Renal Embryology Flashcards
3 embryonic germ cell layers
Loosely organized embryonic connective tissue (primarily derived from mesoderm, but sometimes also from other layers)
The urogenitl system develops from…, specifically
intermediate mesoderm
specifically mesenchymal cells
During lateral (transverse) folding, the intermediate mesenchyme is pulled ventrally forming…
two urogenital ridges (on the dorsal body wall)
Each urogenital risge gives rise to…
nephrogenic cord and ridge, which form the urinary system
3 sets of successive kidneys form from the nephrogenic cord in the craniocaudal axis, called…
From the pronephros to the cloaca (causal end of gut tube), what will form?
Longitudinal nephric ducts
Pronephros are rudimentary, transient structures that develop bilaterally at…
the 5th-7th cervical segments
Two components of pronephros
- several paired clusters of cells (in lower cervical segments)
- pronephric ducts (paired tubular structures that extend caudally to the cloaca)
What happens to the cranial parts of pronephric ducts?
They degrade (cuadal parts persist)
Caudal pronephric ducts transition into…
mesonephric duct
Caudal growth of pronephric/mesonephric ducts induces formation of…
mesonephric buds
Mesonephric tubules within the mesonephric buds connect with…
mesonephric duct
What are mesonephroi?
They function as interim kidneys in humans for ~4 weeks before the definitive kidneys (i.e. metanephroi) develop
What do we call the “definitive” kidneys?
Renal corpuscles form from…
mesonephric tubules
Glomerular (Bowman’s) capsule forms at the…
medial end of the mesonephric tubule
Glomerulus forms from…
the developing aorta
Mesonephric ducts do not degenerate in everyone. Who keeps their mesonephric ducts?
Mesonephric ducts degenerate in females, but persist in males!
What are the primordia of permanent, definitive kidneys?
Metanephroi begin developing around… and begin functioning around…
Metanephroi begin developing around week 5 and begin functioning around week 9
Two functional components of metanephroi
- Collecting portion: ureteric bud
- Excretory portion: metanephrogenic blastema
What is the ureteric bud?
Outgrowth from mesonephric duct near caudal end (sacral region)
What is the metanephrogenic blastema?