular
- vasa recta - capillaries associated with juxtamedullary nephron)
highly vascularized organ
Three basic renal processes
- Glomerular filtration
- Tubular secretion
- Tubular reabsorption
Urine formation
water is brought in via drinking and metabolism
Blood is brought to kidney via renal artery
enters glomeruli via afferent arteriole
Substances that a re reabsorbed
Amount excreted
amount filtered + amount secreted - amount reabsorbed
Filtration layers
- fenestrated endothelial layer
- Basement membrane
- Podocytes with filtration slits
Why are PROTEIN or ALBUMIN held back
- pores are not large enough to allow passsage
- pores and BM have negative charged proteins
- podocyte slits are covered with semipros membranes
What is filtered through the glomerulus
everything except large proteins (held back in blood)
What is ultrafiltrate
same concentration as plasma
cell-free fluid in bowman’s space.
What is proteinuria
condition where proteins are able to pass through the barrier (show up in urine)
infection, inflammation in golmerular site
Protein escape into pores and pass into ultrafiltrate
T/F: Net glomerular filtration pressure is always POSITIVE
What does Glomerular Filtration pressure initiate? how?
Urine formation
forcing protein-free filtrate from plasma, out of glomerulus, into Bowman’s space
5 steps of Filtration Fraction
T/F: Increased blood pressure increases GF
Decreased plasma volume decreased filtration rate
Glomerular Filtration Rate
Volume of fluid filtered from the glomerulus into the Bowman’s capsule
125 ml/min; 180 L/day
Clean up and clear stuff from plasma
–> plasma passes through 60 times a day
Factors influences GFR
Blood pressure –> net GFR
Neural and endocrine control
Permeability of corpuscular membrane
Surface area for filtration
- GFR remains constant (despite large changes in arterial or renal blood flow)
- Regulated by changes in the myogenic reflex
- Occurs by changing renal blood vessel resistance to compensate fro changes in pressure
Mean Arterial Blood pressure
pressure driving blood into the tissues
equal to diastolic pressure + 1/3 systolic pressure
Arteriolar Resistance and GFR
Resistance to changes in renal arterioles alter renal blood flow and GFR
what causes decreased GFR
Vasoconstricton - decreased amount of renal blood flow
Control of GFR
GFR Regulation
Myogenic response - similar to autoregulation (arteriole smooth muscle)
Hormones and autonomic neuron - change resistance in arterioles
Tubuloglomerular feedback - role for juxtaglomerular apparatus (JGA) - paracrine control of afferent arteriole resistance
Juxtaglomerular Apparatus (JGA)
located ext to the glomerulus
Macula dense
cells on wall of distal tube
cense increased fluid flow through distal tubule
secretes vasoactive compounds
by paracrine effect, changes afferent arteriolar resistance
signals to JG cells
Juxtaglomerular cells
granular cells
on wall of the afferent arteriole
control afferent arteriole resistance
Mesangial cells
not a part of JGA
contraction of these cells reduce surface area of glomerular capillaries
GFR is decreased
Tubuloglomerular Feedback: Role of Macula Densa
Filtered Load
Total amount of non-protein or non-protein bound substance filtered into Bowman’s space
GFR x [substance in plasma]
Glucose Filtered Load
[glucose] = 1 g/L
GFR = 180 l/day
Glucose filtered load = 180 g/day
Substance excreted in urine < filtered load
REABSORPTION has occurred
Substance excreted in urine > filtered load
SECRETION has occurred
Filtration of 3 substances
filtration + secretion
filtration + partial reabsorption
filtration + complete reabsorption
Renal handling of Four Substances
Filtration only - waste products (urea)
Filtration + partial reabsorption - electrolytes
Filtration + complete reabsorption - glucose, amino acids
filtration + secretion - organic acids
polysaccharide found in vegetable/plants, handled by kidneys
creatinine **
behaves like inulin
Values of Filtration and Reabsorption
Tubular epithelium and reabsorption
mediated by:
- diffusion across tight junction (paracellular) MINOR
- mediated transport (transepithelial) MAJOR
sodium transport is mediated (uses a protein to assist)
Reabsorption of Na+ by Mediated Transport
Reabsorption of Na+
Occurs in the proximal tube
Filtrate —> Interstitial Fluid (mediated transport)
—> Blood Plasma (diffusion and bulk flow)
Reabsorption of Glucose
glucose clearance is ZERO
all filtered glucose is reabsorbed
Active transport on luminal sides via SGLT protein
–> mediated transport
Facitiliated diffusion (basolateral side) carrier protein GLUT
Above renal threshold, glucose appears in urine
Sodium-linked glucose reabsorption
[Na+] is high outside the cell, low inside the cell
Transport Maximum
Limit of a substance that can be transported per unit time
Filtered load exceeds the limit of reabsorption
A - Glucose filtration and plasma glucose is linear
B - linear until Tm is reached, plateu (no more reabs)
SGLT are saturated
C - Excretion rate vs plasma glucose
D - composite of all
Diabetes mellitus
Capacity to reabs glu is normal - filtered load is greatly increased & beyond the threshold level to reabs glucose by tubules
Renal Glucosuria
Benign glucosuria or familial renal glucosuria
Genetic mutation of the Na+/glucose cotransporter, normally meditates active reabs of glucose in proximal tubes
Reabsorption of UREA
waste product
freely filtered at glomerulus
Mechanism of ADH/Vasopressin
Collecting ducts
Binds to cell receptor to activate adenylate cyclase
cAMP activates phosphokinaseA
Protein phosphorylation
AQP2 protein is upregulated (by ADH)
H2O moves outside of cell (into interstitial fluid)
large volume of urine is produced
Diabetes Insipidus
Large amounts of urine
Diabetes Insipidus
Large amounts of urine
Water Diuresis - collecting duct is impermeable to water, cause large amount of urine
Absence of ADH
Not enpough Aquaporin2 channels
cells are impermeable to wear
Central diabetes Insipidus
Failure of ADH release from posterior pituitary
Nephrogenic diabetes inspidius
body does not respond to ADH
When is ADH increased
shock, pain, warm/hot weather, water deprivation
lots of water is reabsorbed
low urine quantity
ADH is decreased
cold, humid environment
Pee lots
Water deprivation
High plasma osmolarity (increased concentration)
Increase plasma ADH –> thirst/water intake and anitdiuresis (renal water retention)
High water intake
Low plasma osmolarity
AHD block, decreased plasma ADH
increased urination
Water Diuresis
water volume is large
only water is excreted (no solute)
D. Insipidus
Osmotic diuresis
excess solute in urine with high levels of water excretion
Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus (glucose in the urine)
Na+ level regulation
closely associated with water levels
Mechanism of Na+ level regulation
Low [Na+] in plasma
- short term (Baroreceptors regulate GFR)
- aldosterone (Na+ reabsorption)
—-> renin, angiotensin 2 for aldosterone secretion
High [Na+] in plasma
- Atiral Natriuretic peptide (ANP)
—-> regulated GFR, inhibiting Na reabsorption
—-> inhibit aldosterone actions
NaCl intake
0.05 - 25 g /day
Baroreceptors (short term [Na+] regulation)
Respond to pressure changed in cardiovascular system - plasma volume
Low plasma volume = low Na+ levels
Nerve endings sensitive to stretch
INTRARENAL (juxtaglomerular cells of JGA)
Processed in medulla oblongata
Decrease GFR
Longe term regulation of Low Na Levels
Aldosterone (steroid hormone) secreted from adrenal cortex
regulated Na+ reabsorption
Distal tubule and cortical collecting duct
Na+ transport proteins
Na+ reabsorption
K+ is given out in the process
regulation of Aldosterone
Sodium content in diet
High NA - low aldosterone
Low NA - high aldosterone
Angiotensin 2 acts on adrenal cortex
Renin is secreted from:
ACE inhibitor
used to lower blood pressure
Macula densa
chemoreceptors that sense low sodium passing through distal convoluted tubule
What determines [Renin] in plasma
JG cells receive 3 inputs:
- sympathetic input from external baroreceptors
- intrarenal baroreceptors
- signals from macula densa
Atrial netriuretic peptide
synthesized and secreted by cardiac atria
works on tubular segments
Inhibit Na+ abs
Increases GFR and Na+ excretion
ATRIAL DISTENSION - true sensor - increases secretion of ANP - Aldosterone levels decrease - decrease Na+ reabs -
Regulation of K+ levels
important for intracellular fluid
small, constant range
regulated in last part of cortical collecting duct
excess K+ in blood