Remedies for Final Flashcards
Aconitum napellus
Miasm: Acute (sudden onset)
Fear: Death
Key notes: Eye inflammation, ailments from shock, dry cough, anxiety and restlessness
Antimonium tartaricum
Miasm: Tubercular
Keynotes: weakness with cough (rattling cough -> sleepiness, yawning, gasping), suffocative breathing
Arnica montana
Miasm: Acute
Affinity: Head injuries, injuries to soft spots
Keynotes: Too sensitive -> fears being touched, bruises and fevers after injury, loss of memory after injury
Symphytum officinale
- Tissues: bones (periosteum), eyes
- Keynotes: slow recovery, lingering pains/neuralgias after injury, silent suffering
Acute Miasm
- Sudden, intense danger
- Do or die
- Violent reaction or helplessness
- Survival or death
Typhoid Miasm
- “if only this happens, things will be ok”
- Risk, urgency, but can be overcome if only…
- Intense, urgent effort
Psoric Miasm
- Weakness
- Must fill up
Malarial Miasm
- Limited power and stuck, dependent
- Occasional flare-ups or attacks
- Periodicity, paroxysmal, intermittency
Ringworm Miasm
- Alternating trying and giving up
- Slow-progression: there is hope if put effort in, but task is difficult to overcome, so may give up
Sycotic Miasm
- There is a fixed weakness that must be hidden
- Hiding from others, must accept self
Cancer Miasm
- Must keep control or things will rapidly become bad
- Must put forth super-human effort to maintain control
- Fastidiousness, perfectionism
Tubercular Miasm
- Time is short
- Hectic, intense activity; wants freedom, change
- Suffocation, trapped, oppressed, closed in
- Defiant
Leprosy Miasm
- Isolated, shunned, doomed
- Despised, dirty, disgusting
- No hopes of succeeding -> gives up
Syphilitic Miasm
- Situation/tasks beyond salvage, unpardonable
- Impossible, despair, devastation
- NO hope, great desperation
Arsenicum album
-Miasm: Acute