Remedies Flashcards
Learning for Test I (June 2017)
Abbr. Acon CN: Wolfsbane, Monks- Cape Family: Ranunculaceae Kingdom: Plant Keynotes: Sudden ailments; Panic attacks Sudden onset of Cold/Flu/Cough/Sore Throat Fever with restlessness Nervousness, anxious, impatience Sleeplessness Sensitive to noise and light Good first ate remedy: state of shock and panic attacks Severe pain Moodiness /bi-polar
Abbr. All-c CN: Red Onion Family: Alliaceae Kingdom: Plant Keynotes: COMMON COLD Coryza: runny nose (clear discharge), watery eyes Laryngitis Eye and ear pain Hay fever Rattling, wet cough (mucus) Earache in children Worse in the evening Worse in warm, stuffy rooms
Abbr. Ambr CN: Ambergris Family: Pyseteridae Kingdom: Animal / Mamal Theme: Sea Animal KEYNOTES: NERVOUS AND HYPER-SENSITIVE Self conscious and very shy: think people are laughing at him Desire to be alone, easily embarrassed Can only pass stool and urine in private Slow learner (needs to read everything 3-4 times) Sadness, irritable >worse from talking Worse from music (weeping) Spasmodic barking cough, hawking up mucus Food gets stuck in throat (esophagus)
Abbr. Anac CN: Marking Nut Family: Anacardiaceae Kingdom: Plant KEYNOTES: LOW SELF ESTEEM Bipolar Disorder Conflict of mind - can’t decide Depression & Suicidal Thoughts “I’m not good enough” Tourette Syndrome Tendon Injuries High performance pressure by parents Stomach Ulcer / Gastritis, better from eating
Abbr. Apil CN: Honey Bee Family: Apidae Kingdom: Animal / Insect KEYNOTES: SWELLING Edemas - swollen skin or body parts Allergic skin reaction Burning, stinging sensation (like a bee) Better from cold Ovarian cysts, inflammation of kidneys (nephritis) Dominant mother Very close to family and friends (think bee hive) Clumsy: drops and breaks things repeatedly
Abbr. Arg-n CN: Silver Nitrate Family: Row 5, Col. 11 Kingdom: Mineral KEYNOTES: FEARS, ANXIETY, PERFORMANCE Hurried, anxious personality, OCD Jump from one subject to next Impulse to jump off the bridge Performance and success driven Stage fright GI tract: feeling of expansion in stomach area (gas) Chronic laryngitis Coughing from high pitched tones Better from cold air
Abbr. Arn CN: Leopard’s mane Family: Compositae Kingdom: Plant Theme: First Aid KEYNOTES: HEMORRHAGES / BRUISES/ SWELLING OF WOUNDS #1 First Aid remedy! Good for bruises, swelling, falls, accidents, open wounds (stops bleeding) Fall on tailbone State of shock caused by an accident (“I’m fine!”) Wants to be left alone Before and after surgeries (to reduce swelling and bleeding) Feels that bed is too hard, needs to turn a lot
Abbr. Ars CN: White Oxide of Arsenic Family: Row 4 / Col. 15 Kingdom: Mineral Keynotes: MENTAL: OCD, ANXIETY, PRECISION Restless and anxious Precision, can’t have chaos Periodic symptoms Possessive, demands attention Fear of death Great thirst for cold Worse at night 1 am - 3 am GI tract, diarrhea, food poisoning Finances important to them
Abbr. Bell CN: Deadly Nightshade Family: Solanaceae Kingdom: Plant KEYNOTES: FEVER AND INFLAMMATION Sudden onset of flu symptoms Strep throat, otitis, tonsillitis, fever (children!) Throbbing headache with red, hot head Fever with flushed head but cold hands and feet Strawberry tongue Scarlet Fever Tickly cough, whooping cough Sensitive to touch, light, noise
Abbr. Bell-P CN: Daisy Family: Compositae Kingdom: Plant Keynotes: First Aid: Joints and Veins Sprains Gout Rheumatic pains Accelerates healing after surgeries Good for painful menstruations Personalities: 2 opposites: detached / slow/dreamy but also alert and present
Abbr. Bry CN: Wild Hops Family: Cucurbitaceae Kingdom: Plant KEYNOTES: DRYNESS AND BUSINESS-LIKE Dry mucus membranes (influenza) Constipation, hard stool, burning sensation Mastitis, milk dries up Liver inflammation Needs cool air and lots of cold drinks/ water Business-like, all about work Irritable, angry, worse when not working Needs financial security - fear of poverty
Abbr. Calc CN: Lime from Oyster Shells Family: Molluscs. Row 4 / Col. 2 Kingdom: Molluscs / Mineral KEYNOTES: SLOW, COLD, SLUGGISH Hide inside their shell Need security, very shy Like their routine Obese (children), big abdomen Slow learner, observer Timid, don’t like violence Cradle cap (anti-psoric remedy) Sour discharges, wet pillow (children) weak immune system Feels better when constipated
Abbr. Calen CN: Pot Marigold Family: Compositae Kingdom: Plant Theme: First Aid KEYNOTES: WOUNDS Anti-septic, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbal Good for open wounds - stops the bleeding Used conventionally for dry and cracked skin Used after childbirth (for tear of the vagina) Good for ulcers and heartburn if taken internally (dilluted)
Abbr. Cham CN: Chamomile Family: Compositae Kingdom: Plant Keynotes: PAIN Intolerable pain Irritable Dentition / tooth ache Children: colic and teething (inconsolable) Children: cry constantly, nothing pleases them Very thirsty Antidote to narcotics
Abbr. Chin CN: Peruvian Bark Family: Rubiaceae Kingdom: Plant Keynotes: Severe Diarrhea, Vomiting Loss of fluids (excessive), e.g. diarrhea, vomiting, sweat Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Fever, chills - periodically like Malaria Hemorrhages, worse when touched Exhaustion, fatigue Crazy, heroic dreams Moodiness ‘Bratty-behavior’ (teenagers and children
Abbr. Eup-per CN: Boneset Family: Compositae Kingdom: Plant Keynotes: Influenza with Fever and Achy Bones Throbbing headache Pain in bones and muscle soreness Sensitive to food and smell, with nausea Malaria Pressure behind Eyeballs Back ache Thirst for cold drinks Better in fetal position or sitting with drawn knees
Abbr. Ferr Common Name: Iron Family: Row 4, Col. 8 Kingdom: Mineral Keynotes: Hyperactive overachievers Hard on the outside, but hypersensitive inside Achiever, need to prove others Stubborn and strong-minded Anger (like children) Not nice to people close to them Sensitive to light and sound Were often beaten in childhood Selfish / narcissistic Bed wetting Don’t like the sound of rattling paper Pale lips, bad circulation