Renal/GU + Neuro Flashcards
Acute prostatitis (Dx and labs)
- UA + Urine culture positive in acute; neg in chronic
- Avoid prostatic massage in acute prostitis
- Transrectal US = may be useful if suspected prostate abscess
Acute Tubular necrosis (FMLD)
Epithelial cell casts and muddy brown casts; waxy/granular casts (formed in damaged tubules
Low specific gravity (unable to concentrate urine)
Hyperkalemia, hyperphosphatemia
Anemia of chronic disease (scientific concepts)
Damaged kidneys produce less EPO = less RBC production = ANEMIA
AKA question was where is EPO produced = Kidneys
Anemia, pernicious (health maint + prevention)
B12 injections IM once a month
Monitor B12 levels and adjust dosage as needed
Azotemia prerenal (scientific concepts)
Usually dehydration leading to poor renal perfusion
MC form of kidney failure in hospitalized patients
Decreased perfusion of the kidney (burn patients, vomiting, diarrhea, bleeding)
Bladder cancer (scientific concepts)
MC = Transitional cell
Biggest RF - smoking, white males in 40s ; occupational exposures (dyes, rubber, leather)
Most present early and respond well to treatment but has the highest rate of reoccurence of all cancer
Bladder cancer (clinical intervention)
- Localized or superficial = transurethral resection and follow up every 3 months
- Invasive = radial cystectomy, chemo, radiation
- Recurrent = BCG vaccine intravascular if electrocautery is unsuccessful; Do not use if immunesupressed or if gross hematuria is present
Bladder injury (dx and labs)
Ureteral contrast study with pelvic fracuture
Look for blood in the meatus; high riding prostate or scrotal hematoma
Bladder outlet obstruction (pharm tx)
If due to BPH = alpha 1-blocker like Tamsulosin
If decreased detrusor muscle (atony)= use cholinergic like bethanechol
Testicular cancer (dx and labs)
Scrotal US = best INITIAL test
Tumor markers = Increased alpha-fetoprotein and beta-HcG
CT chest/abd for staging
CKD (dx and labs)
- Proteinuria = single BEST predictor of disease progression (spot urine or urine/creatinine ratio/24hr urine)
- UA = Broad waxy casts seen in ESRD
- Estimated GFR
- Increased BUN/creatinine, serum electrolytes, lipid profile, renal biopsy
- Renal US = Small kidneys is classic sign
Chronic renal insufficiency (pharm tx)
Control HTN (BP) with ACE and diuretics
Proteinuria = ACE/ARB tx
DM control = Metformin/Insulin
Lipid control - Statin (LDL), fibrates (decreased TC)
Anemia = oral iron, EPO if anemia persists after normal iron stores
Coagulopathy = Desmopressin prior to surgical procedures
Renal osteodystrophy = Vitamin D
Contrast-induced nephropathy (pharm tx)
Volume expansion with isotonic saline (0.9% NaCl) or hypotonic saline (0.45% of NaCl)
Cryptochordism (FMLD)
Empty small scrotum +/- inguinal fullness
Diabetic nephropathy (Dx and Labs)
Persistent albuminuria (>300mg) confirmed on 2 separate occasions 3-6 months apart
Relentless decline in GFR
Elevated arterial BP
Anemia, acidosis
Kidney biopsy = Kimmelstiel-Wilson
Adverse drug reaction (diuretics) Pharm tx
Mannitol SE = Pulmonary edema
Actazolamide SE = Hyperchloremic met acidosis, sulfa allergies, kidney stones
Loop diuretics = Hypokalemia, hypocalcemia, hypomagnesia, ototoxic, sulfa *NSAIDs decrease efficacy
Thiazides = Hyponatremia, hypokalemia, hypercalcemia, hyperlipidemia, sulfa allergies, met alkalosis
K+ sparing = Hyperkalemia, met acidosis, gynecomastia
Glomerulonephritis (scientific concepts)
Immunologic inflammation of glomeruli causing protein and RBC leakage into urine
HTN, hematuria, azotemia = HALLMARK
Causes = IgA nephropathy, post infectious (after GABHS), goodpasture’s disease, vasculitis
Glomerulonephritis (dx and labs)
UA = Hematuria (RBC casts), dysmorphic RBC, proteinuria
High specific gravity, increased BUN & Cr
Renal biopsy = Gold standard but not needed if post strep
Goodpasture’s disease (FMLD)
Cause of acute glomerulonephritis
Presents with rapid progressive glomerulonephritis = CRESCENT formation on biopsy
Anti-GBM antibodies in kidney and lung alveoli
**Often occurs post-URI
Goodpasture’s disease (pharm tx)
High dose steroids + cyclophosphamide + plasmaphoresis (removes antibodies)
Hemochromatosis (clinical intervention)
Iron chelation (desferrioxamine)
Hemolytic uremic syndrome (FMLD)
2.Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia
3. Kidney failure
Suspect HUS in child w/ renal failure w/ diarrhea prodrome
Hereditary spherocytosis (pharm tx)
Splenectomy is definitive
Long term folic acid supplement before and after splenectomy
Hydronephrosis (scientific concepts)
Distention of renal calyces and pelvis w/ urine as a result of obstruction of flow of urine distal to renal pelvis
Hypercalcemia (pharm tx)
Mild = No treatment
Severe/Symptomatic = IV saline, furosemide (avoid HCTZ, calcitonin, bisphosphonate if severe)
Hyperkalemia (scientific concepts)
Causes = Acute or chronic renal failure, eating a lot of bananans, hyperaldosteronism, adrenal insufficiency, pot. sparing diuretics, NSAID, rhabdo, burns, hypovolemia, met acidosis (DKA)
BPH (pharm tx)
Alpha 1 adrenergic antagonist (-zosin) = immediate sx relief
5-alpha reductase inhibitors (finasteride) = longterm prostate growth inhibition
Hypovolemia (scientific concepts)
Low volume = wide pulse pressure
Increased HR and decreased BP with standing
Immobilization (Health maint + prevention)
Beware of pressure ulcers, infection from repeated urinary catheters, skin infections if patient is not getting frequent baths
Impotence, organic origin (clinical intervention)
- Do dx and PE (BP, DRE)
- Check testosterone, LH, Prolactin, TSH, HbA1c,
- Direct injection of PGE1 into corpora cavernosa to create erection in 5 min if blood vessels are able to dilate
- Nocturnal penile turnescence to evaluate sleep erections
- Duplex US to evaluate penile blood flow
Impotence, organic origin (Pharm tx)
- PDE5 inhibitor = sildenafil,. tadalafil
- PGE1 injection
- Vacuum pump, penile revascularization, penile prosthetics
- Testosterone if low
Interstitial cystitis (Dx and Labs)
Sx = Long standing urinary frequency, urgency, pelvic pain in the absence of underlying etiology
UA + Urine culture
Voiding diary = establish baseline
Cystophgraphy, Voiding cystourethrography
MRI/CT pelvis = evaluate for pelvic mass
Interstitial nephritis (FMLD)
Acute kidney injury with increased eosinophils
Fever, maculopapular rash, arthalgias
WBC = pathognomonic = Urine eosinophils
Medullary sponge kidney (FMLD)
Patients may be asx +/- recurrent nephrolithiasis or recurrent UTI, sterile pyuria, renal colic often from hematuria
AKA Cacchi-Ricci disease, is a birth defect where changes occur in the tubules, or tiny tubes, inside a fetus’ kidneys. In a normal kidney, urine flows through these tubules as the kidney is being formed during a fetus’ growth
Minimal change Dz (scientific concepts)
80% of nephrotic syndrome in kids
Etiologies = Idiopathic +/-associated with viral infections, allergies (insect stings, NSAID)
Minimal change dx (Dx and labs)
No visible cellular change seen on simple light microscopy
Podocyte damage + diffuse effacement of foot processes and loss of negative charge of glomerular basement membrane
Interstitial nephritis (Pharm tx)
MCC = Drug induced
D/c offending agent
Steroids if renal impairment is severe
Dialysis if extremely severe and no response after stopping offending agent
Nephrotic syndrome (dx and labs)
- 24hr urine protein collection = GOLD std
- UA = Proteinuria on dipstick + MALTESE cross shaped oval fat bodies
- Hypoalbuminemia
- Renal biopsy = May differentiate types; not usually needed if minimal change is suspected
Peyronie (clinical intervention)
Vitamin E and potassium (PABA)
Colchicine injection