REMEDIES Flashcards
Explain what nominal damages are.
- minimal damages are award due to no significant compensatory loss
- the C’s concern may not be to receive compensation and may just be to establish legal rights
What do remedies in tort aim to do?
- try to bring C back into position they would’ve been had the negligence not occurred
What is the duty to mitigate loss?
- ## C must try to reduce their losses as much as possible
What is the one action rule?
- court must only award a single lump of money to cover both general and special damages
What is the difference between general and special damages?
general are damages that cant be calculated precisely and are left to the court to determine:
- future losses of earning
- and future costs of care
- loss of amenity (pain and suffering)
special are precisely calculable figure of the loss:
- past loss of earnings (until date of trial)
- past cost of care
- property damage
- medical expenses or other expenses due to injury
Explain what non pecuniary losses are and how they differ to pecuniary losses.
- pecuniary losses can be calculated using a mathematical calculation
- non pecuniary losses are not capable of this
What is loss of amenity? Authority?
- term for explaining how the effects of the injury on C’s enjoyment of life
- C who was very active prior to injury would be compensated more
- objective test ( West v Shephard)
- will be able to recover whether conscious or not
What qualifies as pain and suffering?
- pain and suffering that C has incurred as a result of injury
- can include knowing that your life expectancy has been shortened by accident (Administration of Justice Act 1982 s1)
- the case of Wise v Kaye establishes a subjective test for awarding a sum for this head of damage. This means that the claimant must be aware of the injuries to be able to claim for pain and suffering. If a claimant was unconscious they would not recover damages for pain and suffering for that period because they would not be aware of it and would fail the subjective test.
How is the amount that a claimant can be rewarded for non pecuniary losses be quantified?
- the Judicial College publishes a set of guideline figures for awarding damages for personal injuries
- they record the levels of damages that are being awarded by courts
- Kemp and Kemp on Damages incudes many cases on where damages have been awarded
What questions need to be asked to see if pecuniary losses arise?
- Was the client absent from work as a result of the accident?
- Did they lose wages/ receive any sick pay?
- Are they still off work?
- How long do they expect to be off work? (You would need medical evidence in support of this.)
- Did they incur any medical expenses? For example, the cost of private treatment, prescription charges.
- Did they incur any other expenses? For example, extra travel costs, costs of nursing care, costs of special equipment.
- For how long will those medical and other expenses continue? (Again, you would need medical evidence here too.)
Detail the s 2(4) of the Law Reform (Personal Injuries) Act 1948.
- that C cannot be found to have failed to mitigate their loss by pursing private treatment as opposed to the free NHS
How are loss of earnings pre trial calculated?
- straightforward calculation
- find net earnings after deducting NI contributions and tax
- include any regularly earned bonuses and perks of job e.g company car
How are loss of earnings post trial calculated?
Multiply the multiplicand with the multiplier
- find gross annual loss
- was there a promotion that was likely to happen?
- court will take this into account
- from this, court will deduct tax, NI and pension contributions
- this is the multiplicand
- this is how long C will lose this money
- if C is expected to return to work, then this will be smaller number
- C should not end up in better position than they were before
- the multiplier is reduced to account for interest they will earn as a result of putting large sum into bank
- they do this by using Ogden tables where you take C’s age and rate of interest into account
What are the ‘lost years’?
- this is when the injury reduces the life expectancy of C
- the question is whether C can claim remedies for those years that they are now going to be dead for
- they can because they are like to have dependants
Pickett v British Rail Engineering
- it established that claimants whose life expectancy had been shortened by the incident could recover loss of future earnings for lost years
- risk with this method is that they will be over- compensated because if C were working normally, they would spend part of their earnings on themselves (for food, clothing, etc).
- only balance of their earnings would be left over to support their family.
- so, when we calculate the loss of earnings figure for the period after the claimant is expected to die, we need to deduct the amount which the claimant would have spent on themselves
- that deduction is generally set at 25% for a person married with dependent children, and at 33% for those with no dependants.
Note: only relevant to make this deduction where your client’s life expectancy has been reduced so that they are expected to die during the period for which you are calculating damages.