Remaing questions Flashcards
What is the minimum size for anchor bolts
a) 1/4 inch
b) 1/2 inch
c) 3/4 inch
d) 1 inch
1/2 inch
What would you use a reglet and counterflashing together
a) at the intersection of a parapet wall and roof
b) at the edge of the eaves line
c) between the shingles
d) on the ridge of the roof
at the intersection of a parapet wall and roof
What is an anti-siphoning device often used for
a) to stop waste water from entering potable water supply
b) to stop sewer from entering the home
c) 0to prevent water theft
d) to prevent drafts around doors and windows
to stop waste water from entering potable water supply
What is the minimum grade lumber you may use when framing a house
a) type S
b) No 1
c) No 2
d) No 3
No 3
What are the purple pipes used for in irrigation
a) drip irrigation
b) subsoil irrigation
c) hose connectors
d) pop-up sprinklers
subsoil irrigation
What do you need to do when you are working on a street and must temporarily close the road
a) post signs properly
b) have flaggers ready
c) use a flashing arrow sign
d) set up a crash cushion
post signs properly
use flaggers if necessary
What should you do if a truss is damaged after it is installed
a) put a metal bracket over the break
b) reinforce the ceiling
c) tell the inspector
d) tell the engineer or architect of record
tell the engineer or architect of record
they will need to recalculate the load
What is the minimum plank width for a ladder-jack scaffold
a) 14 inches
b) 16 inches
c) 18 inches
d) 20 inches
14 inches
Who does not have to keep Cal/OSHA records of injuries and illnesses
a) employers with 10 or fewer employees
b) employers with 20 of fewer employees
c) a family owned and operated enterprise
d) labor unions
employers with 10 or fewer employees
Extension ladders must overlap at least ____ of the working length
a) 1%
b) 5%
c) 10%
d) 20%
Landing platforms must be provided every ___ if a worker must climb a height greater than 20 ft on a ladder
a) 10 ft
b) 20 ft
c) 30 ft
d) 40 ft
20 ft
A flagger should stand within ____ of the work area with a _____ flag
a) 50 ft, 12 inch
b) 50 ft, 18 inch
c) 75 ft, 12 inch
d) 100 ft, 18 inch
100 ft, 18inch
Which safety method is not approved by Cal/OSHA on a 5:12 monolithic roof 25 ft high
a) ropes
b) handrails
c) warning lines and headers
d) eave barriers
warning lines and headers
Intervals (spans) between roof jacks must not be more than
a) 5 ft
b) 10 ft
c) 15 ft
d) 20 ft
10 ft
If a worker can fall 7 1/2 ft or more, CAL/OSHA requires
a) railing
b) periphery cables
c) safety belts or nets
d) all of the above
all of the above
Cal/OSHA would approve of the following practice on a 4:12 roof
a) using mastic can to carry hot tar
b) carrying a bucket of hot tar up a ladder
c) filling a bucket with hot tar to the lip
d) carrying two buckets at once on the roof
carrying two buckets at once on the roof
ladder rungs must be spaced ____ apart and be _____ long
a) 11 inches, 11 inches
b) 11 1/2 inches, 11 1/2 inches
c) 12 inches, 11 1/2 inches
d) 12 inches, 12 inches
12 inches, 11 1/2 inches
when an automatic backup device is used, it must normally be audible from a distance of
a) 50 ft
b) 100 ft
c) 200 ft
d) 300 ft
200 ft
Platforms or floors of suspended (swing) scaffolds must be from from knots or fractures impairing their strength and must not be less than ___ wide
a) 14 inches
b) 16 inches
c) 18 inches
d) 20 inches
14 inches
The maximum permitted height for a ladder jack scaffold is
a) 8 ft
b) 10 ft
c) 12 ft
d) 16 ft
16 ft
the minimum width of platform for light trades is
a) 18 inches
b) 20 inches
c) 24 inches
d) 36 inches
20 inches
the minimum width of platform for heavy trades such as bricklayers, stonemasonry, stonecutting etc
a) 3 ft
b) 4 ft
c) 5 ft
d) 6 ft
4 ft
In a 5 ft deep trenfh, you must space ladders no more than _____ apart to enable workers to get out in an emergency
a) 50 ft
b) 100 ft
c) 150 ft
d) 200 ft
50 ft
The safety valve of a portable air compressor should be popped at least
a) daily
b) weekly
c) biweekly
d) monthly
When operating a forklift, carry the forks
a) as high as possible
b) as low as possible
c) titled away from operator
d) mid-level
as low as possible
How often should boom-angle indicator on a crane be inspected by the operator
a) every day
c) every week
c) every month
d) every year
every day
Mobile cranes with boom over 200 ft or with a capacity greater than ____ require a load indicating device
a) 10 tons
b) 25 tons
c) 40 tons
d) 50 tons
50 tons
Cranes with a boom longer than 60 ft or with rating greater than ___ require a book angle indicator
a) 5 tons
b) 10 tons
c) 15 tons
d) 20 tons
15 tons
Every crane, derrick, or cableway exceeding 3 tons capacity must be certified every ____ by a qualified person
a) day
b) 3 month
c) 6 month
d) year
It is unsafe to use a step ladder taller than
a) 10 ft
b) 15 ft
c) 20 ft
d) 25 ft
20 ft
Do not stand on top ____ rungs of a ladder without a safety belt
a) 4
b) 3
c) 2
d) 1
ladder rung must be at least ___ rung
11 1/2”
11 1/2”
ladder rungs must be spaced at _____ intervals of
12 inches
12 inches
Which of the following will require a skirted plug
440 volt welding machine
440 volt welding machine