Renal Neoplasms Flashcards
Renal tumors: benign vs malignant
Renal Papillary Adenoma
Renal cell carcinoma and variants
Urothelial cell carcinoma of the renal pelvis
Wilms Tumor (Nephroblastoma)
Renal Papillary Adenoma(Renal Cortical Adenoma)
Currently papillary adenoma is defined as being less than 5 mm in size (benign)
Arise from tubular epithelium
Cytogenetics: Contains chr +7 and +17 and -Y similar to papillary renal cell carcinoma.
Cannot have any clear cell features
Angiomyolipoma of Kidney
Benign neoplasm containing vessels, muscle and fat
Present often with tuberous sclerosis
** Susceptible to spontaneous retroperitoneal hemorrhage
Epithelial cell neoplasm
Abundant cytoplasmic mitochondria
Mahogany brown well encapsulated mass with central scar (stellate, often)
Can achieve large size
May closely simulate renal cell carcinoma
acidophilic, granular cytoplasm **
Other Benign Renal Tumors
Juxtaglomerular Cell Tumor is a rare renal tumor presenting in young adulthood with severe hypertension due to excessive renin secretion.
Renal Cell Carcinoma
Arises from renal tubular epithelium
Risk Factors: Cigarette smoking , hypertension, obesity, estrogens, asbestos, chronic renal disease, tuberous sclerosis*, acquired cystic disease
Most are sporadic; but ~4% are hereditary- autosomal dominant, younger patients
- Von Hippel-Lindau (most patients will develop renal clear cell carcinoma)
- Hereditary papillary carcinoma (Trisomy 7, MET proto-oncogene 7q31)
- Hereditary leiomyomatosis and renal cell carcinoma (fumarate hydratase gene)
Types of renal cell carcinoma
Renal cell carcinomas have a common origin from renal tubular epithelium but have distinct morphologic and genetic features
Clear cell carcinoma (70-80%)
Papillary carcinoma (10-15%)
Chromophobe carcinoma (5%)
Xp11 translocation carcinoma (occurs in young patients)**
Collecting duct carcinoma (~1%)
clear cell vs papillary carcinoma
Clear cell carcinoma (Non-papillary)
95% are sporadic
98% have short arm of chromosome 3 deletion
Inactivation/loss of VHL gene (Hereditary clear cell)
Papillary carcinoma
Trisomy 7, 17 and loss of Y chromosome (Sporadic)
Trisomy 7 (Hereditary papillary)
Important Characteristics
of renal cell carcinoma
Tendency to large size & widespread early metastases before local signs/symptoms
Tendency to invade renal vein
GREAT MIMIC: paraneoplastic syndromes & unusual presentations of metastases (10-20% patients)
Renal Cell Carcinoma Classic Triad of symptoms
Hematuria (50%) (often only microscopic)
Costovertebral pain (20%)
Palpable flank mass (10%)
All 3 present in
what targeted drug therapy has helped against renal cell carcinoma?
therapies against the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) pathway have extended the lives of patients with advanced disease significantly
TNM staging for kidney cancer– what happens at T4?
extension through Gerota’s fascia
Urothelial Carcinoma
(Transitional cell carcinoma)
Urothelial tumors of the upper urinary tract progress through histologic changes from hyperplasia to dysplasia to frank CIS * in a significant proportion of patients
Urothelial carcinomas (* renal pelvis, ureter, bladder) tend to be multifocal
Urothelial tumors of the upper urinary tract are more often invasive compared to bladder urothelial carcinomas *
Ureteral tumors occur more commonly in the lower than in the upper ureter. Overall, about 70% ** of ureteral tumors occur in the distal ureter, 25% in the mid-ureter, and 5% in the proximal ureter
urothelial carcinoma presenting signs
Most common presenting sign is hematuria Can be associated with obstruction and hydronephrosis Computed tomographic (CT) Urography preferred diagnostic test
frequent mitotic figures
Wilms Tumor(Nephroblastoma)
Most common primary malignant renal tumor of childhood
Peak incidence between 2 and 5 years
10% occur as part of multiple different malformation syndromes
The most common presentation is detection of an abdominal mass or swelling without other signs or symptoms.
Associated with loss of function mutations of tumor suppressor and transcription genes including: WT1, p53, FWT1 and FWT2
95% solitary and 5% bilateral renal involvement
Tumor histology is linked to patient outcome
Wilms tumor histology
Nephrogenic rests frequently seemed associated with tumor and can indicate bilateral disease
- Typical triphasic histology (favorable) mimics development of normal kidney: blastema, tubular epithelial cells and stroma
- Anaplastic histology ** (poor prognosis) has extreme cellular pleomorphism (resistant to chemotherapy)
Fetal Kidney Histology
fetal kidney at low power. Beneath thecapsuleis a nephrogenic zoneof primitive blue cells from which the new cortex, including glomeruli will arise.
Wilms Tumor Gross Pathology
Well-circumscribed margins
Tan-to-gray color
Tumor in lower pole
of kidney
“Small Round Blue Cell Tumors”
of Childhood
Acute Leukemia Neuroblastoma Retinoblastoma Wilms Tumor Ewing’s Sarcoma Medulloblastoma Hepatoblastoma Rhabdomyosarcoma Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumor Mesothelioma, Small Cell-type
Most critical factors in wilms tumor prognosis
Most Critical Factor:
Favorable vs Unfavorable Histology
absence or presence of diffuse anaplasia