Renal failure Flashcards
Chronic renal failure def
Kidney damage
GFR < 60 ml/min in 3 months
Prev Cr > 3 months
Small kidneys on Us
Sclerosis on biopsy
Acute renal failure def
Cr 900 micromol/L
Recent Cr normal
Normal size kidneys on U/s
Biopsy not always done- just for an unknown cause
Cause of chronic renal failure
Vascular: Lupus Nephritis, Malignant HPT Infection: HIV, HCV, HBV Inflamation: Reflux nephropathy, Glomerulonephritis Trauma Toxins: Analgesic nephropathy AI: SLE Metobolic: DM Idiopathic/Iatrogenic Neoplams: Amyloid, Meyeloma Congenital: ARPKD, ADPKD, medullary cystic, Alport syndrome
Cause of acute renal failure
Pre-renal, renal, post renal
Pre-renal: 5HVIBES drugs Hypovolaemia: Blood loss Hypoperfusion HYpotension Haemorrhage Heart failure, MI Vomiting and diarrhoea: dehydration Infection/Sepsis Burns Embolism Surgery, Stenosis Drugs: NSAIDS, ACE-I, Radiocontrast
Renal: 1 2 MAPEN 5H primary glomerulonephritis secondary infection/vasculitis Moitrin: NSAIDS, cyclosporin Amphoterican, ATN, AIN Pre-renal causes Embolic Nephrotic syndrome Haemolysis, Rhabdomyolysis Hypoxic episode H2 Blockers H2 Ions Acidosis HUS: Hamolytic uraemic syndrome
Post renal (obstruction): 3CPINKS Cancer, crystels, clots Prostate path Infections Neuropathic bladder Kidney stones Stenosis: PUJ, Post uretheral valves
Complications of chronic renal failure
- Electrolyte abnormalities- > Na, K, PO2 < Ca
- Anaemia- < EPO
- Uraemis
Complications of acute renal failure
- Electrolyte abnormalities- > Na, K, PO2 < Ca
- Metabolic acidosis
- Fluid Overload
- Uraemia:
Presentation of chronic renal failure
Retinopathy, renal osteodystrophy Edema, encephalopathy Skin yellow Increased bp, infetility, impotenance Nails brown, N+V
Pruritis Pallor Purpura Pericarditis, cardiomegaly, CAD Pleural eff Pulm oedema Prox myopathy Prox neuropathy
Presentation of acute renal failure
Dependant on cause: Pre renal dehydration or fluid overload: Dehydration Dry membranes Thirst Dizzy Tachy < BP > Cap refill
Fluid over load: Peripheral oedema > JVP Gallop rhythem HPT Basal creps
AIN: Rash, arthralgia, fever
Nephritic sx: Proteinuria, Haematuria, oligouria, HPT
Nephrotic sx: Proteinuria, albuminuria, oedema
Csi chronic renal failure
- U/s: < 10 cm CKD
- Biopsy: Sclerosis
- Urea and creatinine
Csi acute renal failure
ABCDEU ABG Bloods: FBC, culture, U&E, Cr Catheter Dipsticks ECG, Electrolytes U/S
RX chronic renal failure
1. Bp controll: ACE-I or ARB with BBB and CCB
2. EPO and electrolytes: Phosphate binders and EPO
3. Acess lifestyle: < Chol, < W, dont smoke
4. Nutrition: < Protein
5. Specialist care:
Haemodyalisis 12 hrs/weekly
Continious ambulatory peritoneal dialysis 4/d everyday
RX acute renal failure
- Haemodynamic support
- Treat cx:
- Restrict K, NA, PO
-Treat < Ca if symptomatic
- > K
Protect heart: Cagluconate
Shift K in cells: Actrapid + 50% dextrose, NaCHO3, B2 agonsists
Eliminate K: Kexelate, Dialysis, > urnine flow
< Intake: stop supplements and ACE-I
- Metabolic acidosis: HCO3, Cagluconate
-HPT rx
-Fluid overload: Lasix - EM dialysis
- Unresponsive pulm oedema
-Unresponsive > K
-Unresponsive Metabolic acidosis
Uraemic syndrome - Treat cause
- Conservative:
- Diet: < Na, K, Sufficient calories, no fruits and drinks
- Input and output chart
- Visible losses: give back excretion+500 ml
- Avoid nephrotoxins
- Avoid > BP - Biopsy if no cause found
Pre-renal vs. renal
pre-renal: 1. ECF contracted: Orthostatic hypotension, > JVP, tachy, signs of dehydration 2. U: Cr 1:10 3. Urine U-Na <20 Fe-Na <1% U0osmol > 400 4. Urine normal but> concentration
< Output
>cr»_space;U < GFR
Good response to saline
Normal microscopy and dipsticks
Renal: 1. ECF variable: Contracted, normal, overload 2. U: Cr 1:20 3. < Urine concentration: U-Na >20 Fe-Na >1% U0osmol <300 4. Urine: Proteinuria, haematuria, casts