Renal concentrating mechanisms and urine formation - Quiz 3 Flashcards
Where is renin synthesized?
Juxtaglomerular apparatus
What are the 4 components of the juxtaglomerular apparatus?
- modified smooth musc cells in the afferent arteriole
- Modified smooth muscle cells in the efferent arteriole
- Extraglomerular mesangial cells
- macula densa cells in the distal tubule
Most potent vasoconstrictor known
Angiotensin II
What are the actions of Angiotensin II?
- Profound vasoconstriction –> increased BP
- Increased aldosterone synthesis and release
- Increased ADH (vasopressin) release
- Increased thirst
- Feedback inhibition of renin release
How does angiotensin II work on the afferent and efferent arterioles?
How does this affect GFR?
Ag2 constricts the afferent and efferent arterioles
Ag2 also releases prostaglandins that maintain GFR inspire of the arteriolar constriction (autoregulation)
Where does aldosterone work?
distal tubule and collecting ducts
What does aldosterone do?
causes K secretion and also H in exchange for Na
What is the net effect of aldosterone?
gets rid of K and H
What is aldosterone and where is is made?
Steroid hormone
synthesized in zona glomerulosa of the adrenal cortex
3 factors that stimulate aldosterone release and synthesis
- Increased K in the ECF
- Ag2
- Decreased Na levels
What is Conn’s syndrome?
An aldosterone secreting tumor that causes:
- HyperNa
- HypoK
What is the physiologic process of Conn’s syndrome?
The increased Na load eventually exceeds the distal tubule and collecting duct ability to reabsorb the Na But in its effort to pump all the Na back into the interstitial, it kicks all the K into the urine, causing hypoK.
What is the result of hypokalemia?
hyper polarization of nerve in muscle cells (will probably be manifested in the heart)
4 renal concentrating and diluting mechanisms
- ADH (vasopressin)
- ANP (atrial natriuretic peptide)
- Countercurrent multiplier
- Urea
Why is the ability to concentrate or dilute urine important?
In order for cells to fx, they must be bathed in ECF with a fairly stable concentration of electrolytes and solutes
What is the maximal urine concentration a human kidney can produce?
1200-1400 mOsm/L
a normal 70 kg human must excrete _____ mOsm of solute each day and therefore must excrete _____L/day
(if the concentrating ability is assumed to be 1200 mOsm/L)
600 mOsm
0.5 L/day
Where is ADH synthesized?
in the hypothalamus
FYI: it is an octapeptide
Where is ADH stored and released?
posterior pituitary
How does ADH play a major role in conserving water?
by concentrating the urine
What factors stimulate ADH release?
- Osmoreceptors in the hypothalamus (increased osmolality stimulates ADH release)
- Mechanoreceptors in the atria and aorta (decreased volume stimulates ADH release)
- AG2
- Fright
- Nausea
- Pain
- Anesthesia
- Nicotine
- Morphine
- Hypoxia
What inhibits ADH release?
Will anesthesia cause increased or decreased UOP? Why?
Anesthesia stimulates ADH release, therefore the body conserves water and doesn’t let the kidneys excrete as much.
How will the following affect ADH release?
- Plasma osmolarity
- Blood volume
- BP
Plasma osmolarity
- increased –> increased ADH
- decreased –> decreased ADH
Blood volume and BP
- increased –> decreased AHD
- decreased –> increased ADH
How does ADH work?
It increases the permeability of the collecting system to water.
It also increases urea permeability in the medullary collecting ducts
What must be present for ADH to work?
Hypertonic interstitium
a driving force to move water out of the tubules into the interstitium
Key features of the countercurrent multiplier
- U-smaped loop of Henle - allows flow in opposite directions
- differences in permeability of certain nephron segments which flow in opposite directions
- Energy from ATP in NaK pumps
3 important anatomical aspects that enable the countercurrent multiplier system
- Juxtamedullary nephrons with long loops of Henle and vasa recta reaching into the medulla
- Arrangement of the Juxtamedullary nephrons and collecting ducts - critical for countercurrent mechanism
- The hyper-osmotic gradient in the renal medulla interstitium which is creased by the anatomical relationships of the components
How does the countercurrent multiplier work?
- Active Na and Cl transport out of the TAL –> increased osmolarity of the interstitial space
- Fluid entering the descending limb is iso-osmotic but is reabsorbed from the descending limb –> tubular fluid is more concentrated
- Fluid delivered to the TAL has a high concentration of NaCl, and the solute is pumped into the interstitium –> increased interstitial osmolality
What is the osmolarity the interstitial fluid around the loop and vasa recta? (hypo, hyper, or iso?)
What is the osmolarity of the tubular fluid if ADH is present?
If ADH is nor present?
ADH present - tubular fluid is more concentrated
ADH absent - tubular fluid stays dilute
How does ADH cause urine to be concentrated?
ADH makes collecting duct more permeable to water –> tubular fluid equilibrates with the hyperosmolar interstitum –> concentrated urine
The TAL is located in the outer medulla. Where is the osmotic gradient at its maximum? Why?
Inner medulla
What is urea?
byproduct of amino acid metabolism; 2 ammonia molecules stuck together
How much urea is made daily, and where is it made?
25-30 g/day
in the liver
In liver failure what causes encephalopathy and coma?
increased ammonia levels
Is the concentration of urea in the medullary interstitium high or low?
What role does the high concentration of urea in the medullary interstitium play?
generates a hypertonic interstitium
Which limb of the loop of henle is permeable to urea?
Thin ascending limb
Is the TAL permeable to urea?
No. It is not permeable to water or urea.
When is the inner medulla permeable to urea? How does this affect urea?
in the presence of ADH
urea diffuses into the interstitium and becomes trapped there
Urea contributes _____% of the osmolarity of the renal medulla gradient during max urine concentration.
Urea passively diffuses from the medullar collecting duct during water deficits when ADH is present. Where does the reabsorbed urea go?
It is recirculated from the medulla interstitium into the loop of Henle and retired to tubular fluid.
2 fx’s of the vasa recta
- remove reabsorbed fluid froth interstitium
2. minimizes solute uptake from the medulla
How does the vasa recta maintain medullary hypertonicity?
by minimizing solute uptake from the medulla
What aspects of the medullary blood flow contribute to solute concentration?
- low medullary blood flow
2. U-shaped Vasa recta
How does low medullary blood flow contribute to solute concentration?
sluggish flow minimizes solute loss
How does the U-shaped vasa recta contribute to solute concentration?
- acts as a countercurrent exchange to minimize solute wash out
- little net dilution of interstitium by U-shaped vessels
In the descending VR, what happens to fluid?
fluid leaves because of the rapid flow; more fluid leaves than solute enters
in the ascending VR, what happens to fluid?
decreased hydrostatic pressure and increasing osmolality of blood –> fluid reabsorption into vessels (opposite of descending VR)
Over all is more fluid lost or reabsorbed in the VR?
more fluid is reabsorbed
How much can ADH increase the osmolality of the interstitium?
from 400-1200 mOsm