Renal and muscle regulation of potassium Flashcards
Potassium homeostasis
- After being absorbed in GI, K is sequestered into muscle to prevent plasma [K] from going up too much
- Muscle will release k when levels are low
- There is a narrow range of [k] for ECF (3.5-5 mM)
- When there is hypokalemia the membranes hyper polarize (larger K gradient-> more leaves the cell)
- When there is hyperkalemia the membranes depolarize (less gradient -> more K is retained in cell)
Mechanism of distribution
- Na/K ATPase allows for K accumulation in the cell
- K channels continuously leak K into ECF
- Insulin stimulate K uptake into cells (mostly muscle) by increasing the ATPase activity (this is preserved even in T2 diabetes)
- Catecholamines: during exercise there can be transient hyperkalemia as the K effluxes from muscle, so the muscles must reuptake the ECF K. Catecholamines increase ATPase activity to do this (muscles also eventually lose less K with exercise training)
- Tissue breakdown releases K into ECF which will need to be cleared by muscle or kidney
Hyper vs hypokalemia
- During hypokalemia there is a shift in K from ICF to ECF, by decreasing the ATPase activity (same amount leaving, but less coming in) and by reducing K secretion in the distal nephron (reduced number of ROMK)
- Also during hypokalemia the colon reduces fecal K by absorbing more and the nephron reabsorbs more K by increasing H/K ATPase activity
- During hyperkalemia (tissue breakdown, injury), the kidneys secrete more and reabsorb less K
- Colon increases fecal K by absorbing less, and the muscle will increase the ATPase activity to sequester more
Relationship btwn K and H+
- Since both are positive ions they will compete for negative charges within the cell and displace each other
- This means at high levels of one the other will be displaced and its levels will subsequently rise
- Acidosis and hyperkalemia are often seen simultaneously (but it depends on acute or chronic acidosis, as chronic can lead to hypokalemia), and alkalosis and hypokalemia are often simultaneous
Renal handling of K 1
- In PT: there is reabsorption of 2/3rds of filtered K (mech not clear), but reabsorption of K is proportional to reabsorption of Na in PT (opposite is true in cortical collecting duct)
- LOH: 20% of filtered K is reabsorbed by NKCC
- CCD (and DT) is where K regulation occurs, as it can change K excretion via either reabsorbing K in CCD or secreting K in CCD (usually secretion unless hypokalemic)
Renal handling of K 2
- On a normal K diet, 20% of the filtered load is excreted thus there is net secretion in CCD
- On a K rich diet up to 80% of filtered load is excreted, thus there is an increase in net secretion in CCD
- On a low K diet only 1% of filtered load is excreted, so there is net reabsorption in CCD
Principal cells (in CCD) handling of K secretion 1
- Primary site of secretion, via ROMK channels
- The K secretion is driven by ENaC sodium reabsorption in multiple ways, and this is influenced by how much Na is reabsorbed before the CCD
- The K gradient favors secretion (high [K] inside cell, low [K] in lumen) and the apical membrane is more permeable to K than the basolateral membrane so most of it is secreted
- The electrical gradient will help facilitate more K secretion when Na reabsorption increases
Principal cells (in CCD) handling of K secretion 2
- When Na amount in CCD lumen increases more is brought in by ENaC, this depolarizes the cell and increases the electrical gradient favoring K secretion to repolarize the cell
- Even when Na levels in lumen are not elevated, the overall electrochemical gradient favors K secretion
- During K depletion ROMK channels retract from the apical membrane to decrease K secretion (are not degraded and are ready to be re-inserted)
- During high K diet more ROMK channels are inserted to increase K secretion
Intercalated cells in CCD handling of K secretion 1
- Primary site of K reabsorption in CCD
- Since the electrochemical gradient favors secretion there must be active reabsorption
- Apical H/K ATPase facilitates reabsorption of K for secretion of H
- There are flow sensitive channels that are activated to secrete K when Na levels are high in CCD lumen (less Na reabsorbed before CCD)
Intercalated cells in CCD handling of K secretion 2
- During hypokalemia there is a decrease in apical K channels and an increase in H/K ATPase activity leading to increased reabsorption
- During hyperkalemia there is increased flow sensitive K channel abundance leading to more secretion
- Also during hyperkalemia there is tissue kallekrein secreted from connecting tubule cells to deactivate H/K ATPase
Factors causing increased K secretion (principal cells) 1
-Increased K in ICF (can be from alkalosis) or decreased K in tubule fluid (TF) increased gradient for secretion
-Increased Na in TF increases ENaC activity and thus increases electrochemical (EC) gradient favoring K secretion
Increasing Na delivery to CCD by increasing flow does the same as above
Factors causing increased K secretion (principal cells) 2
- Increased HCO3- (poorly reabsorbed anion) in TF means a larger EC gradient for K secretion (cell gets depolarized so wants to secrete K to repolarize)
- Decreased Cl- in the TF of CCD means there are more poorly reabsorbed anions in the TF and has the same affect as above
- All of these factors can lead to hypokalemia due to excess K excretion
ENaC inhibitors on K
- Decreased Na reabsorption by ENaC decreases EC gradient driving K secretion
- Therefore ENaC inhibitors can cause hyperkalemia
- ENaC inhibitors = K sparing diuretics
Factors affecting volume flow and K secretion 1
- Diuretics that act before collecting ducts (LOH and PT) will increase volume flow to CCD (increases Na delivery)
- This leads to more activity of ENaC and increased K/H+ secretion
- Therefore these diuretics can cause alkalosis and hypokalemia
- Genetic diseases: LOF mutations of NKCC (bartters syndrome) or LOF mutations in NCC of DT (gitelmans) both increase volume flow to CCD and cause hypokalemia and alkalosis by activating ROMK and H ATPase (from ENaC activity, same as above)
Factors affecting volume flow and K secretion 2
- Aldosterone: increases Na/K ATPase and Na transport by ENaC thus leading to hypokalemia and alkalosis
- Contraction alkalosis: chronic decrease in ECFV stimulate chronicly high aldo levels causing hypokalemia and alkalosis
- K rich meal: high plasma K leads to dephosphorylation of NKCC and decreases Na reabsorption in LOH and increases ENaC activity
- This leads to increased secretion of K and there is also net secretion of Na
Acid base status and K levels
- During alkalosis H+ leaves ICF as K enters ICF (displaces H+), and since there is an increase in ICF K there is a larger gradient for K secretion and excretion
- Therefore alkalosis leads to hypokalemia
- During acute acidosis H+ enters ICF as K leaves ICF (H+ displaces K) so there is less gradient for K secretion
- Therefore acute acidosis leads to hyperkalemia
- During chronic acidosis there is an increase in GFR and thus flow to the distal nephron, leading to increased K excretion
- Therefore chronic acidosis leads to hypokalemia