Religious Pluralism and Theology (1) Exclusivism Flashcards
What is a Sufficient Condition?
- One where it is enough for something to be the case
- E.g Having a large sum of money and no criminal record is sufficient to gain US Citizenship but these are not necessary as there are other means
What is a Necessary Condition?
- Required for something to be the case
- It is necessary for the PM to be a UK citizen but it is not sufficient because he also needs to be elected
What is the question of necessary and sufficient conditions that Gavin D’Costa asks?
- Although belief in God is necessary is it sufficient for salvation?
- Is belief in Christ sufficient for salvation, or is it also necessary?
What is the controlling belief Sola Christus according to Gavin D’Costa?
Belief that Gods grace is possible only through Christ
What is the controlling belief Fides ex auditu according to Gavin D’Costa?
Belief that true faith is only possible through hearing the Gospel as witnessed in the Bible and preached by the Church
What is the controlling belief Extra ecclesiam nulla salus according to Gavin D’Costa?
Belief that salvation is not possible outside of the Church
What is Theological Exclusivism?
The view that only Christianity fully offers the means of salvation
Quote Bertrand Russel on Theological Exclusivism?
“as a matter of logic… not more than one of them can be true”
- Argues there is only one religion that can be true and the rest untrue
- This is the position of Christians who believe in Theological Exclusivism
What Issues are raised by Theological Exclusivism?
- Can God be known outside Christianity?
- Is knowledge of God the same as receiving salvation?
What is Restrictive Access Exclusivism?
View that salvation is only possible by directly hearing the gospel and accepting Baptism in the Church
What is Universal Access Exclusivism?
The view that God wills the redemption of everyone (universal salvation)
What are the controlling beliefs around the RAE?
- Emphasis on sinfulness of human nature and therefore the uniqueness of Christ as the only means of salvation (Sola Christus)
- Salvation is only possible by hearing the gospel and accepting baptism into the church (fides ex auditu)
What is Biblical support for the RAE view point?
“There is salvation in no one else” - Acts 4:12
What is the main issue facing the RAE view point?
- Whether those who have never heard the gospel through any fault of their own
- It seems contrary for a just and loving God to condemn those who have not heard the gospel out of no fault of their own
What is the Calvinist response to the RAE problem of those who have not been exposed the gospel?
- Calvinists argue that humans are inherently sinful and therefore God has no obligation to save anyone
- God is just as loving because there are some he does elect because of their virtue
- Support the doctrine of limited and double predestination, the most extreme antelapsarian decree, God chose heaven for the good and hell for the wicked
What is the middle knowledge argument in response to the RAE issue?
- Used by some scholars to justify the criticism that double predestination limits human freedom and the purpose of faith
- Argument states that God is omniscient and humans have some free will, so God knows all that will happen
- It is possible that God knows who truly receives the Gospel and has had it preached to them and which of those includes those who were born before the Gospel was revealed in Christ
What is Universal access exclusivism? (UAE) Highlight the key difference between UAE and RAE?
- UAE believes that in St Pauls quote ‘in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself’
- RAE believe ‘the world’ is only referring to the elect
- UAE believes ‘the world’ is referring to everyone
Quote the NT in support of UAE?
“God our saviour, who desires everyone to be saved”
What is the problem posed for Universal Access Exclusivism?
- If God allows redemption for everyone (universal salvation) then how are those born before Christ or into non-Christian communities meant to be saved
- They lack fides ex auditu
How do UAE argue that those in non-Christian communities undergo preparation?
- Living your life morally according to conscience and natural law in devotion to God in a non-Christian religion
- This develops a sensus divinitatus
- As a result this acts as good preparation for when the gospel is preached to them
How does the UAE argue for life after death in those who belong to non-Christian communities?
- People may experience purgatory
- This is an intermediate state where the person may encounter the gospel
- They would accept Gods redemption in Christ
What controlling belief does the UAE adopt that leads them to rejecting universalism?
- Believe that there is no salvation outside of the Church
- extra ecclesiam nulla salus
Quote the Roman Catholic Church on other religions?
“reflect a ray of truth which enlightens everyone”
- Believe that other religions have bits of truth
- But overall they lack the necessary controlling beliefs as defined by the Catholic Church as necessary for salvation
What does the RC declaration ‘Dominus Iesus’ Church say about theological plural and relativism?
Argues that the position of theological pluralism undermines the unity of the Church and ‘fullness’ of Christs salvation