Religious Pluralism and Theology (2) Inclusivism Flashcards
What is Theological Inclusivism?
- The view that although Christianity is the normative mens of salvation, ‘anonymous’ Christians may also receive salvation
- Inclusivists argue that knowledge of God may be implicit and not solely gained through fides ex auditu
What are the two forms of inclusivism that D’Costa differentiates between?
- Structural Inclusivism
- Restrictive Inclusivism
Who developed Structural Inclusivism and what does it argue?
- Developed by German Roman Catholic Jesuit, Karl Rahner
- SI states that any religion who’s structure develops an openness to Gods grace as revealed in Christ may receive salvation
How does Rahner argue that all humans are able to desire grace and salvation?
- Rahner argues that all human experience is limited and finite
- Because of this fineness, humans have to accept that they can only have an unconditional ‘openness’ to existence itself
- This openness suggests all humans desire grace and salvation
How does Rahner argue all humans have a sensus divinatatus through our experience of ‘being’?
- Rahner argues that deep down we are aware of our morality and limitations
- This prompts us to think about the nature of our existence and our ‘being’
- Once we realise the ‘being’ is deeply mysterious, then humans encounter the unfathomable experience of Gods infinites grace; the one source of this ‘being’
How does Rahner argue that all religious implicitly support his claims?
- He argues that this support is seen when people ask others to behave selflessly, lovingly and charitably to one another
- The structures of worship create an openness to ‘being’ and grace
- The only religion that presents grace explicitly and fully is Christianity through the revelation of Christ
What is the relationship between implicit and explicit knowledge in Rahner’s theology?
- He provides a framework to explain the nature of salvation
- Emphasises the relationship between Christian and Non-Christian
- Also gives an explanation for the inculpably ignorant
What is Anonymous Christianity?
- A term coined by Rahner to refer to any institution which through its structures, practices and values is a means of grace
- Despite incarnation occurring in a specific context Rahner still argues it is universal and timeless
- He argues that it is a mark
How does Anonymous Christianity fare with the Christian idea of incarnation?
- Despite incarnation occurring in a specific context Rahner still argues it is universal and timeless
- He argues that it is a marks a development within history not a divide
- This is because it is an expression of Gods immanence with the world as a whole and its people
Quote Karl Rahner on Anonymous Christianity and Gods grace?
“all men must be capable of being members of the Church”
- He argues that a God who does not wish humans to be saved is incompatible with the experience of Gods grace and his love for his creation
What is Aquinas’ notion of Vote Ecclesia and how does Rahner develop this? (Quote)
- The notion where by even wanting grace by faithfully following a non-Christian religion is sufficient for Gods grace
- “a non-Christian religion can be recognised as a lawful religion”
- Each religion must be judged by the quality of salvation which it offers
- Must go beyond personal experience and have an organised authority to regulate truth and falsehood
What example is in the OT that suggests the presence of Anonymous Christians?
- OT prophets existed outside of Isreals religion and were yet regarded as main proponents of Isreals doctrine of grace
- This suggests anonymous Christians exist
What two a priori notions does Rahner use to argue the existence of Anonymous Christians?
- All humans are ignorant to some extent according to the Original Sin
- All humans are loved unconditionally by God according to the doctrine of Grace
What speech by St Paul does Rahner use to disagree it the Catholic Churchs notion of extra eclesiam nulla salus?
- Cites the speech at the Areopagus in Athens, where St Paul refers to the ‘unknown God’ at the altar
- Although the Greeks worship what they cannot see, Christians know this unknown God explicitly through Christ
- However Paul does not condemn the Greek religion but sees it as a way for those who haven’t heard the gospel to know about God
What is the invisible Church for Rahner? (Quote)
- the Church when its not an ‘exclusive community’ but rather has an important role to play in bringing the teachings of Christianity into the wider world
- Role of the Church is more elusive and less significant
- Christian has a duty to make God who is greater than the Church known to the world
“tolerant… towards all non-Christian religions” - St Paul
What is the role of the visible Church for Rahner?
- He argues that the role of the visible Church is to proclaim explicit means of grace as expressed in the person of Christ
- Moral actions are only good if they conform to the examples set by Christ who is the mediator of Grace
- In order to experience the fullness of Gods grace an anonymous Christian ought to convert and become a Church member
What is Restrictive Inclusivism?
- Argue that God makes provision for individuals who have not heard about the Gospel but still respond positively to natural law through conscience and elements of their own religion
- They do not consider non-Christian religion to be salvific
- A non-Christian religion may only be good preparation for salvation
How can it be argued that RI is no different from UAE?
- RI is not inclusivist, it does not include non-Christian religions, only a few individuals
Can SI be argued to make Christianity imperialist?
- Can be a cause of the imperialism it tries to avoid
- The use of the term ‘anonymous’ to describe non-Christians is offensive and marginalising to their own faith beliefs
Can it be said that SI focuses too much on grace independent from Christ?
- Despite efforts to maintain Sola Christus, he emphasises the general experience of God as more important
Can it be said Anonymous Christianity/Christians is unbiblical?
- Church grew out of the Israelite religion of the OT, it is not independent
- It is therefore a false analogy to compare it to the Israelite religion of the OT
Does SI not reinforce Fides ex auditu enough?
- Can be said it does not emphasise it enough
- Without it, how can anonymous Christians fully confide their sins in a Christian way?
- This is a fundamental condition of being Christian according to D’Costa, so how can someone implicitly do this?
Could it be said that Rahner misused Votum Ecclesia?
- Phrase refers to those who consciously want to become members of the Church
- Not implicitly become a member of something you don’t know what is