Renal Pathology Part 4 Flashcards
Hereditary Nephritis
group of heterogeneous familial renal diseases associated with mutations collagen genes that manifest primarily with glomerular injury
Alport Syndrome
- hematuria with progression to chronic renal failure, accompanied by nerve deafness and various eye disorders, including lens dislocation, posterior cataracts, and corneal dystrophy
- usually X-linked
- most males progress to ESRD before 40 years of age
- mutations in COL4A5
Alport Syndrome Electron Microscopy
- GBM shows irregular foci of thickening alternating with attenuation (thinning), and pronounced splitting and lamination of the lamina densa, often producing distinctive basket-weave appearance.
- similar alterations in tubular basement membrane
Alport Syndrome Immunohistochemistry
- antibodies to a3, a4, a5 fail to stain both glomerular and tubular basement membranes
- absence of a5 staining in skin biopsy specimens
As Alport Syndrome progresses, there is
development of focal segmental and global glomerulosclerosis and other changes of progressive renal injury, including vascular sclerosis, tubular atrophy, and interstitial fibrosis
Most common presenting sign of Alport Syndrome is
- gross or microscopic hematuria, frequently accompanied by red cell casts
- proteinuria may develop later, and rarely, nephrotic syndrome develops
Alport Syndrome symptoms usually
appear at ages 5-20 years and onset of overt renal failure is between ages 20-50 years in men
-auditory defects may be subtle, requiring sensitive testing
Thin Basement Membrane Lesion
- familial asymptomatic hematuria–usually uncovered on routine urinalysis
- diffuse thinning of the GBM
- mild to moderate proteinuria may be present, renal function normal and prognosis good
- mutations in genes encoding a3 or a4 chains of type IV collagen
- usually autosomal inheritance
- homozygotes may progress to renal failure
Chronic Glomerulonephritis
- end-stage glomerular disease that may result from specific types of glomerulonephritis or may develop without antecedent history
- kidneys symmetrically contracted and have diffusely granular cortical surfaces
- cortex thinned, and there is an increase in peripelvic fat
In early cases of chronic glomerulonephritis,
-glomeruli may still show evidence of the primary disease
As chronic glomerulonephritis progresses,
- there eventually ensues obliteration of glomeruli, transforming them into acellular eosinophilic masses, representing a combination of trapped plasma proteins, increased mesangial matrix, basement membrane-like material, and collagen.
- marked atrophy of associated tubules, regular interstitial fibrosis, and mononuclear leukocytic infiltration of the interstitium
In most individuals, chronic glomerulonephritis develops
- insidiously and slowly progresses to renal insufficiency or death from uremia during a plan of years or possibly decades
- often present with nonspecific complaints such as loss of appetite, anemia, vomiting, weakness
- most are hypertensive
In nephrotic patients, as glomeruli become obliterated,
GFR decreases and protein loss in the urine diminishes
Lupus Nephritis
-Recurrent microscopic or gross hematuria, the nephritic syndrome, rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis, the nephrotic syndrome, acute and chronic renal failure, and hypertension
Henoch-Schonlein Purpura
- childhood syndrome with purpuric skin lesions, abdominal pain and intestinal bleeding, arthralgia along with renal abnormalities
- skin lesions involve extensor surfaces of arms and legs as well as buttocks; abdominal manifestations include pain, vomiting, an intestinal bleeding
- renal manifestations occur in 1/3 of patients and include gross or microscopic hematuria, nephritic syndrome, nephrotic syndrome, or some combination of these
- most common in children 3-8 years old; also occurs in adults in whom renal manifestations more severe
- strong background of atopy in about 1/3 of patients
- IgA in glomerular mesangium
Henoch-Schonlein Purpura Histologic exam
-renal lesions vary from mild focal mesangial proliferation and/or endocapillary proliferation to crescentic glomerulonephritis
Henoch-Schonlein Purpura fluorescence microscopy
- deposition of IgA, sometimes with IgG and C3, in the mesangial region, sometimes with deposits extending to capillary loops
- skin lesions consist of sub epidermal hemorrhages and a recruiting vasculitis involving small vessels of the dermis
Glomerulonephritis Associated with Bacterial Endocarditis and Other systemic infections
- initiated by complexes of bacterial antigen and antibody
- hematuria and proteinuria of various degrees; can have acute nephritic presentation
Diabetic Nephropathy
- leading cause of chronic kidney failure in the U.S.
- advanced or end-stage kidney disease occurs in as many as 40% of both type I and type 2 diabetics
Fibrillary Glomerulonephritis
- morphologic variant of glomerulonephritis associated with characteristic fibrillary deposits in the mesangium and glomerular capillary walls that resemble amyloid fibrils superficially but differ ultra structurally and do not stain with Congo red.
- selective deposition of polyclonal IgG, often IgG4, complement C3, and IgK and Ig-gamma light chains
- nephrotic syndrome, hematuria, and progressive renal insufficiency
Glomerular lesions in Goodpasture syndrome, microscopic polyangiitis, and granulomatosis
- foci of glomerular necrosis and crescent formation
- in early or mild forms, there is focal and segmental, sometimes necrotizing, glomerulonephritis, and most of these patients will have hematuria with mild decline in GFR.
- in more severe cases, which may be associated with RPGN, there is more extensive necrosis, fibrin deposition, and extensive formation of epithelial (cellular) crescents, which can become organized to form fibrocellular and fibrous crescents int the glomerular injury evolves into segmental or global scarring (sclerosis)
Essential mixed cryoglobulinemia
- systemic condition in which deposits of cryoglobulins composed principally of IgG-IgM complexes induce cutaneous vasculitis, synoitis, and a proliferative glomerulonephritis, typically MPGN
- most cases have been associated with infection with hepatitis C virus
- MPGN type I
Acute Tubular Injury (ATI)
- acute renal failure and often, but not invariable, morphologic evidence of tubular injury, in the form of necrosis of tubular epithelial cells.
- most common cause of acute kidney injury (acute renal failure)
ATI can be caused by
- ischemia, due to decreased or interrupted blood flow, examples of which include diffuse involvement of internal blood vessels such as in microscopic polyangiitis, malignant hypertension, microangiopathies and systemic conditions associated with thrombosis (e.g., hemolytic uremic syndrome, thrombotic thrombocytopenia pauper, and disseminated intravascular coagulation), or decreased effective circulating blood volume, as occurs in hypovolemic shock
- direct toxic injury to the tubules by endogenous (e.g., myoglobin, hemoglobin, monoclonal light chains, bile/bilirubin) or exogenous agents (e.g., drugs, radio contrast dyes, heavy metals, organic solvents)
ATI accounts for
some 50% of cases of acute kidney injury in hospitalized patients
ATI is a reversible process that arises in a variety of clinical settings:
-most of these, ranging from severe trauma to acute pancreatitis, have in common a period of inadequate blood flow to the peripheral organs, usually accompanied by marked hypotension and shock: ischemic ATI
Nephrotoxic ATI
caused by a multitude of drugs, such as gentamicin; radiographic contrast agents; poisons, including heavy metals (e.g., mercury); and organic solvents (e.g., carbon tetrachloride).
Combination of ischemic and nephrotoxic ATI
- mismatched blood transfusions and other hemolytic crises causing hemoglobinuria and skeletal muscle injuries causing myoglobinuria
- result in characteristic intratubular hemoglobin or myoglobin casts
- the toxic iron content of these global molecules contributes to the ATI
Critical events in both ischemic and nephrotoxic ATI are believed to be
-tubular injury and persistent and severe disturbances in blood flow
Tubular cell injury
-tubular cells are particularly sensitive to ischemia and are also vulnerable to toxins
Several factors predispose the tubules to toxic injury, including
an increased surface area for tubular reabsorption, active transport systems for ions and organic acids, a high rate of metabolism and oxygen consumption that is required to perform these transport and reabsorption functions, and the capability for resorption and concentration of toxins
Ischemia causes numerous structural and function alterations in epithelial cells:
- one early reversible result of ischemia is loss of cell polarity due to redistribution of membrane proteins from the basolateral to the luminar surface of the tubular cells, resulting in abnormal ion transport across the cells and increased sodium delivery to distal tubules
- latter incites vasoconstriction via tubuloglomerular feedback
Ischemic tubular cells expres
- cytokines and adhesion molecules, thus recruiting leukocytes that appear to participate in the subsequent injury
- in time, injured cells death from the basement membranes and cause luminar obstruction, increased intratubular pressure, and decreased GFR
Disturbances in blood flow:
- ischemic renal injury is also characterized by hemodynamic alterations that cause reduced GFR.
- the major one is internal vasoconstriction, which results in both reduced glomerular blood flow and reduced oxygen delivery to the functionally important tubules in the outer medulla.
- several vasoconstrictor pathways have been implicated, including the renin-angiotensin system, stimulated by increased distal sodium delivery (via tubuloglomerular feedback), and sublethal endothelial injury, leading to increased release of the vasoconstrictor endothelial and decreased production of the vasodilators NO and prostacyclin
ATI is characterized by
- focal tubular epithelial necrosis at multiple points along the nephron, with large skip areas in between, often accompanied by rupture of basement membrane (tubulorrhexis) and occlusion of tubular lumens by casts
- straight portion of PT and ascending thick limb in renal medulla are especially vulnerable, but focal lesions may also occur in distal tubule, often in conjunction with casts
- eosinophilic hyaline casts and pigmented granular casts (distal tubules and CDs)–Tamm-Horsfall protein
Findings in ischemic ATI
- interstitial edema and accumulations of leukocytes within dilated vasa recta
- epithelial regeneration in the form of flattened epithelial cells with hyper chromatic nuclei and mitotic figures
Toxic ATI is manifest by
-acute tubular injury, most obvious in the proximal convoluted tubules
ATI on histologic exam
- tubular necrosis may be nonspecific, but is somewhat distinctive in poisoning with certain agents
- with mercuric chloride, severely injured cells become necrotic, and desquamated into the lumen, and may undergo calcification
- carbon tetrachloride poisoning is characterized by the accumulation of neutral lipids in injured cells; again, such fatty change is followed by necrosis
- ethylene glycol produces marked ballooning and hydropic degeneration of proximal convoluted tubules (calcium oxalate crystals often found in tubular lumens
Initiation Phase of ATI
- about 36 hours
- dominated by inciting medical, surgical, or obstetric event
- only indication of renal involvement is slight decline in urine output with a rise in BUN.
Maintenance phase of ATI
- sustained decreases inuring output, salt and water overload, rising BUN, hyperkalemia, metabolic acidosis and other manifestations
- with appropriate management, can overcome this
Recovery phase of ATI
- steady increase in urine volume
- tubules are still damaged, so large amounts of water, sodium, and potassium are lost in the flood of urine
- hypokalemia becomes a clinical problem
- increased vulnerability to infection
- eventually, renal tubular function is restored and concentrating ability improves
Tubulointerstitial nephritis
-group of renal diseases involves inflammatory injuries of the tubules and interstitium that are often insidious in onset and principally manifested by azotemia
Acute tubulointerstitial nephritis
-rapid clinical onset and characterized histologically by interstitial edema, often accompanied by leukocytic infiltration of the interstitium and tubules and tubular injury
Chronic interstitial nephritis
-infiltration with predominantly mononuclear leukocytes, prominent interstitial fibrosis, and widespread tubular atrophy
Tubulointerstitial nephritis distinguished from the glomerular diseases by
- absence of nephritic or nephrotic syndrome
- presence of defects in tubular function. The latter may be subtle and include impaired ability to concentration urine, evidence clinically by polyuria or nocturne; salt wasting; diminished ability to excrete acids (metabolic acidosis); and isolated defects in tubular reabsorption or secretion. Advanced forms, however, may be difficult to distinguish clinically from other causes of renal insufficiency
- one of the most common disease of the kidney and is defined as inflammation affecting the tubules, interstitium, and renal pelvis
- serious complication pf UTIs that affect the bladder, the kidneys and their collection systems
Acute pyelonephritis
generally caused by bacterial infection and is associated with UTI
Chronic pyelonephritis
more complex disorder
-bacterial infection plays a dominant role, but other factors predispose to repeat episodes of acute pyelonephritis
More than 85% of cases of UTI are caused by
-gram-negative bacilli that are normal inhabitants of the intestinal tract
For most UTIs, the infected organisms are derived from the
patient’s own fecal flora
Most common organisms in UTIs
- E coli, Proteus, Klebsiella, and Enterobacter
- Virtually any other bacterial or fungal agent can also cause lower urinary tract infections
Causes of UTI in immunocompromised persons
-polymavirus, cytomegalovirus, and adenovirus
2 routes by which bacteria can reach the kidneys:
- through the bloodstream (hematogenous infection)
- from the lower urinary tract (ascending infection)
- hematogenous route is less common and results from seeding of the kidneys by bacteria from distant foci in the course of septicemia or localized infections such as infective endocarditis
- hematogenous infection is more likely to occur int he presence of ureteral obstruction, and in debilitated patients
Most common cause of clinical pyelonephritis
-Ascending infection
Steps that must occur for renal infection to occur
- colonization of the distal urethra and introits (in the female) by coliform bacteria. this colonization is influenced by the degree of bacterial adherence to urethral mucosal epithelial cells, which involves adhesions on the pili of bacteria that interact with receptors on the surface of urotehlial cells.
- From the urethra to the bladder, organisms gain entrance during urethral catheterization or the instrumentation. Long-term catheterization carries a risk of infection. In the absence of instrumentation, UTIs are much more common in females, and this has been ascribed to shorter urethra and absence of antibacterial properties found in prostatic fluid, hormonal changes affecting adherence of bacteria to mucosa, and urethral trauma during sexual intercourse
Mechanisms by which microbes move from bladder to kidneys:
- urinary tract obstruction and stasis of urine
- vesicoureteral reflux
- intrarenal reflux
Urinary tract obstruction and stasis of urine
- ordinarily, organisms introduced into the bladder are cleared by continual voiding and by antibacterial mechanisms.
- however, outflow obstruction or bladder dysfunction results in incomplete emptying and residual urine
- in the presence of stasis, bacteria introduced into the bladder can multiply unhindered.
- UTI is frequent among patients with urinary tract obstruction, such as may occur with BPH, tumors, or calculi, or with neurogenic bladder dysfunction
Vesicoureteral reflux
- although obstruction is an important predisposing factor in ascending infection, it is incompetence of the vesicoureterla valve that allows bacteria to ascend the ureter into the renal pelvis
- normal ureteral insertion into the bladder is a one-way valve that prevents retrograde flow of urine when the intravesicular pressure rises, as in micturition
An incompetent vesicoureteral orifice allows
reflux of bladder urine into the ureters (vesicoureteral reflux)
- reflux is most often due to a congenital absence or shortening of the intravesical portion of the ureter, such that the ureter is not compressed during micturition.
- in addition, it may be acquired by bladder infection itself.
Intrarenal reflux
- vesicoureteral reflux also affords a ready mechanism by which the infected bladder urine can be propelled up to the renal pelvis and deep into the renal parenchyma through open ducts at the tips of the papillae.
- most common in the upper and lower poles of the kidney, where papillae tend to have flattened or concave tips rather than the convex pointed type present in the midzones of the kidney