Renal Flashcards
Causes of pre-renal AKI
hypovolaemia - D&V
Renal artery stenosis
Causes of intrinsic AKI
Acute tubular necrosis
Tumour lysis syndrome
Causes of post-renal AKI
Kidney stone
External ureter compression
Diagnosis of AKI
rise in creatinine >= 26 in 48hrs
rise in creatinine >=50% in 7 days
fall in urine OP <= 0.5mls/kg/hr
US KUB if ?cause
Common causes CKD
diabetic nephropathy
chronic glomerulonephritis
chronic pyelonephritis
GFR equating to CKD
1 > 90
2 60-90
3a 45-59
3b 30-44
4 15-29
5 <15
Use of ACR
detects proteinuria
first pass morning sample
>3 = clinically signifcant
management of proteinuria in CKD
ACE inhibs (increase Cr 30% and decrease GFR 25% acceptable)
Causes of anaemia in CKD
low erythropoietin
low iron
Anorexia/nausea due to uraemia
Management of anaemia in CKD
erythropoiesis stimulating agents
PO iron (IV if not improved in 3 months)
What causes bone disease in CKD
Low vit D and high phosphate cause low Ca
Above causes secondary hyperparathyroidism
Clinical manifestations of bone disease in CKD
Osteitis fibrosa cystica
Management of bone disease in CKD
reduce dietary phosphate
Phosphate binders (Sevelamer)
Vit D
Complications of AV fistulas
Steal syndrome
Time for AV fistula to develop
6-8 weeks
Symptoms of BPH
Voiding: weak flow, straining, hesitancy, terminal dribbling, incomplete emptying
Storage: urgency, frequency, nocturia
Scoring for BPH
International Prostate Symptom Score
<7 : mild
8-10: mod
>20: severe
Management of BPH
alpha 1 antagonists e.g. tamsulosin, alfuzosin
5 Alpha reductase inhibitors e.g finasteride
MOA alpha 1 antagonists
tamsulosin, alfuzosin
decrease smooth muscle tone in prostate and bladder
SE alpha 1 antagonists
dizziness, postural hypotension, dry mouth
MOA 5 alpha reductase inhibs
block conversion of testosterone to DHT which induces BPH
reduces size of prostate, can take 6 months to see effects
SE 5 alpha reductase inhibs
erectile dysfunction, decreased libido, ejaculation issues, gynaecomastia
Pathophysiology of PKD
cysts form, reduce function + compress other nephrons
initial compensation but when disease progresses GFR drops
Types of PKD
Autosomal dominant
PKD 1: polycystin 1 Ch 16
PKD 2: polycystin 2 Ch 4
Autosomal recessive
PKHD1: fibrocystin Ch 6
Presentation of PKD
haematuria, polyuria
abdo/flank pain
renal stones
Extra renal manifestations of PKD
liver cysts
Berry aneurysm
mitral valve prolapse
Diagnosis of PKD
US abdo
<30 yo 2 cysts
30-59 yo 2 cysts bilaterally
>60 yo 4 cysts bilaterally