renaissance, baroque and classical era Flashcards
what is an alberti bass?
accompaniment of broken chords, low note, high note, middle note, high note
what is an aria
a solo song in opera which allows the soloist to show off
what is a basso continuo?
a form of accompaniment meaning continuous bass
what is chamber music
music to be played in a small room by a string quartet
what is classical
era from 1750-1810, orchestra consists of PIANO, flutes, oboes, clarinets, bassoons, horns, trumpets, kettle drums, strings
what is compound time
what is concertino
the small group of instruments within a concerto grosso
what is a concerto
what is a concerto grosso
a large scale baroque work
what is con sordino
a muted trumpet
what is a counter melody
what is a countertenor
a male voice that is higher than a tenors
what is a crescendo
the music gets louder
what is a Da Capo Aria
an aria in ternary form (ABA) most commonly sung by a soloist in an oratorio or opera when s section returns its fancy
what is a ground bass
A repeated phrase in the bass using long notes
what is imitation
what is an interrupted cadence
in a major key, chord 6 is minor
what is a mass
a large scale religious work using words and phrases in Latin such as Agnus dei, Kyrie eleison, sanctus and Benedictus, credo and gloria
what is a mode
this term describes music based on a mode - a type of early scale used before major and minor keys were introduced
what is opera
what is a passacaglia
3 beats in a bar usually a set of variations over a ground bass
what is a plainchant
a religious group singing in unison. It is sung in Latin, acapella, male voices, legato
what is a rallentando
what is a recitative
A type of vocal writing where the music follows the rhythm of speech, ‘recite’
what is a ripieno
the rest of an orchestra in a concerto grosso ( often strings)
what is a sequence
what is simple time
3/4 & 4/4
what is a solo
what is a string quartet
2 violins, 1 viola, 1 cello
what is syllabic word setting
each syllable gets a note
what is a symphony
no solo instruments
what is a tierce de picardie
when the final chord of a minor piece is played in a major key
what is a tremolando
rapid up and down movement of a bow on a stringed instrument, trill is two different notes & tremolando is 1 note
what is a trill
rapid movement between 2 notes
what is vamp
chord note
irregular time
not 3/4 or 4/4
what is arco
using a bow
what is augmentation?
notes are played at double length making them slower
what is diminution
notes are played at half the length making it faster
what is a cadenza?
A soloist shows off in a concerto
what is a chromatic scale?
moves in semitones, you hear every note as it moves- jaws
parts moving together
flutter tounging