Renal Pathology I-V Flashcards
Diagnosis of Tubulointerstitial nephritis (Labs, Histo, Pathology)
Histology/pathology findings: T-lymphocytes, monocytes infiltrating interstitium; Lab findings: UA with elevated Cr, white cells, white cell casts
Diagnosis of Rapidly progressive GN type III (Labs, Histo, Pathology)
Histology/pathology findings: Crescents, no immune complex deposits (pauci-immune), no EM dense deposits, no anti GBM autoantibodies; Lab findings: ANCA
Presentation, Epidemiology, Etiology and Pathogenesis of Wilm’s tumor
Pediatric (most common kidney tumor in kids)
Mutations in WT1, WT2 triggers nephrogenesis
WAGR = Wilms, Aniridia, GU malformation, mental Retardation
What disease process is pictured below?
Hyaline arteriolosclerosis
Renal changes associated with benign hypertension, causes narrowing of vascular lumens, corticla atrophy
What disease process is pictured below?
Childhood autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease
Sacular dilatations of the collecting tubules (oriented perpendicular to cortical surface) are seen on gross and histological sections
What disease process is pictured below?
Diabetic nephropathy due to nonenzymatic glycosylation of the vascular basement membranes, hyaline arteriolosclerosis
Presentation, Epidemiology, Etiology and Pathogenesis of Acute pyelonephritis
Sexually active young women present with sudden onset, costovertebral angle pain, fever, frequency/urgency, urosepsis; Bacterial infection (most common: E.Coli, Proteus, Klebsiella) or fungal/viral in immunocompromised. Any factor making the urinary tract a better environment for growth increases risk
What disease process is pictured below?
Postinfectious glomerulonephritis
Electron microscopy of PIGN showing subepithelial hump-like deposit which is made up of immune complex depositions
Diagnosis of Acute tubular injury/ acute tubular necrosis (Labs, Histo, Pathology)
Histology/pathology findings: Tubular necrosis, cells slough off and cast in distal tubule; Lab findings: Renal failure, Dx usually from clinical presentation
What disease process is pictured below?
(Hint: patient has had renal transplant)
Viral interstitial nephritis
Can mimic rejection, occurs in immunocompromised patients
What disease process is pictured below?
Thrombotic microangiopathy
Fibrin thrombi are seen in the glomeruli and small vessels
Diagnosis of Membranoproliferative Glomerular nephritis (Labs, Histo, Pathology)
Histology/pathology findings: Lobular tufts, thick glomerular basement membrane with “tram track appearance,” subendothelial IgG and complement activation; Lab findings: Low complement
Diagnosis of Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (Labs, Histo, Pathology)
Histology/pathology findings: Enlarged reniform shape skdiney with sponge-like appearance, saccular dilatiation of the collecting tubules; Lab findings: Ultrasound, can do genetic testing
Diagnosis of Dense Deposit Disease (Labs, Histo, Pathology)
Histology/pathology findings: Complement deposits, but no Ig deposits. Dense deposits within lamina densa on EM; Lab findings: Complement levels, molecular studies
What disease process is pictured below?
IgA nephropathy
Mesangial proliferation due to deposits of IgA immune complexes
What disease process is pictured below?
Ischemic tubules show loss of polarity, eosinophilic degeneration with thinned epithelial lining
Diagnosis of Chronic pyelonephritis (Labs, Histo, Pathology)
Histology/pathology findings: Interstitial lymphocytes/glomerular periglomerular fibrosis and sclerosis, thyroidization of tubules; Lab findings: Routine UA, X-ray
What disease process is pictured below?
(Glomerulus on left, alveoli on right)
Goodpasture syndrome
The IgG cross reactts with pulmonary basement membrane leading to RPGN with hematuria as well as hemoptysis
Diagnosis of Lupus (Labs, Histo, Pathology)
Histology/pathology findings: Severe proliferative GN with necrosis and crescents. Abundant immune complex deposits; Lab findings: Autoantibodies: ANA’s, anti-Sm, anti-dsDNA
What disease process is pictured below?
Membranous nephropathy
EM shows subepithelial deposits within the basement membrane
Diagnosis of Focal and segmental glomerular sclerosis (FSGS) (Labs, Histo, Pathology)
Histology/pathology findings: Segmental obliteration of capillaries within some glomeruli; Lab findings: Nephrotic syndrome, genetic testing
What disease process is pictured below?
Postinfectious glomerulonephritis
Immunofluorescence shows glomerulus with “lumpy” pattern of IgG and Complement deposits
What disease process is pictured below?
RPGN type III with c-ANCA (left) and p-ANCA (right)
c-ANCA is seen in Wegener’s
p-ANCA is seen in Churg-Strauss
Presentation, Epidemiology, Etiology and Pathogenesis of Acute postinfectious GN
Children 6-10y/o present with acute nephritic syndrome (rarer in adults) 1-4 weeks after GABHS infection, M protein generates antibody response
Diagnosis of Thrombotic microangiopathies (Labs, Histo, Pathology)
Histology/pathology findings: Widespread thrombosis in small vessels; Lab findings: Thrombocytopenia, schistocytes in peripheral blood smears
What disease process is pictured below?
Congo red stain + with green birefringence in polarized light
Presentation, Epidemiology, Etiology and Pathogenesis of Rapidly progressive GN type II
Children and young adults (10-40yo) present with Gross hematuria, oliguria Severe immune complex formation, necrosis and breaks in glomerular basement membrane
What disease process is pictured below?
Toxic ATI due to antifreeze poisoning
Calcium oxalate crystals form in the tubules
Presentation, Epidemiology, Etiology and Pathogenesis of Renal cell carcinoma
75% of adult renal cancers present with Triad: costovertebral pain, mass, hematuria. Advanced stages associated with fever, malaise, weakness, weight loss, paraneoplastic syndromes, metastases; Mutation of VHL gene (tumor suppressor), allows tumor to adapt to tissue hypoxia (EPO, VEGF, PDGF expressed). Tumor originates from proximal tubular epithelium
What disease process is pictured below?
Focal Segmentas Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS)
Some segmental obliteration of glomerular capillaries are seen in some glomeruli on paraffin sections
EM would show effacement of foot processes in ALL glomeruli
Presentation, Epidemiology, Etiology and Pathogenesis of Acute tubular injury/ acute tubular necrosis
Most common cause of acute renal failure present with Rapidly reduced renal function, oliguria, uremia, fluid overload, electrolyte abnormalities, acidosis; Tubular injury, disturbance in flow, reduced GFR, decreased O2/nutrient delivery, toxic injury
Presentation, Epidemiology, Etiology and Pathogenesis of Tubulointerstitial nephritis
Most often caused by drugs present with Nephritic syndrome, rash/fever/eosinophilia; 4 causes: infections, toxins, metabolic, neoplasms
What disease process is pictured below?
Gross: mahagony brown kidney with central stellate scar
What disease process is pictured below?
Multiple myeloma
Light chain casts are seen due to massive production of monoclonal light chains by malignant plasma cells
These casts lead to renal failure
What disease process is pictured below?
RPGN type I: linear IF stain for IgG
Entire length of glomerular basement membrane has IgG deposits
Diagnosis of Acute drug induced interstitial nephritis (Labs, Histo, Pathology)
Histology/pathology findings: Interstitial inflammation, abundant eosinophils and edema; Lab findings: Renal failure, blood/urine eosinophilia
Diagnosis of Oncocytoma (Labs, Histo, Pathology)
Histology/pathology findings: Central stellate scar, mahogany brown colored kidney. Eosinophilic cytoplasm (H&E) and abundant mitochondria (EM); Lab findings: Radiology detects renal mass
What disease process is pictured below?
Clear cell renal cell carcinoma
Cytoplasm appears clear on histology
Highly vascular
Presentation, Epidemiology, Etiology and Pathogenesis of Angiomyolipoma
Rare present with ; Tumor arising from epithelioid cells around kidney blood vessels
What disease process is pictured below?
(Hint: variant of a disease)
Collapsing variant of FSGS, associated with HIV