renal history and ddx Flashcards
renal systems review
pain - loin pain, renal colic, dysuria
difficulty with micturition - frequency, nocturia, retention
obstructive symptoms - incontinence, pis-en-deux, hesitancy, dribbling, poor stream
alteration in amount of urine - polyuria, oliguria, anuria
alteration in general appearance of urine - colour, frothy, offensive odour, haematuria
urethral discharge
symptoms of CRF - breathlessness, oedema, anorexia, fatigue, itch, vomiting, bruising, persistent hiccups
phx absolute core
Have you had diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease or peripheral vascular disease?
phx acute (7)
Have you had ever had a urinary tract infection?
Have you had kidney infections recently or as a child?
Have you ever had inflammation of the kidneys (GN) or frothy urine?
Have you passed blood in the urine?
Have you had kidney stones or urinary obstruction?
Have you ever had cancer treated with chemotherapy or radiotherapy?
Have you had any episodes of AKI?
phx chronic (5)
Have you had problems with swelling or shortness of breath? (Fluid retention)
Have you had problems with rashes or arthritis? (SLE, scleroderma)
Have you had gout?
Have you had bedwetting beyond the age of 3?
Vesicoureteric reflux and subsequent renal scarring
Have you been told how bad your kidney function is and whether you may need dialysis one day?
phx procedures (3)
Have you had a biopsy of your kidney? Do you know the result?
Have you had kidney surgery or removal of a kidney, or have you been told you have only one functioning kidney?
fhx (ABKD)
Alport’s syndrome - deafness and renal impairment
Blood pressure
Chronic kidney disease
Is there a history of kidney disease in the family?
Is there a history in the family of enlarged kidneys and high blood pressure? (PCKD)
mhx (principles)
What medications are you taking? Are you on any medications to help your kidney function?
CKD - fluids/Na/K, phosphate, protein
mhx (specifics) (STAND)
Steroids/immunosuppressants Treatment for hypertension Antibiotics for UTIs NSAIDs Dosages of drugs cleared by kidneys must be adjusted
ddx transient incontinence
UTIs Delirium Excess urine output (e.g. diuretics) Immobility (unable to reach toilet) Urethritis/vaginitis Stool impaction
ddx established incontinence
Stress incontinence Urge (detrusor overactivity) Detrusor underactivity Overflow incontinence Vesico/urethral fistula
stress incontinence
after stress of coughing or other rise in intra-abdominal pressure (more common in women)
urge incontinence
intense urge to urinate and then leakage of urine in the absence of rise in intra-abdominal pressure (men and women)
detrusor underactivity
frequency, nocturia, frequent leaking of small amounts of urine (due to neurological disease)
overflow incontinence
dribbling incontinence after incomplete urination (typically in men with prostate disease)
vesico/urethral fistula
complication of obstructive labour
ddx haematuria
UTI Renal calculi Trauma Malignancy Nephritic syndrome Bleeding disorder Use of anticoagulant drugs Non-glomerular source - clots in urine Blood not in urine (menstruation)