Renal Patient Considerations SG Flashcards
Describe the anatomy of the urinary tract:
2 kidneys- filter blood to form urine
2 ureters- carry urine to bladder
bladder- stores urine
urethra- tube that carries urine from bladder to outside of body
name the 3 primary functions of the kidney
- removal of waste products such as urea, creatinine, and uric acid
- regulation- regulates fluids, electrolytes, and acid base balance
- secretes hormones- renin (bp) erythropoietin (RBC production) calcitrol (controls serum Ca++)
Describe AKI and some causes:
usually sudden and may be reversible with early treatment, common causes are tramatic injury, or MVC, crush injury, hemorrhage, shock, dehydration, septicemia, ingestion, or inhalation of toxic substances, acute glomerulonephritis, acute pylonephritis
Describe Chronic Kidney injuries:
develops over months or years and the damage is permanent. There are 5 stages of CKD, at stage 5 renal replacement therapy is required. progression can be slowed by seeing a nephrologist, controlling blood pressure and blood sugar, avoid NSAIDS and smoking
explain the difference between AKI and CKD
AKI can be reversible and CKD is permanent
What are the 2 leading causes of CKD
1 diabetes
What body systems are affected by CKF?
skin, fluid balance, electrolyte balance- potassium, Ph Balance, cardiovascular system, nutritional status, immune system
compare traditional versus motivational interviewing
motivational interviewing is PATIENT centered
traditional interviewing focus is clinition centered
what are the benefits of motivatoinal interviewing
improved outcomes, increased patient involvement with their care
list the s/s of hypoglycemia
blood glucose less than 70 AMS shaking sweating pale lightheaded confusion combative seizure
describe the impact of improper lab specimen collection on the quality of lab results
overal pt assessment
evaluation of treatment prescription
determine effectiveness of compliance with meds
track and tend outcomes
What is the goal of the QAI process
the purpose of the QAI which is to provide a framework we can use to continually improve quality by improving the processes we use every day
give 2 examples of action plans that may be iplemented and why
- trend in patient falls- patient safety
2. increased catheter infections - patient safety
List the different types of treatment options
- in center
- home
- transplant
- hospice
Which option provides the patient with the most normal lab results
Explain the differences between CAPD and CCPD
CAPD patient performs manual exchanges during the day
CCPD exchanges performed during the night using a cycler while pt sleeps
Name 2 advantages and disadvantages of transplantation
closest to normal kidney function
50-85% renal function
success rate 90% working after 1st year
fewer diet restrictions
allows normal activity