Renal Flashcards
What is special about blood flow through the kidney?
afferent arteriole–> glomerulus–> efferent arteriole
What is GFR?
- Considered the best indicator of renal function
- based on pt size/gender/weigth/age
- GFR can be calculated from timed urine volume measurements
- multiple different formulas exist to calculate
- ranges
- normal 90-120mL/min
- Troubling 60-89mL/min
- decreases with age
- maybe normal in elderly
- abnormal <50 mL/min
- where we start altering our anesthetics
- Failure <15 mL/min
What is creatinine clearance?
- Specific test for GFR- most reliable assessment tool for renal function (24 hour urine collection)
- measures ability of glomeruli to excrete creatinine
- Normal 95-150 mL/min
- Mild dysfunction 50-80 mL/min
- moderate dysfunction <25 mL/min
- anephric <10mL/min
What does a UA measure?
- Specific gravity
- measures solutes in urine
- kidneys ability to excrete concentrate/dilute urine
- normal 1.003-1.008 (>1.018 indicates reasonable function)
- Proteinuria
- >150 mg/day- Can be seent with incrase exercise, HTN, DM
- >750 mg/day indicates severe glomerular damage
- more likely to develop AKI
- Microscope
- RBC (Bleeding), WBC (infection), casts (disease of nephron) or crystals (metabolism)
What is BUN?
Blood urea nitrogen
- Primary source is liver (protein catabolism)
- not a reliable indicator of GFR
- 40-50% passively reabsorbed by renal tubule
- hypovolemia increases this
- normal 10-20 mg/dL
- 20-40 mg/dL: dehydration, high catabolism, decreased GFR
- >50 mg/dL indicates impairment of renal function
- increased BUN with normal serum creatinine suggests non renal cause
What is serum creatinine?
- Cretinine is a metabolite of cretine (muscle constitue)
- generally reliable in healthy patients
- prodcution and elminiation is relatively constant
- inversely related to GFR
- Normal 0.6-1.2 mg/dL
- lower in elderly/females
- creatinine levels double for every 50% reduciton in GFR
- delayed lab
What is BUN: Cr ratio? Normal? Elevater? Low?
- Normal 10:1
- low tubular flow rates enhanve urea reabsorption but do not affect creatinine handling
- >15:1
- volume depletion, CHF, cirrhosis, and nephrotic syndrome
- increase in nitrogen, decrease in blood flow, decrease in BP (specifically CHF, cirrhosis)
- volume depletion, CHF, cirrhosis, and nephrotic syndrome
- <10:1
- decreased urea input, increased creatinine produciton and volume expansion
What is fractional excretion of sodium?
- Useful in differentiating between prerenal and renal causes of failure
- >2% or >40 mEq/L
- ATN/kidney damage
- inability to conserve sodium- because proximal/distal tubule isn’t reabsorbing Na
- intrarenal
- <1 or <20mEq/L
- increased sodium reabsorption- water follows sodium, less Na in urine because it is reabsorbed
- normal funcitoning tubules
- prerenal- hypoperfusion
How can anesthesia effect renal function?
- Effects are complicated and difficult to evaluate
- type/depht of anesthesia, choice of agent, fluid regimen
- Indirect or direct effects
- most are indirect (hypoperfusion)
- occur with both general and regional anesthesia
- less pronounced with regional
- more localized effect
- with spinals, big sympathomimectomy, vasodilation, drop in BP
- less pronounced with regional
Cardiovascular indirect effects on renal system with anesthesia?
- Dose dependent decrease in CO and SVR
- Decreased sympathetic tone (epidural/spinal)
- fluid boluses and vasoconstrictors to increase BP
- DO NOT use dopamine, no changes in outcome
Pulmonary indirect effects on renal with anesthesia?
- Positive pressure ventilation
- the higher hte PIP and PEEP, the greater decrease in RBF and GFR
- increase intrathoracic pressure, decrease return SVR, decrease in RA and RVEDP, increase in SNS–> increase NE/Epi–> vasoconstriction–> decrease blood flow to kidneys
- Increase in SNS activation, RAAS activation, and vasopressin release
- ensure adequate hydration
- the higher hte PIP and PEEP, the greater decrease in RBF and GFR
Neuro indirect effect on renal system with anesthesia?
- Increased sympathetic tone
- anxiety, pain, light anesthesia, surgical stimuli
Endocrine indirect effects on renal system around anesthesia?
- Epi, NE, ADH, angiotensin II
- reduce renal blood flow through vasoconstriction
- Aldosterone
- enhances Na reabsorption and water retention
- Prostaglandins (PGE2)
- To blanace vasoconstriction and stress
- in Litchfields online questions, he states prostaglandins vasodilate at kidneys
- pathway includes phospholipase A2 and cyclooxygenase
- avoid
- celebrex, tylenol, toradol
- avoid
- To blanace vasoconstriction and stress
Thiopental renal implications?
- Reduced plasma protein binding
- increased volume of distribution
- may undergo some metabolism in kidney
- decrease initial dose
- increased sensitivity
- (not 1st choice of drugs) (BLUE ON PPT)
Etomidate renal implications?
- Highly metabolized to pharmacologically inactive compounds
- <3% of administered dose found unchanged in urine
- shorter elimination half life than thipental
- inhibits 11-b-hydroxylase–> last conversion to cortisl
- NO change in dosing for renal disease
- Green on ppt
Ketamine renal implications?
- Biotransformed in the liver
- Norketamine is active metabolite (1/5 to 1/3 as potent)
- may contribute to prolonged effects
- <4% unchanged in urine
- NO change in intiial dosing
May need to reduce subsequent dosing and infusion rate
- good renal overall!
- Green on ppt- good to give
Propofol renal implications?
- Clearance exceeds hepatic blood flow (extra hepatic sites)
- metabolites excreted in urine
- renal dysfunction does not alter clearance
NO change in dosing
- however, vasodilator so need to watch BP
- Green on ppt
Dexmedetomidine renal implications?
- Sedation and anxiolysis
- extensive hepatic metabolism (methyl and glucuronide)
- extensive renal excretion of metabolites
- active metabolites
- reduce dosage in patients with renal insufficiency
- d/t sedation
- Blue on ppt!
Midazolam renal implications?
- Eliminiation 1/2 time, Vd, and clearance not altered
- NOchange in bolus dosing; may need to decrease infusion
- metabolite 1-hydroxymidazolam is about 1/2 as potent as midazolam
- rapidly conjugated to 1-hydroxymidazolam glucuronide and cleared by kidney
- may accumulate in kidney failure
- Blue on ppt!
Diazepam renal implications?
- Highly lipid soluble and extensively protein bound- altered PB, more free drug in renal)
- renal insufficiency is associated with increased plasma concentrations
- multiple active metabolites
- use with caution in renal failure patients
- prolonged respiratory depression
Methoxyflurane renal implications?
- extensive metabolism- 70% to inorganic fluroid
- avoid in renal failure patients
- fluoride-induced nephrotoxicity
- polyuria, hypernatremia, hyperosmolarity, increased plasma cretine, and inability to concentrate urine
- <40 umol/L- below toxicity
- 50-80 umol/L- subclinical toxicity
- >80umol/L- clinical toxicity
- >50 umol/L as indicator of toxicity
- peak values alone not enough for dx of renal problems
Halothane renal implications?
- Decreased RBF, GFR, UOP r/t decrease in BP
- 20% metabolized with metabolites renally excreted
- trifluroacetic acid and bromide
Enflurane renal implications?
- Decreased RBF, GFR, and UOP r/t decrease in BP
- 2-5% metabolized with metabolites renally excreted
- fluoride ions
- renal failure following enflurane has been reported
- genetics?
Isoflurane renal implications?
- Decrease RBF, GFR, UOP
- Metabolized to trifluoroacetic acid
- prolonged sedation >24 hours have fluoride ions 15-50 umol/L
- no renal impairment!
Desflurane renal implications?
- Decreases RBF, GFR, and UOP
- minimal metabolism
- no evidence of nephrotoxic effects
no renal impairment
Sevoflurane renal implications?
- 3-5% biodegradation
- inorganic fluroide ions
- F ions the same or higher than enflurane
- can be >50 umol/L
- increased NAG (B-N-acetylglucosaminidase)
- indicator of acute proximal renal tubular injury
- BUN and plasma creatinine did not change
- humans have much more NAG than rats, no damage from sevo in humans
- CO2 absorbers
- base -catalyzed degradation
- vinyl ether compound called compound A
- renal PCT injury in rates
- barium hydroxide>soda lime
No renal failure notes in low flow or clsoed circuit anesthesia
- most still practice >2 L flow
Morphine renal implications?
Renal metabolism makes significant contributions morphine metabolism
- no differencein clearance rates even in pt with cirrhosis
- M6G (active/75-85%) and M3G (inactive 5-10%)
- 1-2 % unchanged in urine
- about 90% excreted by kidneys with the rest via biliary excretion
accumulation of metabolites may occur in patients with renal failure
- prolonged respiratory depression > 7 days reported
Meperidine renal implications?
- Hepatic metabolism to normeperidine
- urinary excretion is principal eliminiation route
- is pH dependent
- acidification of urine may speed eliminiation
- 1/2 life is about 15 hours, up to 35 hours in patients with renal failure
- normeperidine produces CNS stimulation and toxicity can manifest as myoclonus and seizures
- in patients receiving meperidine for >3 days- delirium may be observed
- espeically in the elderly
Fentanyl renal implications?
all safe renal!!– GREEN ON PPT!
- metabolized to norfentanyl (minimally active)
- <10% excreted unchanged in urine
- detected for 72 hours
- prolonged respiratory depression in chronic renal failure patients
- <1% unchanged
- n-dealkylation metabolites are considered active
- maximal renal tubular reabsorption of free drug(why?)
- metabolites excreted equally between renal/biliary
- prolonged respiratory depression in chronic renal failure patients
Alfentanil? Remifentanil renal implications?
- Eliminations 1/2 time and plasma clearance not altered
- protein binding is reduced and free drug increases
- <1% excreted unchange
- with renal failure
- no changes in PK and PD
- In patients on HD
- reduced clearance and prolonged elimination 1/2l life
- lower infusion rate required
Hydromorphone renal implications?
- Hepatic metabolite- hydromorphone 3-gluconoride (inactive)
- potential to accumulate in renal failure- neurotoxic (more theoretical than clinical implications)
- <1% free hydromorphone excreted in urine
- caution in renal failure patients
- Blue on ppt!
Methadone renal implications?
- Metabolite pyrrolidine (inactive)
- 20-50% excreed as methadone
- 10-45% in feces
- safe to use
- gree on ppt!
Oxycodone renal implications?
- Metabolites noroxycodone (inactive) and oxymorphone (active)
- prolonged from 2.3 hours- 3.9 hours in patients with renal failure
reduce dose and increase interval
- blue on ppt!
Hydrocodone renal implications?
- metabolizes to hydromorphone
- hydromorphone 3 glucuronide (neurotoxic)
- decreased clearance in patients with renal disease
- reduce dose and increase interval
- blue on ppt!
Succinylcholine renal implications?
- Hyperkalemia
- 0.5-1 mEq/dL increase in potassium
- renal failure patients are no more susceptible to exaggerated response to succinylcholine than normal patients
- infusion problematic
- succinylmonocholine (metabolite)
- weaker NMB with longer DOA
- succinylmonocholine (metabolite)
- Green on ppt!
Mivacurium renal implications?
- Metabolized by butyrlcholinesterase
- longer DOA and slower rate of recovery in patients with CKD
- Induction dose OK
- DOA may be increase in 10-15 min
- Green on ppt!