Renal Cysts Flashcards
What are age related reasons for developing renal cysts
Adults: genetic (PKD) or non-genetic
Kids and adults: chronic renal failure leading to acquired renal cysts
What are simple renal cysts
round/oval cysts w/ ONE epithelial layer lining, filled with clear or straw colored fluid
in cortex or medulla
Are simple renal cysts dangerous
Not really, no risk for HTN, cancer, CKD, or ESRD
Incidental findings
Simple renal cysts rarely (but still might) cause
Obstruction of calyxes or renal pelvis
Rupture (Sx: flank pain, hemturia)
Infection (Sx: fever, lumbar/abd pain, hematuria, pyuria)
HTN (d/t compression of a&v in renal parenchyma)
How do you treat hypertension caused by simple renal cysts
On US, what do Simple renal cysts look like compared to complex renal cysts
Simple: sharply demarcated, smooth thin walls, no echoes/debris, enhanced back wall (good transmission)
Complex: thick walls, septations, calcifications, solid parts, mixed echogenicity, vascularity
What if you get an US and it is shady?
Get a CT with and without to further eval the cyst
What do we need to know about Bosniak categories
IIF: >3cm, thick walls, calcifications— likely benign, repeat imaging in 3-6 mo
III: masses, enhancement— high change malignancy, monitor or excise
IV: masses and soft tissue enhancement next to cyst wall– very high malignancy
Describe acquired renal cysts
Bilateral, 4+ cysts, due to chronic renal failure
kidneys are small-normal size
rarely symptomatic
When should you screen for acquired renal cysts
yearly after being on dialysis 3-5 yrs.
Use US vs CT with and without
Acquired renal cysts have a small chance of
increase in Renal cell carcinoma risk
How do you treat a simple/complex renal cyst
based on Bosniak!
Pain? APAP (or NSAID if they have normal renal fxn)
Persistent pain/ cyst >5cm? percutaneous aspiration w/ injection of sclerosing agent (tetracycline)// OR laparoscopic unroofing
What is Autosomal Dominant PKD
hereditary PKD due to PKD1/2 mutation, often clinically silent
How are PKD 1/2 different
PKD1: aggressive form
PKD2 slow growth
(most are due to family history, only 5% spontaneous)
ADPKD leads to
irreversible decrease in renal function (in 40’s)
-GFR decreases 4.4-5.9 every year
1/2 pts have ESRD by 60 y/o