Religious Life Question plans Flashcards
Examine the Hindu concept of Varnashramadharma
Introduction: Catuvarnashramadharma four social and religious duties according to caste and stage of life. Varnas:Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, and Shudras, Ashrama: Brahmacharya Grihastha Vanaprastha Sannyasin
Paragragh one: Varnas Story of pursa after secon millenium ““The four varnas are part of the eternal order (Sanatan Dharma)” (Bhagavad Gita”
Paragraph two: Ashramas “A person should engage in the duties of their ashrama, for these duties purify the soul” (Manusmriti 6.83).
Paragraph three: dharma “far better to dones duty ill than anothers well” why is it important kama dharma artha moksha
Conclusion: relevance to today, varna system opposed by Ghandi and ambedkhar for dalit discimnation also illegal in india 1950.
Hindu beliefs and teachings about the four ashramas 20 marks
Intro: definition Brahmacharya Grihastha Vanprathsa Sannyasin
Paragraph one: Brahmacharya “The purpose of Brahmacharya is to instill discipline and spiritual wisdom to prepare for future duties”