Renaissance Flashcards
When did the British Renaissance era start and end?
Which languages return during the renaissance?
Greek and Latin
Who were patrons of artists and the sciences?
What were three Renaissance ideas?
- Humans are capable perfection
- Humans have free will.
- Humans face potential degradation if not careful.
Who wrote the Praise of Folly, taught Greek at Cambridge, and the speculative treatise, Utopia?
During the Renaissance Reformation, government moved away from “_______” and toward _______.
divine right of kings; democracy
What is the word for religious but were fed up with the Catholic church? (eg. Puritans, Baptists, Presbyterians)
Who created the royal navy?
Henry VIII
What did the Royal Navy do?
- Stop invasions of England
- Spread English language and literature around the globe
What did Elizabeth I do for the church?
- Denounced the pope
- re-established the church of England
Who came against Elizabeth I in the Spanish Armada?
Mary Stuart (her Catholic cousin) and King Philip of Spain
When Elizabeth became a symbol of prosperity and peace, what names was she represented as in literature? (5 different titles)
Gloriana, Diana, Cynthia, the Faerie Queene, the Virgin Queene
What form of writing was inspired by Petrarch and influenced Spenser and Shakespeare?
Who brought sonnets to England?
Wyatt and Surrey
Which type of writing portrayed the leisure classes as simple country dwellers and elevated nature and country pleasures?
What is an example of a pastoral?
“A passionate shepherd to his love” by
What is epiTHALAMIA?
wedding poems
poems either praising or making fun of real or fictitious people
poems about dead people
What are the two types of songs?
- airs (solos)
- Madrigals (part songs for group singing)
What are poems that tell a story?
Long narrative poems with national heroes, supernatural beings, and concern with good vs. evil
epic poems
an elaborate, unusual, extended metaphor
- ex: describing heaven as a cage
plays based on the bible and lives of the saints used to encourage religious devotion
miracle and mystery plays
Playwrights who were university educated
Marlowe, Green, Lyly
Renaissance dramatists with no university education
Shakespeare, Jonson, Kyd
stories to encourage moral behavior and advise on how to live and die
morality plays
One act plays between longer, more somber plays. (Some moral, some rowdy and farcical)
argumentative works about religious controversies, travel, exploration and discovery
Renaissance prose
Who’s rule started the decline of the Renaissance?
James VI of Scotland (Elizabeth’s cousin) who becomes James I of England
Who takes over at James I’s death and is beheaded shortly after he starts ruling?
Charles I
What kind of ruler was James I of England?
Benevolent, peaceful ruler who overspent and didn’t negotiate troubles between constituents well