Renaissance Flash Cards
From 1300 to 1600, Western Europe experienced a “rebirth” in trade, learning, & Greco-Roman ideas
The Crusades
increased European demand for luxury goods from Asia
The most important Italian city , where wealth from trade sparked the Renaissance
A new middle class of bankers
During the war, nationalism increased as people became loyal to their king & nation, rather than their lord
Hundred Years War
From 1337 to 1453, England & France began a conflict
The discovery of Chinese gunpowder led to the development which helped armies penetrate castles
Long Bow
The invention allowed soldiers to shoot accurately up to 300 yards which decreased the importance of knights on horseback
leader of the church
Catholic Church
was the dominant religion in Western Europe during the Middle Ages
Bubonic Plague
In 1347, a trade ship arrived in Italy carrying plague-infested rat,
The plague killed 25 million people in 5 years (1/3 of Europe’s population)
During the Renaissance, people had more options than ever before which led to a belief that people can accomplish anything
Renaissance Man
The “ideal man” was well educated, smart, can dance, write poetry, & play music;
they traded luxury goods like silk, cotton, sugar, and spices