Religious Phrases Flashcards
(When directing a congregation to a chapter and verse)
نجبدو كاملين
I am a sinner
أبا خاطء
Have you ever read the Bible?
واش عمرك قريتي الانجيل؟
I read the Bible everyday
منبرا الانجيل كل نهار
In the past / lit “in that year”
فديك ليام
In the River
This is a picture of what Jesus did for us. He died on the cross to wipe away our sin.
All who believe in him
“I say to you it will be like this”
راه هكا غتكون
Day of rest
False testimony
شهادة الزور
How is your relationship with God?
By no means
God is good
الله الحقّ
What is true and how do we know?
God created everything
الله خلق كلشي
The goal of life is to know God and worship him
الهدف و الغاية من الحياة هي نعرفو الله و نعبدوه
Sin breaks our relationship with God
الخطية كيحرّس العلاقتنا اللي كتجمعنا ب لله
The wages/result of sin is death
النتيجة ديال الدنوب هي الموت
Equivalent: jesus has a deep and strong relationship with God
يسوع المسيح عندو العلاقة عميقة و قوية مع الله
Surpasses knowledge
فوق كل معرفة
The source of true honor and life
الأصل ديال شارف والحيات حقيقين
Jesus rose from the dead
يسوع قام من الموت
We must accept Jesus
خصنا تقبلو يسوع
I follow Jesus
كنطبع يسوع المسيح