Religious Pluralism and Theology (3) Pluralism Flashcards
What is Theological Pluralism? Why is it an attractive way of thinking?
- The view that there are many ways to salvation, Christianity is just one of them
- Attractiveness lies in the desire to develop the secular liberal aim, a successful society where people of different beliefs co-exist
- A mix of a theological and ethical desire to remove imperialist ideas that lead to tragedies, e.g terrorism
What Three Types of Theological Pluralism does D’Costa distinguish between?
Unitary Theological Pluralism (UTP)
Pluriform Theological Pluralism (PTP)
Ethical Theological Pluralism (ETP)
What does Unitary Theological Pluralism seek to create according to John Hick?
- A global Theology
- A philosophical and theological framework for greater co-operation and understanding between the great world religions
What Philosophical Basis does Hick provide for UTP, using Kants notions?
- He uses Kants epistemological distance between nominal and phenomenal knowledge
- Argues that though religions are phenomenally different they are noumenally referring the same underlying reality
- This underlying reality is what Kant calls the ‘an-Sich’
How does Hick use Wittgensteins famous rabbit duck picture to make a point of how we view the an-Sich?
- He argues that the an-Sich does not reveal itself to humans but rather people experience it according to the culture and times in which we live
- The same way Wittgensteins famous duck rabbit picture can be viewed as different things, the an-Sich is subject to ambiguity
- Different religions clear up this ambiguity in the way in which they express God
How does Hick argue that all religions focus on a Morality and Reality - Centred Life?
- Argues that all religions hold up Kants Categorical Imperatives and treat ones neighbours as they treat themselves
- All religions make a contribution by focusing human existence on the Real (an-Sich) and changing self-centred behaviour to reality centred behaviour
How does Hick argue we should be Theocentric, not Christocentric?
- Argues that revelation emanates from God, not Christ
- Argues Christianity should be focused on God, Theocentric and not Christ, Christocentric
- Task of theologians is to reinterpret incarnation, atonement and resurrection as myths not facts
How does Hick outline the myth of Jesus’ divinity?
- He argues the belief of Christ as the incarnate son of God is a hurdle for Christianity
- He argues the Sola Christus should be abandoned
- Incarnation was used as a myth or metaphor to explain Jesus’ very special consciousness of God, letting him speak of God as a father
- Overtime the myth has been falsely objectified and treated as fact that he was ontologically Gods son
How does Hick argue for Jesus as a gift to the world?
- Argues Christianity msg rid itself of ancient doctrines from Nicaea and Chaldedon which defined Christs divinity and the idea of Trinity
- Hick argues this should be understood as myth, and Christianity should get rid of exclusive doctrines
- Jesus’ social teaching is a gift to the world as other great religious leaders contributed to the world
What is Pluriform Theological Pluralism?
- Argues that there are many different underlying ‘Reals’ and they are experienced by each religion
- No one religion has definite knowledge about an-Sich and each religion has its own authentic version of salvation, liberation or knowledge
How does Keith Ward support Pluriform Theological Pluralism?
- Argues that sometimes we must conclude religions are different and conflicting, but their own reasons are valid
- Knowledge is gained through religious experience and not revelation so there cannot be a competition for exclusive truth
- Experiences in religion change and therefore so does the presentation of its truth claims over time
What is the creation of Ethical Theological Pluralism in response to?
- The argument that Hick has contributed to Imperialism through Unitary Theological Pluralism
- Due to his notion of the Real he introduces a Christian core about the divinity of Christ that makes him an inspirational leader and not Gods son
What is Paul Knitters idea of Ethical Theological Pluralism (ETP) ?
- Based on the view that all religions share a soteriological aim of liberating humans from suffering, injustice and falsehood
- All religions are soteriocentric rather than Reality-centred
- Each religion understands soteriology in different ways and dialogue between them can are creative and fruitful
Where does Paul Knitter take inspiration from in his creation of Ethical Theological Pluralism?
- From latin liberation theology where the central aim is praxis (action) in dealign with social injustice
- Purpose of theology is to provide the means, definitions of justice varies
- Knitter thinks dialogue will enahcen and develop each religions interpretation of reality
- All that is needed is willingness from al religions and a common goal of a better world
How do some criticise Hicks UTP as a form of exclusivism?
- His form of pluralism claims a privileged position of knowing the Real (an-Sich)
- He uses this to judge other religions
Why can Hick be criticised for building UTP on Kantian foundations?
- Can be asked why Kantianism is the supreme rule here?
- Why is the truth given by Kant more important than others notions
How can Hicks UTP lead to agnosticism?
- Kant argues we cannot know the noumenal an-Sich
- Yet Hick presents it in a way Kant never did
What does Hicks UTP wrongly presuppose?
- Presupposes that all religions have a sense of the Real
- However forms of Buddhism reject the notion and others believe there is no Real beyond their deity
What do some people believe Pluralism is doing? (Imperialism?
Some believe Pluralism is promoting a form of imperialist global power-based ideology just as the Church has done in the past with exclusivism
How can Knitters judging of religion through ETP be criticised?
- Judging religions by moral outcomes is extremely restricted of what they are claiming
- Claims every religion has an interest in praxis and social liberation
Does ETP and UTP undermine the Christian idea of salvation?
- Does undermine the traditional salvation
- Religious Pluralism suggests it is sufficient for people to merely seek ‘moral liberation’ or simply a better understanding of reality
How is Hicks notion of myth damaging?
- To suggest religious claims are myths and not objectively real is damaging to faith
- According to D’Costa global theology has no context