religon Flashcards
The virtue that makes it possible for us to believe in God and the things he has revealed
The virtue that helps us trust in the true happiness God wants us to have and in Jesus’ promise of eternal life, and to rely on the help of the Holy Spirit
Charity (Love)
The virtue that directs us to love God above all things and our neighbor as ourselves for the love of God.
Holy Trinity
The mystery of one God in three Divine persons, Father, son, and Holy Spirit
Good spiritual habits that strengthen you and enable you to do what Is right and good. They develop over time with our practices and openness to God’s grace.
After reading the story of St Patrick’s Life - what gift did St. Patrick bring to his people?
He brought the gift of teaching.
What did Patrick’s experience teach St. Patrick
He can teach people about God.
Who are people like when they wonder about the mystery of God and the way God works and lives?
St. Patrick
Old Testament teaches us about revelation….
Israelites learned through Revelation that God is one unfailing in Truth and love.
Jesus showed a deeper level of mystery showing that the one God, is three…..
Divine persons - father, son and Holy Spirit.
What does the church do using the names of the three Divine persons of the Holy Trinity?
Those who are _________- enter into the very life of God who is love.
Every time we do what________we are reminded of our baptism and the participation in the life of the Holy trinity
Sign of Cross
All of the _________–offer a share in God’s life and into the divine mystery that is God the father, son and Holy Spirit.
We profess our belief in the Trinity through two creeds……
Apostles and Nicence
The _________ helps you know the Trinity is with you, protecting and guiding you to live as Jesus did.
Sign of Cross
When you renew your baptismal promises you are reminded that the Trinity gives you new ______ that never ends
By obeying the first commandment, you live in a relationship with the Trinity. What is the first commandment?
I am the Lord your God, you shall not have other Gods besides me
What are virtues?
Good spiritual habits that strengthen you and enable you to do what is good.
Theological virtues?
Faith, hope and charity (love)
Theological virtues are…..
gifts from God.
You can see traces of _________-reflected in every person.
When people__________one another, they reflect the communion of the Divine persons in one God.