Religious responses: Irenaean theodicy Flashcards
- Played huge role in the formation of NT.
- Lived at time where Christians were persecuted for faith, issue of how an all loving and all powerful God could allow suffering of his followers was prevalent.
What did Irenaeus argue?
- argued that God allows evil and suffering to have a place in the world, and that the world was deliberately created with a mixture of goodness and evil, so that we can develop and grow as human beings into a mature and free relationship with God.
Argument for evil
- there had to be evil in the world for us to recognise and appreciate the good.
- Good is a qualitative judgement, so there must be less good things for goodness to exist at all.
Christian elevation from evil
Christians cannot show agape if suffering does not exist (charity)
Limited- beatific vision = eternity with God
Individual development
- we have to have evil in the world in order for us to develop as individuals.
- if we only received luck and goodness, we would never learn anything.
- we grow as individuals through tackling problems, making mistakes, persevering and being patient.
- Evil is ‘soul making’ - it exists necessarily to allow our souls to develop fully.
God’s image
“in His own image and likeness” Genesis 1:26
- being made in God’s image includes giving humans free will.
- we must decide as God does, to commit good actions and turn away from evil.
- God permits free will despite this leading to non-believers.
- We would be like puppets if not made fully in God’s image to include free will.
Meaning of God’s image and likeness
God’s image- We have the freedom of choice that enables us to be moral agents; we have moral autonomy.
God’s likeness- We have to develop and mature to reach our full potential.
How believers can reach God’s likeness
- if we learn to overcome difficulties, cope with our own imperfections and limitations and resist real temptation to do wrong.
- Being truly in the likeness of God can only happen after death (essential part of Irenaean theodicy that everyone should live after death)
- everyone should complete their spiritual development and maturity in order to become the likeness of God (through suffering)
Example of a mother feeding
“In the power of a mother to give strong food to her infant… the child is not yet able to receive more substantial nourishment… God himself to have made man perfect… but man could not receive this being as yet an infant”
Example of Jonah and the Whale
“He patiently suffered Jonah to be swallowed by the whale, not that he should be swallowed up and perish altogether, but that, having been cast out again, he might be the more subject to God, and might glorify Him the more”
Eschatological verification
Cannot falsify the afterlife, which Irenaean theodicy relies upon.
A theory which explains why suffering is so prevalent within the world relies on this verification/ falsification- unreliable as there is no way to prove.
Why does God allow suffering? 1+ 2
- God allows evil
- Irenaeus admits that God allows evil and suffering to continue.
- World deliberately created with mixture of good and evil.
- In order for us to develop and grow as human beings into a mature and free relationship with God. - Evil is necessary to know what is good
- There has to be evil in order to appreciate good.
- Can we appreciate good health without having ever been ill? (if we had no knowledge on the contrary)
Why does God allow suffering? 3 + 4
- Suffering leads to growth
- Individual growth through tackling problems, making mistakes and persevering.
- Part of God’s original intentions for the world.
- Evil put here for a reason by God (for growth and development) - Not puppets
- God created humans ‘in his image and likeness’ and this included free will.
- Humans must have freedom to make choices.
- Preprogrammed if not made fully in his image.
- God as craftsman working with humans as materials- humans should allow God to mould them into perfection.
- eg. acting in faith, allowing experiences of life.
Why does God allow suffering? 5+6
- God’s image and likeness
- distinction between image and likeness.
- made in image, grow into likeness.
- for this we have to develop and mature and reach our potential.
- only do this if overcome difficulties and resist temptation to do wrong. - Part of being good is an effort of will
- If God stepped in every time a person made a mistake to prevent evil this would remove our free choice and we would not learn.