remedies Flashcards
aim of civil law
protect rights of individuals
fairness in the civil justice system
> full details of claim
right to be advised and represented
methods of dispute res -> resolve themselves + others x decide for them
tribunals x high $
strict rules apply to evidence + procedure of trial
Equality in the civil justice system
> equal b4 the law -> equal access w/o barriers -> x discrim on characteristics e.g race/gender/culture/status
access in the civil justice system
> existence of dispute res methods
exist of complaint bodies -> guide
specialised efficient + effective tribunals
indiv courts -> jurisdictions
indep 3rd party assist parties to discuss dispute + determine mutually acceptable resolution b/w themselves
mediator = trained for role + x suggest/advise
lawyers can be present
decision = x binding unless ‘deed of settlement’
process of mediation
1) introduce
2) both parties tell sides of dispute + ID issues
3) mediator list main point
4) parties listen to eachother, discuss, ask q’s
5) mediator meet each party privately + discuss solutions
6) all meet to negotiate + discuss options
7) agreement written by mediator
8) closing statement -> mediator congratulate both for resolve
indep 3rd party assist + offer suggest/advice
lawyers can be present
x legally bind
impartial 3rd party listen to both parties + help reach agree -> 3rd party decide -> legally binding
lawyers = often present
judicial determination
resolve via courts -> present case b4 indep + impartial 3rd party -> legally bound
last resort b/c expensive + time consuming
mediation strengths
> cheap
win-win solutions
informal atmosphere -> increase compromise
maintain relationship
purpose of remedies
restore the infringed party who has suffered a loss or injury to the pos.n the party was in b4 loss occurred
types of remedies
an amount of money to be paid to the infringed party to compensate for losses suffered
types of remedies
a court order to force a party to complete, or stop, an action in an attempt to rectify the situation that has arisen
compensatory damages
monetary compensation to plaintiff for loss/injury
specific damages: compensate the plaintiff for items that can be calculated exactly
general damages: compensate for pain and suffering. x calc exactly. Plaintiff’s counsel will make submissions to estimate approp amount
aggravated damages: compensate for humiliation + insult
nominal damages
small amount of damages awarded by court to plaintiff
in cases where defend = infringe rights of P + P suffered actual loss
exemplary damages
awarded if defendants actions = negligent/abhorrent that court wish to deter others from similar + show disapproval of actions
punish + deter
contemptuous damages
if infringement of rights but court expresses disapproval of plaintiffs legal actions
contempt by court may be bc infringe = minor + x moral right to damages
‘interlocutory’ = short term
perpetual = long term
mandatory = compel an action
restrictive = prevent an action