remedial 1 condensed Flashcards
what is the rhomboid major origin? insertion? and action?
ORIGIN: spinous processors of t2 to t5
INSERTION: medial border of the scapular below the spine of scapular
ACTION: it steadies the scapular, moves the scapular (inferior angle) inwards and upwards
what are the rhomboids major and minor
muscles of the posterior thorax that act on the pectorial girdle
what are the trapiezius muscles?
answer 3 things
-muscles of the posterior thorax that act on the pectorial girdle
-a flat triangular muscle covering the upper back, neck and shoulders
-3 sections upper, middle and lower depending on changing muscle fibre directions
what is the origin, insertion and action of the trapezius muscle?
ORIGIN: occipital bone,
logamentum nuchae,
spinous processors t1 to t12.
INSERTION: the lateral third of the clavicle, acromian and scapular spine of scapular
ACTION: elevation and depression of scapular
rotation and retraction of scapular
extends the neck and stabilised the shoulder
what are erector spinea?
not just 1 mucle but a group of three that run the entire length of the spine
from sacrum to skull
they cross all three areas cervical, thoratic and lumbar
1. iliocostal 2. longissimus 3. spinalis
spinalis origin, insertion and action?
ORIGIN: spinous processors of first 2 lumbar and last 2 thoractic vertebrae
INSERTION: spinous processors of the upper thoratic vertebrae varying between t4 to t8
ACTION: extends the head
iliocostalis origin, insertion and action?
ORIGIN: many and varied
INSERTION: many and varied
ACTION: extends and laterally flexes the spine
aids in rotation of the spine
longissimum origin, insertion and action?
ORIGIN: many and varied
INSERTION: many and varied
ACTION: -extends and laterally flexes the spine
-aids in compression of ribs
-extends and unilaterally bends and turns head to the same side
what is the levator scapulae?
- situated in the back side of the neck
- its a posterior muscle of the thorax and acts on the pectorial girdle
levator scapular origin, insertion and action?
ORIGIN: transverse processors c1 to c4
INSERTION: superior (UPPER) angle medial border of the scapular
ACTION: elevates the scapular medially and upward (shrugging motion)
-bends neck ear to shoulder
what is the supraspinatus
a rotator cuff muscle located at the back of the shoulder
supraspinatus origin, insertion and action?
ORIGIN: all of the supraspinatus fossa (concave surface at the top of the scapular)
INSERTION: greater tubercal of the hummerous (long bone of the arm)
ACTION: assists the deltaoid in abducting (lifting) the arm
gluteous maximum origin? insertion? and action?
- posterial gluteal line of the ilium
- posterial surface (lower) part of the sacrum and coccxy
-sacrotuberous ligament
-iliotibial tract
-greater tronchater of the femur
-abducts lifts and extends the leg
-laterally rotates the hip
piriformis origin? insertion? and action?
-from surface of the sacrum s1 s2 s3 s4
-and the anterior (towards from) sacral foramina
-insertion into the upper border of the greater tronchater
-lateral rotator of the hip
-also aids in hip abduction and extension
Gluteous medius origin? insertion? and action?
the gluteal surface of the ilium between the superior and middle gluteal lines
the lateral (outer) surface of the greater tronchater of the femur
-abducts (lifts) the thigh
-anterior (front) portion rotates internally
-posterior (back) portion rotates externally
what is the infraspinatus? what is its origin? insertion? and action?
it is a thick triangular shaped muscle of the shoulder girdles rotator cuff
origin: infraspinatus fossa on the posterial of the scapula
insertion: greater tubercal of the humerus
action: it laterally rotates the limb and stabalises the glenohumeral joint
what is the latissmus dorsi? origin? insertion? and action?
it is one of the posterial shoulder joint muscles, a flat triangular muscle covering the lumbar and lower thoratic region.
origin: spinous processors t7 - t12,
L1-L5, crest of the sacrum and iliac crest and ribs 9 to 12
insertion: intertubercular of hummerus
action: hummerous medial rotation, abduction, extention and respiration
what is the teres major? its origin? insertion? and action?
it is one of the muscles of the posterial shoulder joint.
origin: inferior angle (bottom angle) of the scapular
insertion: intertubercular groove of the hummerus
action: extension, abduction and medial rotation of the hummerus